what cartomizers fit 7s micro battery??

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New Member
Apr 25, 2013
United States
okay so i went ahead a got a 7s ecig and to me there perfect for my needs, haven't smoked a cig in 4days or so. (one today because i ran out of cartomizers) i have been searching for cartomizers that would fit my 7s micro battery i've read the m301 but i could be wrong. to me the cartomizers from my7s are a bit pricey. if anyone got some info please help, im trying to order some today!


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Jun 2, 2011
I think the 7s micro has RN4081 threading, you might be able to find cartos that will work from other cigalike's that have the same threading or
a rn4081 to 510 adapter.

I started on this kit:) LJ Esmokes has some blanks on the 3rd page of the cartomizers. It says they are compatible with the No7 Micro and 601C models !! I hope this helps . I could not find these when I was using the 7's and so I ended up changing my e cig type..
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