vendors-so many online only no phone #

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
If you are ordering an EGO kit this is ALL you need to start:

Start Kit
Liquid: most users use at least 2ml a day

You "need" nothing else to start. Nothing.

However, I would get at a box of catomizers. 1 box of 5 = $8.
Many people prefer a Low Resistance atomizer. You may want to order one to try it.
You likely only get 5 cartridges with the kit. You may want to order 5 more to have.

That is all you need.

Once you know you like the atty/cart combo or you prefer the cartomizer, or want to try to drip, or whatever - you can then order more stuff. And if like most anyone on here - you likely will... LOL.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
You don't need a box. It is just a box to look pretty when you get it or giving as a gift. Serves no other purpose, lol.

My guess is that they bought individual parts cheaper than the kits and simply throwing a starter kit together. Likely why no box.

If you want the box buy it from LiteCig. $55 AND you get the box, lol. But it serves no purpose.
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