XL manual

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Jan 18, 2010
Walkersville Maryland
I have to say I am loving my XL manual I got on Monday. This is my first 808 batt. I was using 510 with adapters or my mods with adapters to be able to use cartos. I bought a usb charger for it since it was my first time trying the battery and it is working great. If you look at my siggy you can see I have quite a few devices and this new battery is now in my everyday all day rotation. I use between 3 and 5 devices a day with different flavors and I am proud to say this is one that stays each day while other mods might get rotated out. So I just want to thank V4L for such a great battery!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2010
I burn out carts on the pt too if not really careful. shorter hold-down time, cool-off in between, specially with the premiums. i think they cook pretty hot. i have 20 KR8 batts in all sizes so i'm always switching, i like em charged full and I keep a power strip just for chargers.
At first i way preferred the extra longs, now i sort of like regs, they have such a nice weight and feel, and the shorties seem to please me most sometimes! I also sometimes feel like the action with an auto, my first pref, it reminds me more of smoking, but probly use the manuals more. when at home, passthru with kensington PP most of the time, as I can top off carts more easily.
i'm sort of moving away from washing and etc as I can keep em juicy so easily with condom method until they're fairly well played out. And blanks are cheap enough... the process keeps evolving.
But no getting around it, the xlongs are great, and so pretty and elegant. I still love the many-logo ones.
I like giving batts away with a fresh cart and a demo and a card to interested random strangers huddling outside and smoking - have only done it twice as I'm not rich, but mebbe i save somebody's life, who knows.
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