Woo-Hoo - I'm another ex-smoker

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Feb 17, 2011
Jackson, MI
I took one toot and said "I can do this". That was 3 weeks ago.
Haven't touched an analog since and I have no desire to either.

Went through the newbie trials of the e-health cig and learned that i have to take off the plastic cap for better draw and a drop of PG will renew the carts.

Bought an ego-T from Vicky at cignot last night and a bunch of wild juices from Dave at Freedom. Can't wait to play with them. I bought the ego-T because i'm a road warrior - about 4 hours a day schlepping hardware and software.

I'm so excited over this revolution. Every smoker MUST be aware of this FUN alternative. Christmas will be so easy next year.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Northern Indiana
Congratz on getting off the smokes! Its been about 2 weeks for me and I really was only looking for a way to cut back on my smoking. I really figured I would smoke for the rest of my life. But low and behold, its been almost 2 weeks since my last one. And I truly can not see myself ever having another one. Good luck to you!


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Feb 17, 2011
Jackson, MI
Thanks all for your kind words of welcome and encouragement.

Quite honestly, I don't need the encouragement to get off the coffin nails - but thanks for the concern.
...and to think gubmint officials say it isn't a valid cessation program...sheesh.
They're just scared of all the sin tax revenue thats about to disappear.

I believe I just converted a best friend tonight. Another multi-PAD user.
Spent the night sipping crown, vaping, and solving all the world's issues.

Can't wait to get my ego-T. This e-health cig is such a compromise of what it could/should be.


Super Member
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Verified Member
Feb 17, 2011
Jackson, MI
Congratulations, Since you are a road warrior, you should look at a pass trough for the car, and save your battery life, works perfectly. I driving 3-5 hours a day myself and it is the best thing I've bought

I may look into it. My incoming ego-T has the 1000 mah batteries. But I may buy a pass through since a battery's life has a definite number of recharges


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
EU, Copenhagen®
Yay to you all ! So many new starters - so many seeing the upside of this. Congrats!! :)

I may look into it. My incoming ego-T has the 1000 mah batteries. But I may buy a pass through since a battery's life has a definite number of recharges
A PT is definitely a good idea - especially when driving. Just don't 10-4 it and expect reply.



Full Member
Feb 18, 2011
PT is great! I use that all the time. I bought Belkin's Car USB adapter to use with my passthrough -- it's SO flat, looks like it was made for the car. Then, when I get home, i unplug the PT and plug it into my monitor and keep vaping in front of the computer :).

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