Alien Visions Rootbeer

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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 6, 2010
Two years of vaping. I have been drifting from vendor to vendor in search of a juice that could satisfy my root beer craving. At times I would think I had found the one only to be let down. Even outside the vaping realm I consider myself to be somewhat of a root beer connoisseur. Sipping on mugs of frothy deliciousness from some of the finest root beer brewers around the world. Like Frodo tossing the ring into the molten lavas of Mordor my quest has finally ended. My savior? Alien Visions Root beer.

Holy crap you guys this juice is amazing! Before I even put a drip into a fresh LR atty I was in love. The aroma that was released when I unscrewed the bottle was like unwrapping a root beer barrel candy. I knew from the smell alone I was in for a treat. I quickly dripped four drops and took my first toot. I was blown away. This could possibly be the most authentic tasting juice I have ever tried. Spot on!! A very rich and creamy root beer flavor. Nothing weird lingering in the background or the foreground for that matter. I can just let the vapor roll around in my mouth like pipe tobacco and drift off into root beer dream land. Thank you Alien Visions for taking the time to perfect your juices.
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I will be ordering this one myself. I am a Root Beer Fan. I had one vendor that had a great Root Beer and they changed the formula, so the search has been on. Tried some other vendors only to be disappointed. I really hope this is the one. Thanks for letting us know about AV. 6ml sample, great size for testing.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Sugar Land, TX
WOW! I just tried the AVE root beer...i am blown away! Its smooth, creamy, and it produces TONS of vapor! Even more vapor than Bobas bounty. The TH is just right for me but then again i used to be a half PAD smoker and the root beer i tried was the 6 ml sample bottle. Will purchase again.

Now its time to find me a yummy watermelon flavor. Happy Vaping!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2011
I need to order some more of their Massive Chocolate Mint, which is by far the best chocolate mint I've had out of 4 different tries so far, and I was looking for something interesting to order besides it, so thanks for the great recommend on the Root Beer, I'll be ordering some with my next order.

And yes, Birch beer is still made and sold at my local grocery store, been drinking that for 40 years on and off...:laugh:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2011
Spring TX (Houston)
This why AVE is my go to juice provider when I'm looking for quality and not cheap. I treat Boba's, Hype and Strawberry cheesecake a special dessert. I don't do them all day because of cost and that I never want to lose my taste for Boba’s, which started to happen. I may now have to break down and order some root beer.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 6, 2010
The 30ml bottle is a great addition. Although, I am very tempted to go for the 100ml next time.
Their prices are pretty reasonable right now. I started a thread saying I like AVE but wouldnt buy it unless they carried 30ml bottles. Most of the people in that thread they would really like 30ml bottles too. Few weeks later they were carrying them. Cant wait to place an order.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
Perez-uzza to this day
Great thread...I'm a Root Beer connoisseur myself but after some early experiences with some Dekang type "root beer" juices I never planned on really liking a root beer vape. Then I came across Backwoods Brew's Root Beer and's my all day vape alongside Halo's Tribecca (not a root beer folks).

I found this thread while thinking of posting a thread requesting root beer flavor reviews. Prolly still will make a thread like that, but I'll def have to try AVE.

I've never ordered from AVE because I'm always concerned their juice will be too thick (carto user here), but they have a number I'd like to try. I like BWB because it's a clean crisp pure root beer taste and by some crazy fortunate luck it also turned out to be one of the cleanest juices I've ever used - my cartos will run through nearly 30ml before going bad, consistently longer than most other juices and longer than any of my other favorites.


Anyway BIRCH BEER - Sioux City still makes a Birch Beer :) - it has a prominent wintergreen aspect and pales in comparison to their under-rated Root Beer and Sarsaparilla...but some grocery stores actually carry it sometimes.
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