what to buy?

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Full Member
Feb 21, 2011
Hello everyone! I JUST became a member to this site so bare with me! I have been looking into ecigs lately and find it very overwhelming with all the choices and new lingo. So I thought this would be the place for help. Here is what I am hoping for out of an ecig/vape.

To feel like a real cig hit.
An ecig that is about the size of a real smoke.
Be cheaper then my current "analog" habit(2 packs of camel lights a day!)
suppress my nicotine craving.
And finally, an ecig that can possibly be used to kick the nic habit completely.
Easy/fast getting refills.

I hope this isnt asking too much but let me know what you all think, thanks in advance!


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
Welcome to the forum! If you are determined to get something the size of a real cigarette, the 510, KR808D-1 or even the new Bloog MaxxFusion would be your best bets. All of these are available with cartomizers that you can easily replace or refill, or in the case of the 510, atomizers with cartridges that you can replace or refill. Buying juice and refilling is the recommended way, as you get much more choice and value. I just hope these are all available in Holland without too much trouble!


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Hehe... Welcome to ECF!! Welcome to the Vaping world!!

First, please watch this video: If you’re new, this WILL be you. « Zombienerd's PV Blog

Feel free to read a few other posts there as well, I've put some great information down just for new vapers like you.

Next, if you're still adamant about going with a "looks, feels, and acts like a cigarette" model, I'd recommend a 510 starter kit to try out. You can pick one up at most online vendors, rather inexpensively.

If you decide that you can handle something a little larger, I highly recommend the eGo-T. It's about the size of a Sharpie marker, but usually lasts a full day (depending on how much you use it), the longer battery can last more than 24 hours, even for a heavy user. It is easy to refill, a lot cleaner than most of the other options, as well!


Full Member
Jan 23, 2011
Bloog Maxxfusion...I started with it about a month ago. I have been analog free for two weeks. Go with the deluxe or ultimate kit. I believe the ultimate kit is still out of stock but with the CNY ending I think they should be able to fill your order soon. It is worth the wait. The cartomizers are great and easy to refill. Welcome to EFC and hang it there e-cigarettes are the way to go!


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Thanks for the replies so far! I am in Holland,Michigan,US btw, so ordering shouldn't be a problem. Thanks!:)

Knowing it's Michigan helps a lot :) I thought you were over in amsterdam :)

Check out cignot.com They are one of the best in the business. Good prices, EXCELLENT customer service, and they're in Illinois, so your items might even arrive the next day if you do the priority upgrade.

They offer both the 510, as well as the eGo lines of PV's. Can't say enough good things about them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Thanks for the replies so far! I am in Holland,Michigan,US btw, so ordering shouldn't be a problem. Thanks!:)

That may depend, is it upper or lower Michigan? :laugh:

+1 on a fat battery PV for a 2 pad smoker, the ego, or riva are good starter sets in 510 thread.
And I believe the Pig-Cig and elegant easy are 808 thread PVs.

Having a battery that lasts at least half a day makes it easier, your "bic" don't run dry 5 times a day lessens the things you need to worry about starting out.

And welcome to ECF, even if you're in the US.:laugh:


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Checking out cignot right now for the joy 510, for the accessories what is the difference between PG and VG?

PG - More throat hit, more flavor, less vapor
VG - Less throat hit, less flavor, more vapor.

Most people find a mix of the two to be good... you may have to try a few different mixes before you find your "perfect" vape.

I use 70/30 pg/vg or 80/20 pg/vg
Hehe... Welcome to ECF!! Welcome to the Vaping world!!

First, please watch this video: If you’re new, this WILL be you. « Zombienerd's PV Blog

Feel free to read a few other posts there as well, I've put some great information down just for new vapers like you.

Next, if you're still adamant about going with a "looks, feels, and acts like a cigarette" model, I'd recommend a 510 starter kit to try out. You can pick one up at most online vendors, rather inexpensively.

If you decide that you can handle something a little larger, I highly recommend the eGo-T. It's about the size of a Sharpie marker, but usually lasts a full day (depending on how much you use it), the longer battery can last more than 24 hours, even for a heavy user. It is easy to refill, a lot cleaner than most of the other options, as well!

I'm also brand new, and I picked up both the 510 and the eGo-T. Both have their perks, and I very much like them both for different reasons. The 510 feels more like a smoke, and I keep stronger fluid in it. You have to give it a primer puff or two to really get it going, but once it's there, it works extremely well. Switching carts is easy, and I keep a few different ones filled so that I can swap them depending on my mood.

The eGo-T is also excellent. It's less "maintenance" than the 510 because you just fill the cart, pop it in and you're done. It holds more juice than the 510, the smoke is smoother, and at least in my experience, I can taste the juice more in the eGo than I can with the 510.

I've had both batteries last me from morning to night, and I just charge them up overnight before I go to bed. If I had to pick one or the other, I'd go with the eGo-T, but having both is definitely a plus if you can swing it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2011
Wakulla Florida
If you go with the 510......better get extra batteries. The regular batt will only last 2-3 hours I hear.

I went with a ego for better batt time. I also am using the tank atties with mixed results.
The tanks do make it easy.With everything there is a learning curve.
Watch alot of vids and read alot on this forum.....lots of good info.
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If you go with the 510......better get extra batteries. The regular batt will only last 2-3 hours I hear.

I went with a ego for better batt time. I also am using the tank atties with mixed results.
The tanks do make it easy.With everything there is a learning curve.
Watch alot of vids and read alot on this forum.....lots of good info.

My 510 batteries, so far, have both lasted all day on a full charge. I'm yet to kill one, and I'd say I vape it every ~15-30 minutes for 5-10 drags. The PCC for it works great as well.
LOL. I went from step .5 ($40 @ 7-11 vs $200 at the mall) to step 3. I can see myself at step 4 someday.

Same here. :D I'm about $350 into it now. 510 kit, eGo-T kit, PCCs, passthroughs, and about $200 in juices. I think I have enough juice on the way to fill my swimming pool in the spring!


New Member
Dec 29, 2010
clovis nm
from what i remember the pg has better flavor and the vg produces better vapor.

i started with the regular joye 510 kit, but that usally requires me to carry a extra battery or 2 depending on long i am gone from home, skip the auto batteries.

before you plung head in do the reviews on the juices that are offered and try to order from someone who might get you close to what flavor you want, they will never exactly match, but when i ocasionally slip (like once a month) regular cigs taste like .... now

i prefer to stay with US vendors when it comes to juices, i've order from halo, arctic vapor and viking king so far, all their stuff has been great, and dont just restrict yourself to tobaco flavors have some fun with it, you can afford to with all the savings, lol.
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