What is the difference in the different size batteries

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
My other batteries are put up right now cause all I use is XL now, but I just measured the XL with a carto and it is about 5 1/2 inches. I have all the sizes and this is the only one I will use now, just easier and last longer. The XL will last a full day of vaping, the regular is about 1/2 to 2/3 a day and the mini is about a 1/2 day. Also the XL feels like it hits stronger then the rest when charged, I even use it over my passthrough!

Hope this helped!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
oh also to note all my batteries are manual, I started out with auto but always had issues with it starting and staying on when I puffed, with the manual you press the button and it starts instantly, no delay, and it will stay on with no question when the button is pressed down while you vape, unlike auto if you start slacking on the puff it might fade out on the power.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
Thank you! Your information helped tremendously! That is one of my choices that I favor. I didn't want it to look like a Bic Pen and 5 1/2 inches isn't that long. I am looking for a strong hit and of course one that lasts without having to recharge all of the time.

No problem and I hope you enjoy it! The way I see it is why pay for a slice of pizza when you can have the whole thing! (comparing a mini to a XL)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2010
Guys, thats great info there!!! I've been a little nervous that I chose the shorties, as I'm a chain smoker (hoping to become a chain vaper, lol), and now I'm sure of my choice. I think I may get a regular or XL along with a PCC on my next order, which will be this friday--after I've had a chance to try out my starter kit. Its so funny--this feels like an adventure, instead of the dreaded cold turkey method. I was thinking last night about it, and why its gotten my attention so much lately, and I realized that right now, the cigarettes are controlling me. When I begin to vape, I'll be controlling that--and thats a huge thing, isnt it? Maybe they could use that slogan for a campain!
Dont let the nicotine control you, by vaping you control the nicotine!
Okay, now I'm just being silly.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2010
Virginia Beach
I am going to order the XL. I want a cigarette style that I can vape out and about plus at home. I don't want to lose the flavor that you seem to lose on an atty. V4L seems the most versatile. Though I own three other models I'm tired of having an atty and cart though I know I could order cartomizers for what I own already and probably will I want something more versatile...an all day vape you might call it.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2010
Just bear in mind when the XL is in a PCC the lid will not close

Bah you don't need a PCC if you get the XL, I charge one up per night on my computer or in the wall, and have another ready for rotation, so all you need is one XL for all day, then one while the other charges, REALLY you only need one if you charge while you sleep! But I like having two in case I go out of town for like say 2 days, I just take 2 XLs and im good till I get back home, other wise I just take a wall charger for longer periods away from home.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2010
I use an XL most of the times as I don't want to have to carry a lot of stuff and I sure don't want my battery to die on me. If I'm going on a quick trip to the store and back a shorty is good for me. It's all about options. I love having them.

If the size of the XL does not bother you I would recommend starting there. That is going to be good old reliable. After that if you decide you want a smaller battery, it's always an option. I have about 10 XL batteries now and I love them all!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 26, 2010
Virginia Beach
I am planning on starting out with the regular WOW carts...want the throat hit and the whole bit. Will try some Cool carts but have read they don't fit on the XL's correctly.

I want to get totally off analogs and hope the cartos and the the shape of these will do the trick. The 2 kinds I use all of the time now are not cig shaped and plus I have the attys that I can replace with cartos but I want a long lasting cig shaped so sounds like the XL are exactly what I need.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2010
I saw that, and have been trying to decide if I should go with a regular size, so I can use the pcc for all my charging or just go ahead and go with the XL and charge that with the wall charger. Since I got the shorty starter package, I'm not sure the wall charger will fit the XL, or if I'll need to get a new one just for that. So many choices!LOL!!! So much stuff to play with!!!! I noticed on my tracking that my set is "out for delivery" so that means I'll be able to try vaping tonight!!! I cant wait!
BTW-Hoppyy, I really like your avatar. :)
Bah you don't need a PCC if you get the XL, I charge one up per night on my computer or in the wall, and have another ready for rotation, so all you need is one XL for all day, then one while the other charges, REALLY you only need one if you charge while you sleep! But I like having two in case I go out of town for like say 2 days, I just take 2 XLs and im good till I get back home, other wise I just take a wall charger for longer periods away from home.

Mostly just FYI--most would not need it. i actually have six and use 2+ a day. i really don't even use my passthrus anymore


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2010
Thanks, Trish!
I appreciate you taking the time to answer that, it helps. I got my starter kit last night and love it. I have only had a few smokes since it came, mainly during the charging process, and one this morning. Already, my breathing is easier, and I'm feeling more energy-but that could easily be due to the excitement of starting out!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2010
Actually--I'm finding I'm only smoking when my battery dies and I'm still waiting for the first one to finish charging. This is why I timed things so I would be able to place a big order right after receiving the first one. I just added an XL battery and a PCC to my order, and more blank carts. I got so many flavors that I only have one cart per, which was kinda silly. But over all, I'm thrilled!!! I really think I'll be tossing these analogs as soon as my next order arrives, and today I''m going to try to not smoke any analogs at all-so tomorrow I can say I've done it! I've read the many stories but I really didnt think it would be that way for me, I could never be so lucky, right? I'm off to play the lottery next, LOL!!
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