Action needed TODAY

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CASAA Activist
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VOTE THEM OUT. And here is how. First, get informed. Know who your representatives are and investigate their voting record. Second, VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES. So many people complain about how they have to choose between bad and worse, that wouldn't happen if enough people got informed and voted in the primaries. There are lots of good democratic and conservative candidate out there, help them get on the ballots. Then help them get elected. Third, volunteer 1 hour to help out your favorite candidate. 1 hour out of 8760 that are in a year, you can sacrifice one hour. It's well worth it to not have to deal with this crap. Fourth, hold them accountable. If your favorite or not so favorite candidate is doing wrong, point it out to them (via email or phone, or letter) and tell anyone who will listen.

It's time folks, we are all tired of being lied to then screwed over. Do your part and end it now. Take it back, for the people.

The process actually starts before the primaries, in precinct caucus meetings ("precincts" might be called something else in your state). These are the meetings held by each party in the smallest division of where you vote. A representative gets elected from each "precinct" to go on to the next higher level. Often, nobody at the precinct meeting is interested in going on, so you could be the one. Just volunteer!

So then at the next level (let's call it "District" to keep things straight), the duly elected representatives from the precincts elect one of their body to go on to the state level. It goes on from there, all the way up to the National caucuses for presidential elections.

So you--a precinct representative--could ultimately end up being one of the folks who determines who gets on the ballot.

Both my Senators are Democrats. It is unlikely the party will nominate somone other than the incumbants. So if I want them out of office, I would need to attend the Republican caucus meetings and support someone who has a shot at knocking them out of office.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Wisconsin USA
There will be some unintended bad consequences if this bill gets passed. People may die.

No point in sugar coating it. As harsh as that may sound, it's the truth. And sometimes you have to be blunt to get your point across, especially when it comes to some of the clowns we have elected into office.

Nice work!!!


Full Member
Nov 5, 2009
I sent this to D Durbin:

Dear Senator Durbin,

Please do not pass Senate Bill 1147, the PACT Act. Vapor (Smokeless) nicotine products, specifically the Electronic Cigarette, or E-Cigarette are invaluable in promoting the general health of our society. The E-Cigarette may well be one of the greatest inventions of modern times. It is an infinitely better alternative to regular tobacco products both for the health of the individual users, in that there are hundreds less (relatively any) harmful chemicals being ingested, and for those around them as well, as there is No Second Hand Smoke involved with the use of the E-cigarette. The bi-product of the E-cigarette is harmless water vapor. This is a product we as a society need to encourage as there is a huge net health benefit in its use for all involved. For those reasons, I ask that you do not pass this act. Thank you for your time,

Mike K

hope this helps...
The process actually starts before the primaries, in precinct caucus meetings ("precincts" might be called something else in your state). These are the meetings held by each party in the smallest division of where you vote. A representative gets elected from each "precinct" to go on to the next higher level. Often, nobody at the precinct meeting is interested in going on, so you could be the one. Just volunteer!

So then at the next level (let's call it "District" to keep things straight), the duly elected representatives from the precincts elect one of their body to go on to the state level. It goes on from there, all the way up to the National caucuses for presidential elections.

So you--a precinct representative--could ultimately end up being one of the folks who determines who gets on the ballot.

Both my Senators are Democrats. It is unlikely the party will nominate somone other than the incumbants. So if I want them out of office, I would need to attend the Republican caucus meetings and support someone who has a shot at knocking them out of office.

Amen Sister! I am from the Land Of Lincoln (and imprisoned governors). We don't caucus. The state requires potential candidates to compile signatures to get on the ballot. Our precinct captains have a less involved role. It's more about making sure signatures are authentic and to some degree, campaigning on behalf of those they like. Then we hop to our primary elections, then those candidates with the proper amount of signatures, getting on the ballot. So in some sense it's a little more democratic than caucusing. Not that caucuses are bad, just depends on who your captain is. It would take an act of God to get rid of Durbin, but Roland Burriss' days are numbered.(Remember the whole Blagoevich scandel of trying to sell Obama vacant Senate seat) Problem is we have a bunch of RINO's in this state. Some of our Dem's are more conservative than our RINO's. It's a sad state of affairs here, but with the message that NY23 sent to the party, maybe we can see some change.

I really consider myself a libertarian-conservative, with a slight twist of populist (only in that I believe we need a safety net in place to help those in need help themselves). Some of my other posts have been a little militant. I don't want to offend, just inform. Sometimes I do it with a little humor and harassment of those in power.

As it applies to e-cigs and vaping, it's really frustrating to see the FDA lying about what is in their OWN report. I can't see how the militant anti-smoking lobby wants to villify e-cigs. I don't understand why they want to cast such a negative shadow on e-cigs. They should be embracing this. It is a safer alternative. IT IS. There I said it. It's not a smoking cessation device, unless you choose it to be. Lots of folks on this forum have reduced their nicotine contents down to zero. They may still vape, but they have the choice to cut out the nicotine. Others use it as an alternative. I really tar and chemical free alternative. Other vape more and like the higher nicotine. It's all about choice and freedom.

Then we go to the children. There is no sense of personal responsibility left, is there? Pretty sure you have to be 18 to have a credit or debit card of your own. If you are under 18, pretty sure an adult has to be on the account with you, as minors are not bound by contractual obligations, by law. When is the last time you saw a website where you can pay by check or cash, COME ON. If all else fails, use the "it's for the children" card. Same way the FDA banned flavored analogs and kreteks (clove analogs), it's for the children. Where are the damn parents?

The thing that keeps me from being a fatalist is the American Spirit. We always find a way. They ban juice sales. We will make our own. They ban devices from sale, we will make our own, or sell the parts as something else. (MODS) We always find a way to be free. Even when the very people who are charged with the protection and preservation of that freedom are the very one's trying to take it from us.

Keep up the good fight. People like you are what makes this country great and inspire the rest of us to act.

Look the responses to this thread, you have drive folks to action. You ARE A GREAT AMERICAN. God Bless and VAPE ON! :D
It appears that the bill was held over. Not quite sure what that means. Perhaps someone with knowledge of the way these things work in the senate can comment.

Held over means the bill is temporary benched, but can (and usually be) brought back up for debate in the committee later. More or less, set aside for future consideration. Understand, this bill is sitting in the committee and not yet up for a vote to the full Senate. A bill has to come out of the committee before it can be voted on by the full Senate. So Vocalek caught this early. Big propers to her! Way to stay vigilant.

It's not over, but up for later consideration. The judiciary committee is pretty busy and may had some other things to consider. (Like hiding from the 20,000+ protesters hanging around the capital today:evil:)
But I would like to think that it was all of us here and on other threads, turning up the heat on these folks. So keep it up every one. I think after Tuesday's elections, the folks in power are starting to feel the heat from us.

Stay on them. And a big thank you to Vocalek for getting this party started.:thumbs:


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
Me too. Then I find out Kohl sponsored the bill. :oops:
Here's a link to for updates.

Been meaning to get more involved. Not just regarding vaping but in general. I didn't know of govtrack until this post so thank you to BriDog!

What other means of tracking our "elected" officials are available?


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
SO if this bill would pass that would mean that Phillip Morris and all the big cigarette companys could not ship there products by mail from there plants.... I don't think this Bill has the slightest chance of passing the tobaco giants in the industry have way to many billions of dollars to pay off congress !!!! RIGHT !!


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
I could be wrong, but my guess would be that Phillip Morris doesn't care one way or another. They would be shipping their product via big trucks, not through US Mail. What government is trying to do with this bill is get you to purchase only from retail stores so that they can be sure they collect all their taxes. So this isn't government "for the people", it's government for the government.


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
But I would like to think that it was all of us here and on other threads, turning up the heat on these folks. So keep it up every one. I think after Tuesday's elections, the folks in power are starting to feel the heat from us.

Stay on them. And a big thank you to Vocalek for getting this party started.:thumbs:

*blush* Um, you are quite welcome.

But the thanks really go to all of you for "turning up the heat." I agree about Tuesday's elections. Virginia voted in Republicans for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General. The Democrats ran dirty campaigns and I think the public is just sick of it.

Don't tell me what your opponent believes, has done, or will do; tell me these things about yourself and let your opponent speak for him- or herself.

So yes, if I were one of the three Democrats sitting in Federal office, I would be starting to pay close attention to the will of the people I represent.


Vaping Master
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Mar 28, 2009
Willamette Valley, PNW
Admitted, it was a skim, but what I got out of reading through S1147 was that it puts in place the means to collect taxes and it seems to dis-allow transport by USPS. Appeared that as long as applicable taxes were payed, shipment by other than USPS would continue.

That's a huge paraphrase of what I skimmed, wheewwww only 74 pages as opposed to the 1990 pages f HR 3962 I spent several days on last week.

I'll look more closely at this so I can better speak, but could one of ya'll point me to the meaningful sections that spell out why I'll no longer be able to get smokeless tobacco products shipped to me.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Wisconsin USA
Been meaning to get more involved. Not just regarding vaping but in general. I didn't know of govtrack until this post so thank you to BriDog!

What other means of tracking our "elected" officials are available?

For bills like this I only know of and They're both pretty much the same thing. There are others for tracking government spending but that's off topic and often times depressing imo.
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