3rd attempt at quitting smoking, MVP2 hurts my lungs

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Jan 5, 2014
Athens, Greece
mj79, I highly recommend getting a Nautilus mini (and nautilus mini coils 1.6 or 1.8 ohm), because it's super easy to use, the taste is good, and tons of people use them, so they're easy to find, easy to replace coils. I have 7 of them (sharing with my husband), among other tanks, and use them every day.

You can use this on your MVP, until you decide what other mod you'd like. (Some simple, good choices, though to begin: iSticks with internal batteries -- like the 30 watt or 40 watt version, say, are inexpensive and reliable, or an iStick Pico that takes a 18650 battery is a good choice. I have several of both, and am also really loving the Joyetech eVic VTwo Mini, which takes an 18650 battery).

Then start experimenting with your wattage, starting low, around 8, and going up as seems best. I'm usually around 13 watts with this set-up.

Now, nicotine. Many people start pretty high and go lower later, and the conventional wisdom is that you need a higher level when first getting off the cigs. This depends, though, on how much you are going to be vaping. If you are vaping more, you need a lower level of nic than if you are taking just a few puffs every now and then. Nicotine is a lot of what gives you the throat / lung burn feeling. I started at 12 mg e liquid, but quickly went down to 6 mg, then to 3. 12 is unpleasantly "burny" to me, even though it's low relative to 18 or 24 mg. You should get small (10 ml) bottles of maybe 2 or 3 different strengths of liquid, and see what suits you best. Once you find what you like, you can get larger bottles.

All the other stuff you can figure out later! Don't start off with anything that's going to make it too frustrating and easy to pick up a pack of cigs instead! Easy, reliable tank, e liquid you like at a nic strength that works and feels right for you! Don't worry about making coils or sub ohming, or lung hits or making diy e liquid, or trying to choose a beast mod. All that stuff can be fun to explore later, as you wish. But now is the time for simple, practical reliable choices that make it easy and enjoyable not to smoke! Good luck; we're always here for questions!


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Feb 19, 2012
Windsor, Ontario
12mg at low wattage should not be burning your chest. It may cause irritation in your throat, but 12mg is not really very high. You might have sensitivity to PG or VG. I'd try some straight VG and straight VG without nicotine and see if either one causes your symptoms before blaming it on the nicotine. If your vape shop makes their own juice, they should be able to give you a couple of mils of each.


Vaping Master
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Dec 11, 2015
Just want to encourage you not to give up. There are so many variables to vaping and what works for one may not work for another. I found watching YouTube videos to be extremely helpful in my understanding of ecigs and how they work and what's types are out there. You'll find what works for you. Having any kind of "burning" in your lungs while vaping is not a good time so I hope that you find the right combination for yourself. PG and nicotine is what gives the throat hit so perhaps trying something with more VG other than 50/50 juice. Hang in there. :)


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Jul 20, 2013
Greeley, CO, USA
What the problem is/was.. is I got the mvp, and it wasn't just smoke and go... You need to find the right voltage, the right PG, the right liquid, the right temp , top mount, bottom mount... It was all just frustrating to me after I couldn't find anything that worked and just said to hell with it..
If I were just starting out, I'd get this. Aspire Nautilus Adjustable Airflow Tank System and a few extra coils. I personally have not used it but it's one of the most highly praised, fill and go, no problem, MTL tanks out there.

I'll let others suggest juice companies and flavors as I DIY. I would recommend however getting both 6mg and 3mg (same flavor) in a high VG ratio (probably 30PG/70VG). PG provides more of the throat hit and since that seems to be part of the problem, you want that in a lower %.

Start with the 6mg at a low setting, around 3.4-3.6v. If that's OK, try raising the voltage little by little. If any of that is too much, switch to the 3mg and do the same thing (with the voltage). If that's not enough, you can mix the two strengths together (in equal amount) to get 4.5mg.

Many people experience the "chest burn" when first starting to vape. Start slow and low and that feeling will subside. Many people also continue to smoke as they vape and gradually wean themselves off of the cigarettes.

There is no "one size fits all" in this endeavor. The right way is what works for you.


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May 6, 2016
As everyone has already said, there are so many solutions available sticking with it will eventually yield a successful solution. If it's your chest that's uncomfortable then as everyone has already said, using a simple mouth to lung low watt setup is probably the way to go. The Nautilus family of tanks is well known for excellent mtl experience. I would suggest a Triton mini over a Nautilus mini only because same coils but top fill makes it far more convenient. I still use it for those times I want a small mtl setup to stealth vape with that produces little amounts of vapor. There is also a newer Nautilus X which uses newer style coils than the older that's also designed for mtl use. Any of these can be used on just about any mod as they require little power.

After that the tougher part, IME, is finding a juice you like so vaping is pleasant. As tastes vary, no one can point you to a perfect solution of the bat.


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Welcome back to the wonderful world of vaping. I smoked for over 45 years. I have now been smoke free for just over 5 years. I personally seldom ever draw the vapor down into my lungs. I find, for me, it isn't necessary to do so to get my nic hit and achieve the sensation of smoking. I pull the vapor into my mouth, hold it for a second or two and then slowly release it from mouth and nose. You may want to try this method until your body gets used to vaping.

Your MVP is a good solid device and will work well with most any MTL topper on the market today. (I personally have several of them and keep a couple in my daily rotation). My favorite battery right now though is my Eleaf Istick 30 watt. I like them so much I ended up getting 8 of them. I love both the size and feel of them 'specially when I use a silicone sleeve on them otherwise I find them to be a bit slippery.

I have settled the majority of my vaping on using the gs-air line of toppers.

I bought a bunch of coils for them but have now learned how to rebuild them so am now set for a lifetime of vaping. Good luck on finding what works for you. there truly is something for everyone and that is one of the many reasons that vaping just plain works as THR.

Layzee Vaper

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Apr 27, 2015
As others have said, it takes a little time to find a set up that works for each individual person. Most people have to try a few different tanks, mods and juice's to find there own perfect vape. It's probably worth looking for a decent vape shop in your local area, one that sells a range of different gear so that you can try some different things out before you make a purchase. A good vape store will also help you to set up your gear properly so you don't run into so many problems. Some people find that continuing to smoke for a while makes the transition period a little less stressful. When you find something that works for you, you will find that you will reach for a vape rather than a smoke more and more often, until you don't need or even want to smoke.

There are a huge number of options available, you will find something that works for you. It does get easier as time goes by as you learn what type of gear works best for you. Unfortunately there is a certain amount of trial and error to go through before you find your perfect vape.


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Oct 21, 2015
I vape the way mattiem does...into the mouth then out either the mouth or nose. It's not the way I smoked for 42+ years, but it does give me my nic fix without having to draw the vapor into my lungs at all.

I also have and use Innokin MVP2 mods, along with a variety of others, too. They still work great, are reliable, and they don't require a lot of "fiddling" with to use them.

IF you decide you want to try a Nautilus Mini tank...Ecig.com has them below for $18.54, and they also have the best price on the coils @ $7.22 for a box of 5 in 1.8ohm resistance.

Aspire Nautilus Mini | Ecig.com

Aspire Nautilus/Mini BVC Replaceable Coil (5 Piece) | Ecig.com

There may even be an Ecig.com coupon code to use, too. I'll look for one and post ut here if I find one.

Another mod (recommended already by others) you may want to consider adding is the Eleaf iStick Pico...for not only a back-up now, but for later vaping if/when you want to vape with higher watts and have a replaceable/rechargable battery. It'll work with the Nautilus Mini and many other tanks, RBAs later, etc. I have several in my "vape stash", that I got at the place below for only $21 with FREE S/H. If you think you may want to get one, now...at this price...it's a super deal. You can get batteries there, too, or just get the mod now and the batteries elsewhere.

Eleaf iStick PICO Simple Kit - $30.00 : Rocky Mountain Vapor, The Mountain top of Electronic Cigarettes

They're still available in Grey, Black, White, and Silver. Use this code to receive the 30% off, so it'll only be $21: Turkey


Vaping Master
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Jul 8, 2012
I remember when I first started vaping I also coughed and burned,. It was from the way I inhaled. When I smoked cigs, the smoke went straight down and when I did that vaping, it hurt. It wasn't until I took a vape and held it in my mouth for a second or two, then inhaled it, that It stopped hurting. It's like a 2 part vape with a pause that worked for me and even doing that, it took me a few days to get use to it. I agree on the nautilus tank and think 12 mg is not that high when vaping this way, in fact 18mg to 24mg is where alot start on a device like this and the amount you smoke.

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Jun 29, 2010
You posters are awesome! It might take a while to quote everyone, so I will give you all a big thank you!! Such informative posts, and such a big help for me, so again, thank you!!

I took some advice and there is a ton of great info in here for me to look back on, as I will tonight!

I ended up going to a local store to check out some of the new devices, as well as liquids, and getting into the swing of things again. I got a Nautilus mini for my MVP2, and a few liquids. It has been great so far, and so much better than what was out there last time I was vaping.

I got the nautilus just to hold me over until I can get something new, and man, is there alot of new stuff out there! What I do want to get into is out of the older mvp2 style and get into ( I forgot the name ) something that was just a really instant, airy and tons of vapor.. It wasn't a drip?? where you make your own coils etc, but it was where you take a hit and just inhale right into your lungs ( sorry for the sad description , :) ) .. Huge hit, lots of vapor and it was awesome

So as long as it goes good , I have no problem dropping some good coin on a really nice setup. Now I guess comes the fun part. Learning all the vendors , and websites for vaping.. There are so many out there its crazy.. All suggestions welcomed!!

Oh , and I see that locally ecigs and juices are ALOT more expensive locally , wow!! I'll still support them being local business' but its nice to know what websites are good.. I believe locally they are selling the coils for $4 a piece or so, Liquid are $10 / 15 ml..

These are the ones I was looking at. and Im looking at ecig sites ( currently searching thru directvapor.com ) and there are a TON of options.. Many of you who mentioned certain devices. I saw today , SO now it's just pick and choose. Sorry the pics arent that great, but Im sure y'all know exactly what they are , and whats good :)



Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
@mj79 - Glad you're at least vaping again with the Nautilus Mini, and are enjoying it!

Remember, the coils for that are only $7.22/box of 5 at Ecig.com. That's a whole lot less than the vape store charges @ $4 each!

Also, if you're thinking about maybe buying that Pico Kit with the Melo III Mini Tank that you have shown for $54.99 at the shop...the exact same kit is $44 - 30% ($13.20) = $30.80 with Free S/H at RockyMountainVapor in Pink, Black, or Silver:

Eleaf Istick Pico Plus Melo 3 Mini Full Kit - $44.00 : Rocky Mountain Vapor, The Mountain top of Electronic Cigarettes

Just use the coupon code that still works now: Turkey

ETA: Just went back and reread your last post. You're probably talking about an RBA of some type that you thought was awesome, lots of vapor, great flavor, etc., but wasn't a dripper (an RDA). There are many different kinds of them. There are also some tanks that can use a small special RBA in it, or can use factory made coils. Example of one of those that can use both types...is the Kanger Subtank Mini. An example of one that just uses coils you can buy prewound and you wick & install them, or coils you make and wick, then install...is the Kayfun Lite Plus V2. I have and use both of those...and like them a lot. Building coils isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, even at my age of 60+ now. So you should have no trouble learning how either.

If you really like the Pico, but want an RBA...you could order just the Pico (that I posted about earlier) for $21, and get an RBA of some type, instead of getting the Pico Kit with the Melo 3 Mini Tank for $30.80.
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ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2010
Just wanted to bump this thread up and say thanks again to everyone that replied!! Been a great help, and I've come to it a few times for info

So it's been a little bit now, I think I found the sweet spot with the Nautilus mini, voltage, airway, eliquid , nicotine levels etc. I seem to be vaping alot more than I smoked , so I eventually worked from 12 mg to 9, and for now, as of yesterday, am at 6mg ( all 60%vg 40%pg ) and it seems good so far!

I have decided I'd like to get a few more tanks for my mvp2, and one for sure will be a nautilus, and am open to any other suggestions. Currently am vaping at 4.4V-4.6V , since I'm just used to the voltage system vs watts. Even tho the mvp2 only goes up to 11 watts ( 5V )

Maybe I should make another thread for this, but we'll see if everyone wants to read through this one first. I know there's a ton of places to buy mods and liquids online, but if you all have any recommendations, please post up your favorite!

I. Have decided to get a new mod and the one everyone seems to like for a simple , moderately basic sub ohm tank is the pico... And it looks to be less than $30 almost everywhere online. So I'd like to grab that, ( and also any other good mods around that $30-$50 range ) another tank ( hear good things about the cleito ) batteries, charger, coils and some liquids.

I'll keep my mvp2 and the Nautilus mini tanks for backups extras etc but would really like to try a sub ohm setup to see how I like it.. seems like alot of people really like the extra flavor/vapor compared to the standard mtl tanks, so I think it's about time to give one a try!


ECF Guru
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It is great to hear that you are starting to get comfortable with vaping.

I spend a LOT of time here and read just about every post in the general vaping section. I have started seeing a lot of posts from folks that climbed the ladder all the way up to high watt low ohm vaping but are now going back to their roots and are really enjoying it again. I tried it and found that sub ohm high wattage vaping is not for me. I find I get all the vapor and taste I need from a 1.8Ω coil at 8 to 10 watts.

I have a Pico but it is in my "may need to use someday" box because I really don't care for it. I prefer the shape and size of my KBox mini 75 watt. I like it so much I ended up with 4 of them. For me it provides me with a perfect vape when topped with a gs-air.

The wonderful thing about this journey we are on....There is something to suit everyone. :)

edited to add: My all time favorite power supply is my istick 30 watt but it has an internal battery. The KBox mini doesn't so once my isticks bite the dust I have the kbox for backups. gotta have backups or like me, backups for your backups :D
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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
There's a link on top for forum suppliers. Some good folks in there. Some places I favor are MVS. Ecig, eciggity, VaporDNA, Vape Royalty.

As it's still pretty early getting off cigs, you might not want to drop the nic concentration so quickly. The lower it is, the more you'll vape, and the greater chance it won't satisfy you. With a Nauti tank and coils, 12 mg is fine, much lower and you might not overcome some cravings.


ECF Guru
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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there
Just wanted to bump this thread up and say thanks again to everyone that replied!! Been a great help, and I've come to it a few times for info

So it's been a little bit now, I think I found the sweet spot with the Nautilus mini, voltage, airway, eliquid , nicotine levels etc. I seem to be vaping alot more than I smoked , so I eventually worked from 12 mg to 9, and for now, as of yesterday, am at 6mg ( all 60%vg 40%pg ) and it seems good so far!

I have decided I'd like to get a few more tanks for my mvp2, and one for sure will be a nautilus, and am open to any other suggestions. Currently am vaping at 4.4V-4.6V , since I'm just used to the voltage system vs watts. Even tho the mvp2 only goes up to 11 watts ( 5V )

Maybe I should make another thread for this, but we'll see if everyone wants to read through this one first. I know there's a ton of places to buy mods and liquids online, but if you all have any recommendations, please post up your favorite!

I. Have decided to get a new mod and the one everyone seems to like for a simple , moderately basic sub ohm tank is the pico... And it looks to be less than $30 almost everywhere online. So I'd like to grab that, ( and also any other good mods around that $30-$50 range ) another tank ( hear good things about the cleito ) batteries, charger, coils and some liquids.

I'll keep my mvp2 and the Nautilus mini tanks for backups extras etc but would really like to try a sub ohm setup to see how I like it.. seems like alot of people really like the extra flavor/vapor compared to the standard mtl tanks, so I think it's about time to give one a try!
Welcome to ecf. So glad that you have found something you can use. I just wanted to expand a little on what others have posted.
If you decide to buy from ecig. com they have a 5% discount code --iloveyou. (sorry its just the code)

And those coils can get a little expensive for the melo's so Eleaf also offers one you can recoil and rewick yourself. It is called the ECR coil. Super easy to do and will give you a beginners start to how all this stuff works.

For a beginners tank, try a serpent mini rta. And be sure to google on how to build one(utube will come up with several) and watch others as they teach you.
Serpent Mini RTA by WOTOFO

discount code = 10percentoff
Good luck.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2010
It is great to hear that you are starting to get comfortable with vaping.

I spend a LOT of time here and read just about every post in the general vaping section. I have started seeing a lot of posts from folks that climbed the ladder all the way up to high watt low ohm vaping but are now going back to their roots and are really enjoying it again. I tried it and found that sub ohm high wattage vaping is not for me. I find I get all the vapor and taste I need from a 1.8Ω coil at 8 to 10 watts.

I have a Pico but it is in my "may need to use someday" box because I really don't care for it. I prefer the shape and size of my KBox mini 75 watt. I like it so much I ended up with 4 of them. For me it provides me with a perfect vape when topped with a gs-air.

The wonderful thing about this journey we are on....There is something to suit everyone. :)

edited to add: My all time favorite power supply is my istick 30 watt but it has an internal battery. The KBox mini doesn't so once my isticks bite the dust I have the kbox for backups. gotta have backups or like me, backups for your backups :D

Thanks for the info :)

Once I finally find something that works for me I'll be set. The mvp2 and Nautilus mini tank are now dated, but much better than all my previous vaping experiences , so now it's time to find some good flavorful juices for the mtl tank, then try them on whatever sub ohm I buy.


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ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2010
There's a link on top for forum suppliers. Some good folks in there. Some places I favor are MVS. Ecig, eciggity, VaporDNA, Vape Royalty.

As it's still pretty early getting off cigs, you might not want to drop the nic concentration so quickly. The lower it is, the more you'll vape, and the greater chance it won't satisfy you. With a Nauti tank and coils, 12 mg is fine, much lower and you might not overcome some cravings.

Yep, skimmed right over that, sorry! 12 was a little harsh, 9mg felt good, but curiosity got me so I picked up a 10ml bottle of the stuff I'm using in 6 mg , just to try.
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