Favorite YouTube Vaping Reviewers

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Mar 26, 2011
I like pbusardo and igetcha69 the best so far. Both have very good production ,are very informative and also are both very thorough .Most importantly to me is neither have 5 minute intros . They are both well prepared when the camera rolls.I quickly find something else to watch or do when a reviewer wants my attention but hasn't taken the effort to at least format their video if not fully script it.

I appreciate grimmgreen's honest approach . He comes across as a genuinely good guy. I've come to really appreciate Optimo's no bs approach. I could see myself sharing stories and a beverage with him.

I must say that I hadn't watched any reviews until the last say, 3 weeks -a month. I'll check out a few reviewers mentioned on this thread and see how I relate to their style. Thanks to the op for the thread!!!

Once you can tune in to igetcha69's accent , I think he is quite good at what he does . I tend to watch reviews now for information but mostly for entertainment.


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Jan 6, 2012
Chattanooga, TN
I tend to watch several. However, aside from Pbusardo (Almost always watch his), I have become fond of Todd ecigreviews (Has a lot of information regarding Genesis style atomizers; Seems to trade off his stuff a lot, so he always has a new item {Some of which I've never seen before}), Vapor Chase (Just like his candid style; Seems like a nice guy; His theme song is catchy too), and Junky Rock 13 (Very informative and many of his reviews are items/devices that are cost friendly). There are so many that are good though that I have subscribed to (MarcoSeattle, RMN reviews, RipTrippers, and Scott Bonner (Igetcha69) are awesome for RBA's) .
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ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
PBUSARDO by far, Not only honest, complete, and thorough, he has a sense of humor. The review with the mop head wigs to demonstrate a clearomizer's wicks was hilarious. I also thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of the Provari review with the burning candles, hooded towel, and religeous monk music as he carries in the holy grail of APV's.

Grimm Greene was good at one time. Lately he seems to have lost interest.

igetcha69 is good, but the accent sometimes is a little thick for me.
http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/general-e-smoking-discussion/343562-best-apv-money-can-buy-video-review.html is my all time favorite. :banana:

Steeljan is also good.
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Aug 9, 2012
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gonna cast my votes for my 3 favorites-Grimm Green, for sure. Super helpful and always takes the time to answer my questions-that is amazing. He is a huge asset to the community. PBUSARDO is very good and a great guy as well. Also very helpful. And of course, Scott from E-cig Reviews is legendary.
One thing about this community in general is that we are all more than happy to share and help each other with tips, tricks, and advice. From the most basic newbie questions to advanced user advice, everyone is fantastic so far. I hope it stays this way.


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Aug 19, 2012
Busardo has the best production quality. His close ups are unparalleled. He also gives a lot of detail that I find very useful. Another reviewer I like is Lord Davon. He cracks me up for some reason even when he doesn't mean to. I kinda like Steeljan too but the one on the Phoenix Bottom Coil drove me nuts. "And, no leaks!" And, no leaks!" And, no leaks!" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. I got it the first time Jan!!!
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