Weirdo Breaks His Neck

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Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Thanks to everyone for the tips and advise, but I'm still confused about the sheer nastiness of my experience. From reading around, it sounds like something in the cartomizer might have been burnt, or something.

I promise, I'm not being picky about this... is was noxious. What could do that to such an extreme? Are the Chinese trying to kill me by putting liquid rat poison in Go-Go cartomizers? It was that bad.

I'm sure it's chinese juice that's in the carto. Not that that's a bad thing, they invented the ecig. But some people find the juice harsh. Other's love it for the throat hit. Different strokes. Many US vendors mix to order and you select pg/vg ratio.

I happen to like the juice from nhalers, Backwoods Brew and Vapor Bomb. But there are tons of fine juice suppliers out there. It may take you a few tries to find the perfect juice for you. You could try the classifieds and try a bunch of samples from different vendors.

Memphis Weirdo

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ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2011
Midtown Memphis
Welcome Weirdo, glad to see you made it over.

Hey, Dee. Yes, I am learning how to swim in these troubled waters, but I'm actually having fun in the face of frustration.

Today, I sacrificed one of my Mustard Gas carts in the name of science.

After pulling out the stuffing, I took a pipe cutter to the outer metal case of the cart, and cut it off near the base. Then, I inspected the central wick tube (just to see the lay-out and the principle involved) before completely removing the wick.

Now, I am down to the wire that connects the + and - terminals. As the wire travels from one terminal to the next, it tightly wraps around a small wad of wick material. Obviously, it is the fluid that is absorbed in this wrapped wick that gets vaporized.

From the noxious fumes that I got from the cart while vaping, I expected to see charring and blackness on this wrapped core wick, but it looks pretty clean and white. There might be a slight bit of browning on one end of it, outside the wire wrap, but since it's outside the coil I don't see how that could be the result of "dry firing" it.

Anyhow, I'm still working on it, but at least I think I've discovered how to chop a Go-Go cartomizer and make the mini-cart device that can be used to sample very small samples of juice.

Michael Hocks

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Dec 2, 2010
Tigard, OR
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Michael Hocks

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Michael Hocks

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Tigard, OR
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Michael Hocks

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Tigard, OR
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Michael Hocks

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Michael Hocks

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Michael Hocks

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Michael Hocks

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Tigard, OR
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Michael Hocks

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Tigard, OR
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Michael Hocks

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Tigard, OR
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2011
Portland, OR
I had to look up the Go-Go again - holy carp, it's an eGo on steroids!!! I want one!

Anyway, in my limited experience, I've gotten a mixed-bag of results from different fluids.
But I don't think that's OP's problem as what they described their experience to be.

I think OP may be burning their fluid. One thing I noticed with my clearomizers (2.4-2.6ohm), I can hit them pretty hard with my KR8's and they're just fine - great, actually! However, if I use the exact same technique with my eGo, it will almost instantly burn the fluid and give a very foul taste... With the KR8's, I can "pre-burn" for an instant and keep the button pressed for the duration of the drag; whereas, with the eGo it's more of a "post-burn" technique and a shorter firing (but continuing with the drag after letting off the button).

EDIT: Geez, can you imagine an appropriately sized Clearomizer for a Go-Go??? That would be insane!

Memphis Weirdo

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Jun 9, 2011
Midtown Memphis
Do you direct inhale or do you inhale into your mouth then into your lungs? Might be as simple as that.

The first couple of times that I tried it, I think I direct-inhaled, simply because I wasn't used to the device yet. After I thought about it for a while, I was conscious of that and made sure that I held the vapor in my mouth for as long as I could before drawing it in... SAME EFFECT.

This vapor was pure rancid/noxious/toxic.

Right now, I'm fairly convinced that the pre-fill liquid in the cartomizers is bad in some way. I dissected one of the carts, and everything looked fine inside. There was no charring; nothing gunky.

So, I ordered some blank carts and I'll try it with different juice and see how it goes.
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Ultra Member
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Nov 6, 2010
First of all, welcome to ecf. I have not had any luck with prefilled cartos, even when ordering a flavor I know I like. I don't know, I suspect something happens to them during transport...who knows!? I'm glad to see you didn't just give up though. The biggest part of the learning curve is finding the right juices. I have had plenty of bad experiences with juices I just did not like. I don't think I could ever describe the experience as eloquently as you though, lol. I certainly hope you find a flavor you enjoy soon. I can't wait to read your future reviews!

Hellen A. Handbasket

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Feb 26, 2009
San Tan Valley, Arizona
Am I correct in assuming that all of this wadding and wick material is fiberglass?

The wadding material is polyester (same that is in a 3 piece e-cig cartridge) and there is nickel metal mesh for wicking located above the atomizer wire and also a bit of Aramid fiber (no melting point and degradation doesn't start until 500 degrees) which wicks liquid directly to the nichrome wire which heats up and vaporizes the e-liquid.

No fiberglass.

Nothing that is going to give you problems. Polyester can scorch a bit if you vape a cartomizer dry (liquid is important to maintain the right heat level to keep things from getting too hot and burning inside). All manufacturer's use the same materials.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2011
Chapel Hill, NC
I just did a quick scan through the previous posts, so forgive me if I'm reposting a possible solution...

It is possible that you're reacting to the propylene glycol. Some people are allergic to it. You may want to try ordering some juice that is made with pure vegetable glycerine.

Often prefilled carts taste like week old ...., but it shouldn't have caused the discomfort it caused you. Vape carefully until you find something you can handle...

Memphis Weirdo

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2011
Midtown Memphis
OK, here's an update for anyone who might be interested in this ordeal.

With my original "Mustard Gas" pre-filled carts, I tried everything. I held the vapor as long as possible before drawing it into my lungs. I did brief bumps on the battery button to make sure that I wasn't burning anything. No change... noxious fumes, horrible chemical smell, sensation of having been poisoned.

So, I took my remaining Go-Go carts, thoroughly washed them out, thoroughly dried them, then filled them with some new juice that had arrived in the mail.

Million times better.

It took a little while for the molecular remnants of the "Mustard Gas" to go away, but it's gone now. Obviously, the problem was with the pre-fill juice. I just can't understand pre-fill juice that could possibly be THAT BAD. Seriously, people, I thought all of my internal organs were gonna shut down.

Anyhow, that's over, but I wouldn't say that everything is perfect now. The juice that I'm using now is still pretty harsh, and it's irritating my throat a bit. The bottle doesn't say what its PG/VG ratio is, but I assume it's high on the PG side (maybe 100% PG), since it is pretty thin (watery) and the exhaled vapor amount seems a little low.

I have some VG on the way, so I'll soon try a 50/50 mix and see how that goes.

Weirdo is taking his lumps, earning his stripes, and standing firm at the helm.

Sincerely, thanks to everyone for their kind advise.
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