Alameda CA about to bring smoking & vaping bans to a new level

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CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
How about people who have smoking-related diseases or families of deceased smokers, instead of suing the tobacco companies because they smoked, sue the ANTZ groups for lying about smokeless alternatives, which caused them to KEEP smoking instead of switching to a less harmful alternative? We can pretty much show THEY have been lying - or at least have been deliberately deceiving about smokeless not being safer.

Wow! Great idea.

Count me in. I was outraged when I learned from this forum (and then verified for myself) that I could have quit smoking [without losing my cognitive abilities and destroying my mood] twenty years ago by switching to snus. Twenty years ago I had no shortness of breath, and didn't need to use an asthma inhaler.

Thanks a lot, American Lung Association, for those extra 20 years of lung damage.

I don't really care how much money we eventually recover. The important thing is that this issue would hit the news in a big way. They would have to correct their disinformation, so that current smokers would learn the truth. This could work to prevent millions of cases of smoking-related diseases.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
Wow! Great idea.

Count me in. I was outraged when I learned from this forum (and then verified for myself) that I could have quit smoking [without losing my cognitive abilities and destroying my mood] twenty years ago by switching to snus. Twenty years ago I had no shortness of breath, and didn't need to use an asthma inhaler.

Thanks a lot, American Lung Association, for those extra 20 years of lung damage.

I don't really care how much money we eventually recover. The important thing is that this issue would hit the news in a big way. They would have to correct their disinformation, so that current smokers would learn the truth. This could work to prevent millions of cases of smoking-related diseases.

RJ Reynolds is petitioning the FDA to get the warning label on smokeless tobacco changed

Tobacco Truth: FDA Petition: End Smokeless Tobacco Misinformation

I'm not holding my breath waiting for the FDA to have a change of heart.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009

Placebo Effect

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
On November 15, Alameda City Council voted 5-0 to approve the new smokefree ordinance at
The City of Alameda - Secondhand Smoke Ordinance<br />

Its great that the city prominantly touts the removal of e-cigarettes from the proposed ordinance.

News story and minutes of the Nov. 15 council meeting are at
Big Night at Alameda City Council: Smoking Law Passes, City to Explore Alternatives to Cowan Land Swap - Alameda, CA Patch

I watched the meeting and read the agenda.

After the Alameda City Council announced their intention to exclude e-cigarettes, ANR sent a letter encouraging the legislators to put them back in. Thankfully, the zealots were ignored. (letter is on page 14).

Susanne Shick (spelling?), Associate Professor Medicine at the University of California San Francisco briefly spoke against removing e-cigarettes (thankfully her time ran out just as she got to it, so they only gave her 20 seconds to make her point). She seriously relied on the dangers of thirdhand smoke, which she says she has done studies on.

They accidentally left in a reference to e-cigarettes in the definition of 'smoking' (but removed the e-cigarette definition). However, it was very clear and unambiguous that at the next Council meeting, the remaining mention of e-cigarettes, as well as a couple other minor changes, would be made.

Councilman DeHaan, however, said he'd like them to address the e-cigarette issue in the future because he has concerns about them.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
A, A
Susanne Shick (spelling?), Associate Professor Medicine at the University of California San Francisco briefly spoke against removing e-cigarettes (thankfully her time ran out just as she got to it, so they only gave her 20 seconds to make her point). She seriously relied on the dangers of thirdhand smoke, which she says she has done studies on.

Suzaynn Schick ( I guess it's possible she's worked with Mohamad Sleiman at UC Berkeley, who established that it might be possible to get 15nanograms of NNK if you lick 3 smokers from head to toe while they're making eggs and bacon on an open flame stove so long as your tongue is wet with Everclear.

ETA: But I was quick to point out to the lovely Suzaynn on the patch that nicotine sulfide at 40% concentration is quite acceptable under Prop 65 for general use insecticide, and still in general use in cali, and the EPA sets limits to how much nicotine you get on your fresh veggies. :facepalm:
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Alameda City Council's decision to remove e-cigarettes (thanks to folks on this forum) is really important, as Alameda is within five miles of UCSF (where Stan Glantz is located), Berkeley (where Americans for Nonsmokers Rights is headquartered), ALA's regional office where lobbyist Serena Chen works, and the Public Health Law and Policy office in Oakland (which drafted model ordanances to ban e-cig use at Electronic Cigarettes: How They Are - and Could Be - Regulated | PHLP and

Several of these folks have sent out e-mails boasting about Alameda's new ordinance, but none of them have mentioned that the Alameda City Council removed their e-cigarette usage ban from the ordinance.

Hopefully, what happened in Alameda will make these e-cigarette prohibitionists reassess their strategy and tactics to inaccurately define "smoking" as including e-cigarette usage in future smokefree ordinance campaigns, and to make lots of false claims about e-cigarettes.
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Full Member
Aug 13, 2011
They want to ban ecigs but still allow chantix to distributed. My friend used chantix an nearly went insane from this smoking cessation drug. California legislators seem to have too much time on their hands while they do nothing to rid their debt. Such a beautiful state ruined by the governments overreaching. This seriously makes me sick to my stomach and I don't even live there.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
A, A
They're thinking about offering real smoking on outdoor patios, but Suzaynn Schick ( suggests there might be a danger from 3rd hand smoking to the staff. The counsel chatted about perhaps the bar owner cleaning the tables, so to prevent risk of employee exposure to toxic nicotine residue which according to Suzaynn Schick, combines with air to form NNK.

Placebo Effect

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
Darn ! I missed this or I would have gone.

I do live in Alameda and have never seen anyone vaping here other than me.

You still can -- December 6th at 7 PM --{ts '2011-12-01 00%3A00%3A00'}

They still need to do one technical amendment to the ordinance for it to be official. You can speak at public comment, thank the City Council for intelligently removing e-cigarettes, and then rebut the garbage claim of thirdhand smoke put forth by one of the proponents of indoor vaping bans.

E-mail me at and we can discuss.

Placebo Effect

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
I can go but I am horrid at public speaking. I get tongue-tied. I'll send an email to you and see what is needed.

Thanks. I'll be in touch. Comments will probably be limited to 2 minutes, so you wouldn't have much to do. What's hugely important is that the City Council sees that there is an Alameda resident who uses e-cigarettes and cares enough to show up at a public hearing.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
I recommend typing testimony before hand (limit to 125 words per minute), then expanding the size of the text to 16 or 18 point size before printing (as it makes it a lot easier to read while standing in front of a podium/microphone).

Its amazing how quickly two minutes goes, and I've always found it best to read previously written testimony (as otherwise you're likely to repeat yourself and forget to say important stuff).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
Lake Ariel, PA.
They want to ban ecigs but still allow chantix to distributed. My friend used chantix an nearly went insane from this smoking cessation drug. California legislators seem to have too much time on their hands while they do nothing to rid their debt. Such a beautiful state ruined by the governments overreaching. This seriously makes me sick to my stomach and I don't even live there.

I thought I read somewhere that there have been some reported deaths and possible murders due to persons being on Chantix... Maybe it's just my mind that thought that...

Even looking at the woman in the Chanix commercial is fishy.. She looks insane (look at her eyes), plus they show it every 10 minutes here for what? One or two years or more already?? That fool must be getting paid a bundle, if she is still alive, if so, she probably went back to analogs...

On Wikipedia:
Depression and suicide

In November 2007, the FDA announced it had received post-marketing reports that patients using varenicline for smoking cessation had experienced several serious symptoms, including suicidal ideation and occasional suicidal behavior, erratic behavior, and drowsiness. On February 1, 2008 the FDA issued an alert to further clarify its findings, noting that "it appears increasingly likely that there is an association between Chantix and serious neuropsychiatric symptoms." It is unknown whether the psychiatric symptoms are related to the drug or to nicotine withdrawal symptoms, although not all patients had stopped smoking. The FDA also recommended that health care professionals and patients watch for behavioral and mood changes.[15] In May 2008, Pfizer updated the safety information associated with varenicline, noting that "some patients have reported changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions." [16]

As of July 1, 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration requires Chantix (varenicline) to carry a black box warning, the agency's strongest safety warning, due to public reports of side effects including depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal actions.[17]

On top of that:
Cardiovascular Disease

On June 16, 2011, the FDA issued a safety announcement that Chantix may be associated with a "a small, increased risk of certain cardiovascular adverse events in patients who have cardiovascular disease."[18]

On July 4, 2011, four scientists published a review of double-blind studies in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. They found that varenicline has increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events compared with placebo.[19]



Read the controversy stuff below that.. Anyone who takes Chantix is looking for trouble.. I never took it because I have RSD and Polyneuropothy.. A few doctors of mine wanted to try to treat me with anti-depressant drugs, because those can also be used for chronic pain conditions, like how they are treating Fibromyalsia with Lyrica which is really an anti-depressant.. So I went on a few and I became suicidal.. Thus I never tried Chantix since I figured it would do the same to me..

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CASAA Activist
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Actually, Lyrica is not classified as an antidepressant.

"Lyrica (pregabalin) is an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. Lyrica also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system." Lyrica Information from

My mother had nerve damage from Type 2 Diabetes. She had the sensation that bugs were crawling all over her body. This was helped by gabapentin (Neurontin). When she developed pancytopenia (low blood cell counts -- all types), it was suspected that the Neurontin might be the cause and she was switched to Lyrica.

In my mother's case she HAD to be treated for the neuopathy. She really believed that bugs were crawling on her and was secretly buying and using insect repellent at a very dangerous rate. This stopped when we treated the neuropathy.

Either of these drugs might help your neuropathy. Both, of couse, can have serious side effects. When it comes to medication, everything is a trade-off. Lyrica can cause suicidal ideation, but it might be less prone to have this effect than antidepressants.
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