Favorite YouTube Vaping Reviewers

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Resident Miyagi
ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
my favorite, mainly because he breaks down how it works (as an engineer, i really appreciate that) is pbusardo, as far as grimm, he is a great reviewer, personable and from what anyone says that meets him, an all-around great guy...however, i don't think just because he's selling juice now that he should have stopped doing reviews of it, even as a conflict of interest to his company, if he said: "i'm going to sell juice, my premier flavor is going to be called GYM SOCK"....i'm sure most people would jump to buy gym sock flavored juice JUST because he is selling it....i still like his videos though....as for others besides the big two, there is also fields of vapor and basilray, although something about basilray just irks me for whatever reason...igetcha69 is a good reviewer as well, however his british accent is THICK and he's hard to understand at times, especially using some of that european slang of his....as for general vape videos, wnyvapor (aka vWo) is a reality show spoof about vaping that i got turned onto by pbusardo, and i've gone back and watched them all and have found another favorite channel.

and i think that's about it, hope you find some new additions to your channel feed there :p
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