Action needed TODAY

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CASAA Activist
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The PACT Act, S. 1147 will make all cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products nonmailable. If the Judge rules that e-cigarettes are a tobacco product, that would mean our life-saver would be made very difficult to obtain. More information about this bill is posted here:

This bill was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and word is that the bill will be considered November 5. That's today. If you live in one of the states that has a member on this committee, please contact him or her today, stating your opposition to the bill.

The message need not be long. You just need to say, "Please do not pass Senate Bill 1147, the PACT Act."

To find contact information for your senator, click here: U.S. Senate: Senators Home

You can select your State and the contact information will be displayed for both Senators. Here is the list of Judiciary Committee Members:

Patrick J. Leahy
Chairman, D-Vermont

Herb Kohl

Jeff Sessions
Ranking Member, R-Alabama

Dianne Feinstein

Orrin G. Hatch

Russ D. Feingold

Chuck Grassley

Chuck Schumer
D-New York

Jon Kyl

**** J. Durbin

Lindsey Graham
R-South Carolina

Benjamin L. Cardin

John Cornyn

Sheldon Whitehouse
D-Rhode Island

Tom Coburn

Amy Klobuchar

Ted Kaufman

Arlen Specter

Al Franken


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Chicago, IL
Thank you for posting this. I wrote up a short letter to senator Durbin. If anyone else wants, this is what I wrote:

Please do not pass Senate Bill 1147, the PACT Act. I believe that this bill is overall a detriment.

While I understand the desire for government to collect proper taxes on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products, I believe that those products can still be properly taxed even if they are sent through the mail. Passing this act would be a blow to businesses that cater to niche products that may not be available at a corner store. On top of that, it is overly restrictive to the choices of the individual.

Thank you for your time,
[insert name]


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Good Link, thanks. I found this list of the sponsors there.

Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
John Kerry [D-MA]
Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
Patrick Leahy [D-VT] Mark Pryor [D-AR]
Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Arlen Specter [D-PA]
Mark Warner [D-VA]

Let's hope this fact works in our favor:
"The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee."


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Me too. Then I find out Kohl sponsored the bill. :oops:

Welcome to the club. I wrote Mark Warner and Jim Webb some time ago, and found out later that Warner was a cosponsor. I wrote them both again today, and told Warner that even though he is a sponsor, he might want to reconsider supporting this. There will be some unintended bad consequences if this bill gets passed. People may die.
Good Link, thanks. I found this list of the sponsors there.

Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
John Kerry [D-MA]
Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
Patrick Leahy [D-VT] Mark Pryor [D-AR]
Charles Schumer [D-NY]
Arlen Specter [D-PA]
Mark Warner [D-VA]

Let's hope this fact works in our favor:
"The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee."

Why does this not surprise me. Let's have some fun with these clowns!

Credited to Mark Levin Lexicon

"Little" **** Durbin
Diane Frankenfeinstein
John "D-student" Kerry
Senator Depends (Leahy) refers to him leaking info from the armed services committee before he was kicked off.
Chucky Schmucky Schumer
And . .
Arlen Specticle:D

Forgive me for my faciousness, but I am so sick of the tax and spend politicians. Re-pubic-an and Demoncrat.

They talk about wanting to create jobs and stimulate commerce, now they want to put online retailer and young entrepreneurs out of business with this crap. When are we going to stand up to these people. I will send out the email (and be nice in doing so), but they won't listen. Especially in the Senate. So here is the solution, because I don't want to be all negative.

VOTE THEM OUT. And here is how. First, get informed. Know who your representatives are and investigate their voting record. Second, VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES. So many people complain about how they have to choose between bad and worse, that wouldn't happen if enough people got informed and voted in the primaries. There are lots of good democratic and conservative candidate out there, help them get on the ballots. Then help them get elected. Third, volunteer 1 hour to help out your favorite candidate. 1 hour out of 8760 that are in a year, you can sacrifice one hour. It's well worth it to not have to deal with this crap. Fourth, hold them accountable. If your favorite or not so favorite candidate is doing wrong, point it out to them (via email or phone, or letter) and tell anyone who will listen.

It's time folks, we are all tired of being lied to then screwed over. Do your part and end it now. Take it back, for the people.


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
I contacted both senators here in FL. I didn't realize this was being looked at today, and I hope I'm not too late. That would really suck if this got passed.

No, you aren't too late. It was being considered in committee today. If it comes out of commitee, we will need a concerted effort to contact Senators from all the states, not just the Senators on the Judiciary Committee.

Here's hoping it stays in committee and simply fades away.
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