Vaporl (dot) com Shipping

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 11, 2011
Moscow PA
Supplier Negative Review

Name of retailer:​

Date of your initial complaint to the supplier
Aug 15, 2018​

Method used when initiating complaint with retailer

Ticket number (if you were issued one)

General nature of complaint

Briefly describe your problem or issue
I ordered a 10 pack of Ceto Cartridges from Vaporl on July 24. I contacted them on August 10 asking about the shipping email. Later that day they gave me a 17tracking number and said to wait 2 days for it to work. The tracking# turns out to be a FedEx tracking#.

On August 11 I got an email stating that they shipped.

On August 15 they emailed me saying that they made an error and only shipped one cartridge and that they will ship the 10 pieces but asked if I wanted to order more. I said no, please just send my order. I received more emails asking to order more items. I told them to just send what I originally ordered and that I was not happy.

On August 16 they sent another email asking me to place another order. Again, I said to just send what I originally ordered.

The FedEx Tracking# shows it shipped on Aug 10, arrived in Carson, CA on the 20th and is currently on its way to me in Pennsylvania.

How can they make an error telling me that they only shipped One cartridge on the 10th, discover the error on the 15th, try making me order more items a few times, and then give me another email saying they will ship the rest of the cartridges ASAP on the 16th??? All with the same tracking# with FedEx...​


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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 11, 2011
Moscow PA
Sorry about all this, Risks
standard shipping sometimes delayed and takes about 3 weeks. but we will have US-based warehouse next month and we can ship from US, it will be very fast then. :w00t::w00t::w00t:
I can understand 3 weeks but 2 months... Not acceptable. There are too many better websites out there that take better care for their customers. Some use faster shipping service too that is also free.
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