What I've learned in my first week of vaping

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Full Member
Oct 28, 2014
Hi everyone, just thought i would stop in and post a few things i learned my first week of vaping for any other new guys.

I started vaping last friday and thought what a ....... waste of money and questioned if i wasted my money all weekend. This was all because of how harsh every hit was and how bad my throat hurt.

First, when i got my vape the guy fills up for me and has me take a hit off it immediately. Well that sucked ... due to the burning of the dry bvc combined with too high of a nic level. Let those new bvcs soak and start low on the nic level scale, i know most start high but it sucks when you can't vape because every rip hurts like crazy. Oh and dont try to suck the vape so deep into your lungs.

Second, if you have an aspire nautilus, not the mini, put the bvc element from the mini in it. Works so much better!

Third, get some quality juice. My local shops was OK despite the high level of nic. I ordered some from Mt Baker Vapor and it is amazing though! It's nice to support your local shops but there are companies out there that really know what they are doing. Max VG all the way!

Anyway guys, just wanted to stop in, say hi, and pass along some information. (probably obvious to a lot of you!) :)

vaping is a joy now and what an awesome way to unwind. If anyone has any questions let me know! Cheers


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Oct 27, 2014
Yes, I burned up my first BVC... I filled it and let it sit for a half hour, took a few primer puffs, and it still burned.

Now, I prime them until they begin to flood, blow them out, and fire away! This method seems to work for me, I get zero dry hits, zero gurgling, and zero flooding (minus the first intentional flooding), etc.

Hardware failure and/or improper use can really hamper a new vapor and turn them off to the whole experience.
At first I bought a $20 blister pack setup and marlboro fLavored juice. I hated it and figured it just wasn't for me. When I gave the juice away my friend told me it was terrible and if he had started with that he would have quit vaping too. So I tried a different juice, vanilla tobacco, and been going ever since with no smokes


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf Keeferton. So glad you are here and congrats to you on the vaping. Isn't it wonderful? You've learned a lot in the first week, and I hate to tell you this but, I've been here a lot longer and I am still learning something new almost everyday. That is why I enjoy reading these new member posts. I always seem to learn something. That is really what makes ecf so special. Good luck and continued success to you. Have fun and happy vaping.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2014
I'm new to vaping also and the problem i'm having no matter what juice I try the taste is so very bland. Very boring. But will keep trying different things to hopefully hit that "sweet spot".

check out mt baker. For a little extra money you can add flavor shots. They also recommend to let your juice steep for a few weeks to get the full flavor. I am very happy with what ive gotten from them so far.

Edit: thanks for the hospitality guys, this community is amazing!


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ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2014
Yes, I burned up my first BVC... I filled it and let it sit for a half hour, took a few primer puffs, and it still burned.

Now, I prime them until they begin to flood, blow them out, and fire away! This method seems to work for me, I get zero dry hits, zero gurgling, and zero flooding (minus the first intentional flooding), etc.

Hardware failure and/or improper use can really hamper a new vapor and turn them off to the whole experience.

Exact same thing happened to me and I let them sit for an hour. Burned up my first coil and then nearly flooded the next one (thanks to tips here on ECF) and it worked great.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2014
Stoughton, MA
Very nice! Welcome to ECF by the way. Oh, and the BVC coils are just Nautilus coils - not specifically for the mini. Aspire now ships both tanks with BVC heads. The old BDC's used to be all there was then they improved the design. Just an FYI to make it easier when you look for replacements :)

That's messed up that a clerk had you hit that thing immediately after filling - he should know better. Hell, I knew better before I'd ever even seen one just by researching when I was shopping for a decent tank and I certainly don't work in a vape store... I'm fairly new myself :D
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