What kind of atty ohm readers do you guys use?

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Feb 18, 2012
United States
I have a functional one that I've had for a very long time. It was made by a user on the forum way back in the day, before anyone actually really made them. I'm just afraid of it going on the fritz one of these days so I'm in the market for just a simple 510 atty ohm ready.
Nothing fancy... don't really NEED any of the dry fire buttons or multiple atty ports or any stuff like that.. just a simple ohm reader for coils is fine for me.

I was checking out the Coil Master one but wasn't sure if there was another good quality simple device I could/should get. The more compact the better!

Any suggestions? Figured I'd ask here.. I don't really venture out of the GG forum much haha. Plus you guys like top quality items (I mean, we're Golden Greek users, come on :p) so it just makes sense :)

Thanks guys!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I have a coilmaster mini tab reader. It works absolutely fine for my purposes. I need a stable base for building and while the accuracy may not be insane, it is plenty for my purposes. It's also pretty indestructible, I've leaked all over it on multiple occasions during failed builds and I would much rather be doing that on my $12 ohms reader than any of my expensive mods. I use it all the way through test firing, and it works great.

If you don't need anything crazy expensive or accurate to 0.00 percent, it should suit you fine. I don't tend to hear a lot of complaints about it either. Best of luck deciding,



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    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Feb 18, 2012
    United States
    Thanks - I'll look at the coil master one(s) again, as well as that Tab Pro one.. that looks nice and small and compact (I have a little kit that has all my wire/wick material/scissors/etc etc) so that is a plus if it'll fit with my kit. I'll check out reviews on both and compare.

    Thanks guys!
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