What am I doing wrong?

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2015
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Hi All, I am hooked on vaping and love this forum. I currently have an itaste VTR and it came with an iclear 30s tank. When I got the VTR I was told that they could not get replacement coils (?) for the VTR, so I also got a Nautilus Mini tank to use with it. I don't like using the extension to use the Nautilus Mini. I was in another B&M vape shop and they recommended I use the Aerotank V2 as it was able to slide right in the VTR. I picked up the Aerotank V2 and some replacement coils. Now comes my problem. When I draw on the Aerotank V2 I get popping and snapping from the coils. It seems as if I am getting a dry hit. The taste is not pleasant and the sound is annoying. I have only one vent hole showing on the bottom of the tank and have tried other variations on the vent holes. I have tried slow draws and quick hits. There is no change. When I do manage to get a hit without the popping and snapping it is very pleasant. When am I doing wrong? I have searched on the forum and pretty much everyone is very happy with the Aerotank V2. I could not find any other post that explains what is going on. What am I doing wrong?

Jerry C.


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Hi Jerry!

What is the resistance of the Aerotank? What's your volts/watts setting on the VTR? It sounds like you're driving your coil too hard. As for the snapping and popping, that's usually an indication that the juice is vaporizing. Some of my tanks do that, and I've just gotten used to it. Burnt hits usually mean that the topper can't wick quickly enough. What's your PG/VG ratio?


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2015
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Thanks again, everybody. This has been an education for me. After getting the popping and burning fixed, I was getting real bad gurgling. I did a search of the forums (I am learning) and found out that the coil was flooded. I pulled out the coil and using a paper towel blew through the top, then I took a Q tip and dabbed the area the coil screws into then reassembled everything. I let it set for about 5 minutes and presto...a nice quite, pleasant tasting vape. This forum is wonderful and the members are the best.
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