Any Diabetics out there?

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Dec 18, 2010
MA/NH Border
I can see myself dialing up a 5 unit bolus and ending up with some killer TH. Or worse...thinking I was about to vape some nice juice and getting a mouthful of novalog.

Blech! Bet it would taste like band-aids! (but... they have been working on inhalable insulin for years, so you're not too far off...)


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Dec 10, 2010
I might be in the minority here, but I like the smell of a I have an overwhelming desire to lick one to see what the taste like...thanks sierraB...I blame you for this.

If I remember correctly the sniffable insulin kinda flopped. I might be wrong but when it first came around I was pumped about it because I remember thinking how cool it would be to "whiff" a bolus rather than pulling out a syringe 5-10 times a day and poking myself. Have not heard anything about it for a long time.

Snortable or not I think I'll stick with my pump...that constant basal makes all the difference. But now..thanks to a previous poster all I can think about is modding my old pump. I know...that sounds silly but if you think about it a pump would make a great bottom feeder type device. Man...I wish I were smart enough to do that.


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Jun 27, 2011
Plymouth, uk
Hi all, I'm also a diabetic Vaper. Was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 years ago. It came as a bit of a shock to be told that at the age of 30. (it's apparently quite unusual to be Type 1 at my age, it's normally onset in quite young children or the elderly, though it is on the increase and they don't really know why. To this day I don't know why I developed it, stupid immune system decided one day to kill my pancreas...)

Anyway, like most here, the docs really, really don't like diabetics and smoking. I'd be almost constantly told to give it up, use the patches, the gum and other NRT stuff blah blah. I liked my smoking though and with all the other pressures in life found it a genuine stress reliever. Still, the story's of lost limbs, heart diease (both effect the blood and heart) etc did make me think.

Switched to ecigs and for over a month now haven't looked back. I haven't noticed any effect on my condition either way, if anything I'd say I get hypos a little less but it's not really quantifiable at this point. I wasn't aware of some of the effects of nicotine and insulin as raised by some in this thread, I may need to look at lowering my mg's. I usually vape 18mg, it's my sweet spot, though I've also been known to enjoy 12mg carts on my supermini.

I presume the really sweet, fruity tasting liquids out there don't actually have a risk of raising blood sugar though right? Anyone know? I don't think the body absorbs sugar in this way anyway, but I jet wanted to ask all the same? I presume the really sweet fruit vapes and the like do have sugar in some form in them? But is it absorbed in the vape?


Senior Member
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Jul 17, 2010
Omaha, Nebraska
Hi all, I'm also a diabetic Vaper. Was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 years ago. It came as a bit of a shock to be told that at the age of 30. (it's apparently quite unusual to be Type 1 at my age, it's normally onset in quite young children or the elderly, though it is on the increase and they don't really know why. To this day I don't know why I developed it, stupid immune system decided one day to kill my pancreas...)


I presume the really sweet, fruity tasting liquids out there don't actually have a risk of raising blood sugar though right? Anyone know? I don't think the body absorbs sugar in this way anyway, but I jet wanted to ask all the same? I presume the really sweet fruit vapes and the like do have sugar in some form in them? But is it absorbed in the vape?

There was a post a bit earlier in this thread discussing this actually. Quote below.

I didn't read all of the posts so sorry if I missed this or it has been repeated.
I am not diabetic but did go on a no sugar starch diet for awhile due to other complications.
It was essentially like living stage 1 diabetes , from a diet standpoint.

After a discussion with my Holistic Doctor about the ingredients in e-cigs, his conclusion is PG and VG are considered very slow sugars (low glycemic like veggies), and of little importance, especially in the ""small quantities"" consumed. Some flavors have sugars, but the reality is most flavors are running artificial sweeteners as a rule (which I don't really like).

And again, 2ml a day (or 2 cartomizers full) is nothing in even a full blown cane sugar form, "which these are not".
It's like (without measuring) a tablespoon of liquid, spread over an entire day.

Hope that puts things in a light perspective.

Old Chemist

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Dec 23, 2009
I presume the really sweet, fruity tasting liquids out there don't actually have a risk of raising blood sugar though right? Anyone know? I don't think the body absorbs sugar in this way anyway, but I jet wanted to ask all the same? I presume the really sweet fruit vapes and the like do have sugar in some form in them? But is it absorbed in the vape?
Looking at this from both chemical and biochemical point of view - it is only sweet taste. Remember that not everything sweet is sugar (eg sweeteners) and not all sugars are sweet (eg starch or cellulose).
I am also diabetic (type 2) - no difference of glucose level after I switched from analogs to ecigs (over 1,5 year ago).


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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
Hello fellow diabetics. I am type one have been for 35 years now was a 2 ppd smoker now a almost none smoker thinking this weekend I will be analog free again as I was for first two months of vaping. Any ways nothing but benefits from being all/almost analog free. No change in bs levels from vaping itself but I am using way less ins as I have way more energy long walks at night with dogs etc.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
  • Deleted by UntamedRose
My blood sugars have increased from 75-120 to 180-230 since I started 1 1/2 yrs ago.
I did not know why until this week.
The last few months I have not been vaping as much (did not exactly quit but the output and amount I vaped with drastically decreased) and my atomizers were not putting out.
I recently purchased new LR atomizers and new liquid this past weekend and started vaping on Monday a.m.
My sugars immediately increased but I do not know if it is the PG/VG mixture or the nicotine.
I dont suspect its just the nicotine as I smoked 1.5 to 2 packs of cigs each day and had better bg control. I have also dipped on rare occasions, and noticed no increase in bg levels the last 1.5 yrs.
I am using 12mg with a 60/40 mix PG/ VG
My fastings have increased as well./ I check my bg 3-4 times daily and this increase is not because I just recently quit smoking as I stopped 1.5 yrs ago.
I 1st noticed the increase 1.5 yrs ago but was puzzled- now feel there is a definite connection. The common denominators are the liquid and increased usage.
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