what type of coil build should i do for less dripping and adequate clouds for vaping

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Full Member
Jun 2, 2014
i have a 30A and dual micro coil build with 26 g . Its annoying that i have to drip every 10 (1-3 seconds inhales ) does anyone know a better method in buiding that provides okay clouds but less dripping every 10( 1-3 secondinhales) because icreate clouds like mofoker but i hate dripping over and over again. i use cotton wick and do about 4/3 wraps


Full Member
Jun 7, 2014
USA Tampa, FL
Personally what I would say is to a 24 or 28 Gauge Nano or Super Nano coil Dual if it want but nano's do get pretty hot depending on your voltage and heat up quite fast. when making it I would say do 6 wraps and make sure when you put it in tilt the coil and if you wanna drip less put cotton under it and a small thin piece of 100% all natural cotton on top leaving a good corner of the coil exposed to your air hole for better breathing so you will get some great clouds and also have to drip less.


Moved On
Dec 6, 2013
If you want big clouds, you'll go through more juice at each puff. That's just plain logic. If that's what you want, make a longer wick that holds more juice.

The trick with long wicks is to reconcile good immediate feeding of the coil (i.e. you want some of what you drip into the atty to land directly on the coil, and the rest on the tails of the wick for "storage", so you don't have to wait for the juice to creep its way down the length of the wick to vape), leaving enough of the coil exposed to the airflow without flooding, leaving a direct escape path for the vapor from the coil to the drip tip, and maximizing wick length.

Depending on you particular atty, it can take a lot of experimenting to find the right setup. But here's a trick that helps: leave the tails of the coil attached and use them to support the wick and lock it in place.

Alternatively, you could try chasing flavor instead of big clouds :) For that, the quality of your wicking job is essential too. In fact, I find a good wick is a lot more important than a good coil...


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Jun 8, 2014
Isle of Man
What resistance are your coils?

I started out with dual coils around 0.5 - 0.7 ohms - but recently built a 1.5ohm single coil which is working quite well. The mech mod doesn't drive that very well - but on a variable wattage mod at 15w its very nice. I think this setup is less extreme in terms of juice usage and battery drain compared to the 0.5ohm dual coil on a mech mod.

However - that setup is less than 24hours old - I might decide I want to go back to the sub-ohm build after more use.
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