Am I A Jerk?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Happy Dale Sanatorium
"Smoking and Drinking (even one or two drinks)" are the vices that are now acceptable vices that any Joe Shmo can walk up to and give their 2 cents about how saintly they are and everyone just looks away.

It doesn't matter if you were smoking it looked like you were.

A few weeks ago, I had a project that had to be done in a very short amount of time. I stayed up about 2 days straight and was complete exhausted.

I had to meet up with a group of friend and their acquaintances late on the second night. It was a social even and I had to make an appearance.

I was drinking cranberry juice, all night, because one beer or mixed drink would have put me to sleep in 5 minutes :)


At least three people, that I didn't know, walked up and made comments like, " I saw you stumble don't you think you've had enough" or " You sound like you had more than enough".

These people were just faces in the crowd and I had done nothing wrong. ...Aside from being exhausted.
Others in the group I was speaking with, quickly explained the situation.

...And these people unapologetically walked away.

When people don't know the facts and still impose their will and moral superiority on others it is a very sad day for our society.

vaping is seen the same way.

Those who don't know, speak the loudest. :(

"However, there are a very great many prissy, hissy liberal types who are easily offended by almost anything." - a quote from before.

I have found that conservatives are the ones that act like this most of the time.
Wanting and making laws that they themselves never would never follow.
...And have the Balls to walk up and say, " Do as I say not as I do."

Then again, some people are just born ashholes, without any political or religious belief tarnishing their bias attitudes. :D
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
33 middle america
jerk? no, but the real question is "did the owner regret giving you permision to vape in their lounge?"
maybe you could come back with 8-10 vapers and all spend a bunch of cash in appreciation??

if i've asked and been given permission, i will vape in a bar. if another customer wants to complain, i will direct them to whomever gave me permission, its really not my problem. if they withdraw permission, i've got to STOP. end of story.


Super Member
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Oct 24, 2010
Saint Petersburg, Florida
"Smoking and Drinking (even one or two drinks)" are the vices that are now acceptable vices that any Joe Shmo can walk up to and give their 2 cents about how saintly they are and everyone just looks away.

It doesn't matter if you were smoking it looked like you were.

... Then again, some people are just born ashholes, without any political or religious belief tarnishing their bias attitudes. :D

Hit the nail on the head with that one! I usually don't vape where smoking isn't permitted, but I'm starting to get over that. They just don't know what it is. Sitting in the nonsmoking section someone felt compelled to remind me when I started vaping. I just turned around and said "Oh, thank god I'm not!". Nothing more was said. Having a husband that's 6'7" around makes people behave so much nicer.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2011
Wilmette, IL
isbnbook! You are my hero :) That's been my fellow liberals are very supportive and enjoy playing "dress-up" with the different carts and bats and drip tips and giving the combo exotic names ;) The conservatives I know look down their noses at me like I am a "fallen woman" :p If I had known how much fun vaping was, I would have "fallen" a lot sooner ;) But, it's not necessarily a liberal/conservative issue...rather one of ignorance and there's more than plenty of that to go around these days <sigh> Sooooo, I continue to vape with "midnight on the oasis" bat, green cart and blue drip tip...and try to educate as many as I can as politely as I can :) Thank goodness for the V4L card!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
Northern California
wow this is getting outta hand ...:( oh well im staying outta this one lol cept to say my bro went to berkeley or as we say beserkly and is now a proud liberal that lives on the east coast and would fit right in with you guys :)
Dont take it personal but as a native cali i can say that most northern calis are liberals :) not so for the desert towns and south of la in so cal.....just look at sf ..i live in a VERY liberal area cept when it comes to vaping or smoking ! whichi dont know how it got from vaping discussion to politics ...whoops :) love my fellow vapers and its america ,were all allowed our views !


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Treasure Coast
I carry a 9mm Sig. :)

:) As they say in Florida, Virginia, Texas and a few other sensible places, "An armed society is a POLITE society." :D

Hit the nail on the head with that one! I usually don't vape where smoking isn't permitted, but I'm starting to get over that. They just don't know what it is. Sitting in the nonsmoking section someone felt compelled to remind me when I started vaping. I just turned around and said "Oh, thank [goodness] I'm not!". Nothing more was said. Having a husband that's 6'7" around makes people behave so much nicer.

Heh. I am so stealing that line! ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2011
I think you can look at how this scenario played out in a few different ways. Were you a jerk? No. Were you confrontational? Yes. Did this jackass deserve it? HELL YES! LOL!

I for one can't stand overly gallant whinny people! But you know the sad thing is is that it is usually the whinny-asses that get their ways. Because of them, stupid laws get passed that only benefit other whinny-... people. They are like roaches that are always scurrying under the heels of legislature and not even light will make them scatter! It is human nature to always fear what we don't understand, and vaping definitely qualifies as quite the enigma to the general populace...for now.

For anyone else reading this post, here is an idea if you too are ever approached out in a public place and scolded for vaping. Calmly set your PV down upon the table/bar, slowly let out a deep sigh, look up to the person and quietly say, "I'm sorry, I just quit smoking, and this device here is the only thing that is keeping my homicidal rage under, would you REALLY like me to stop?!". ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
@ luma ...i would have done the same since u had owner permission i would be a jerkette its called spunk and fine with me .....

I took the owner out one night to get laid... he met his girlfriend of 2 years that night. LOL.

We are on good terms.


Senior Member
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Mar 13, 2011
You could have done alot worse Mike sir, so on a "jerk" level that's around a 3-4. Now had you gotten up, taken a fork, and stabbed him in the eye with it, that would have put you closer to the top.... :)

Ahhh the fork to the eye routine. That's one of my favorites. It's always tied with splashing sauce on their hand and taking a bite out of it. Hey if they want to come to your table... The polite thing to do is bring some food.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2010
the deep south
Ahhh the fork to the eye routine. That's one of my favorites. It's always tied with splashing sauce on their hand and taking a bite out of it. Hey if they want to come to your table... The polite thing to do is bring some food.

"Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!"

Can't see 'Jerk' and 'fork in the eye' without thinking Steve Martin.

Sent from my pod


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Buffalo, NY
I actually made a 'political ideology' poll on the poll forum last night. I'm really interested to see where vapers tend to fall on the spectrum, or if there is any tendency at all.

I'd have to guess slightly right of center. And that's a guess, not an assumption. I'm an unfortunate moderate. I refuse to follow any specific ideologies, and possess the elusive qualities of critical thinking and skepticism.
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