Count of leaking Neo puromizers

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Hi guys!

I need a bit of help from the community. Could people who have Janty Neo's and experience issues with leaking post here, so I'd understand how widespread the issue is. I'm a reseller and a bit concerned by the stats so far. Most of the puromizers we have sold are getting complaints on leaking one or the other kind.

Mostly people describe leaking from the bottom of the puromizer, by the joint of the battery. Some also describe leaking from the sides. Also there is the leak or build up underneath the puromizer moutpiece. That is something I experience personally on all of the atomizers. Whenever that happens the gurgling noise follows.

Would be cool if you could also note how many different puromizers it took before you got one that didn't leak. Thanks!



Full Member
Aug 2, 2012
You can count me. I've had my Neo for two days now and I'm experiencing these issues with both my puromizers. I'm still waiting on some 100% PG liquid—the best I have right now is Johnson Creek's spiced apple, which lists PG, VG and water as its ingredients, in that order—to judge for sure, but I'd still very much like to understand what's going on here.

It seems to me that most of these "leaking" issues entail liquid finding it's way between the tank and its metal jacket, either from the original primer (the things arrived practically soaking in the stuff!) or from messy filling. In my experience using medicine droppers it's impossible not to spill liquid around the filler opening. The drops just aren't small enough for the hole; their surface tension suspends them on top of it or they break and some or all of the fluid literally wicks it's way into the crevices around the window, into the jacket, where it sits and gradually seeps out from the seams of both windows and both ends. This is what I suppose what most people are interpreting as "constant leaking", because you see a little bit of liquid appear somewhere or feel it on your hands, wipe it off, and a minute later there it is again.

These problems are easily dispensed with. The initial primer can be blown out. The filling spills can be solved with a finer bottle tip, a syringe, or in my case a tiny funnel I found at an art supply store (designed to fit onto a little squeeze bottle, looks just like the tip of a bic mechanical pencil), anything that'll physically fit through the hole and prevent spillage. I let my puros sit window-side down on a paper towel when not in use, and since adopting this method I've not notice anything seeping out where I was before.

A third issue that for me is currently unsolved is "leaking" (seeping?) accompanied by gurgling noise, dry hits (not a burnt taste, just no vapor when the light's on), and a sudden disappearance of liquid in the tank. I'll find liquid emerging from all the aforementioned places as well as on top of the puro (under the mouthpiece) and under the battery connecter (and on the battery). The drastic drop in liquid level when this happens surprises me but I can only conclude that the amount of leaked juice I'm mopping up amounts to something that appears significant when viewed through the tanks window, but insignificant on a towel. Anyway, what's happening here? My best guess is that liquid is somehow getting into the cup where the coil sits, submerging it an preventing vapor production and causing gurgling and dripping of liquid down through the air shaft onto the battery. Which instinctively causes me to pull harder (bad idea!) to get vapor (I'm a line cook on a smoke break here! I need my nicotine NOW), sucking that liquid through the top of the puro where it sits in the area under the mouthpiece and seeps down the sides of the jacket and out the seams.

So that's where I'm at. Maybe I'm just pulling too hard? I'm a new vaper and I'm still working on my draw; the amount of suction required to activate the auto battery is already uncomfortably high for me, but the amount that seems to cause problems is just after that. It's like learning to drive a manual transmission. We'll see what happens with different liquid, (I've ordered a couple Neo+ puros as well, anyone have experience with those?) but honestly I don't see viscosity being the issue here. If thick VG liquid is—as they tell us—the root of all problems with this device then why is my wick not burning? It doesn't seem like under-wicking to me, if anything it's the opposite.

Sorry if such a long-winded post is inappropriate for this thread, you were just asking for counts. But I hope this sparks some discussion, I've found a lot of isolated posts from people complaining but no single thread with a lot of follow ups. Maybe someone from Janty could add some thoughts? I suppose they're too busy with their new super-secret device...
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