Any Diabetics out there?

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Dec 18, 2010
MA/NH Border
I'm kinda in the same boat. I've been trying to test more often and keep track of everything better than I am now. I also plan on tapering my nic levels, although at this point I'm just trying to get up to the point where I don't get cravings. Currently I still have 1-2 cigs a day, but that's way down from my 1 -1.5 PAD.

Since you've been tapering your nic levels down I have a question for you. It seems like if you taper off the nic levels you would just end up vaping more to keep up. What has your experience been with the tapering?


It hasn't been a huge problem tapering down. One huge advantage over tapering down analogs is that you can go down as drastic or as gradual as you like. One method many people use is to get a bottle of 0mg or 6mg in the flavor you currently vape and slowly add a small amount into your existing stock:
This week I'll add 1 drop of the 0mg into my carto. Next week I'll mix a bottle with two drops. Week after that I'll try 3 drops and see how it goes.
If you find yourself taking a couple extra puffs here and there, so what! It's best not to even think about it. Some days I vape a bunch, others I barely pick it up.


Super Member
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May 8, 2011
I am on Indian land
...pancreatically challenged...

There are several of us right here in this thread, and bound to be more. It's such a popular disease! If you start a group, I'd like to hint for an invitation.

What will you call it?

Will it be The Official ECF Social Club For Genteel But Madcap Pancreatically Challenged Notsmokers? (TOESCFGBMPCN for short)

Finger-Punchers Gone Wild?

Incomparable Islets?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
There are several of us right here in this thread, and bound to be more. It's such a popular disease! If you start a group, I'd like to hint for an invitation.

What will you call it?

Will it be The Official ECF Social Club For Genteel But Madcap Pancreatically Challenged Notsmokers? (TOESCFGBMPCN for short)

Finger-Punchers Gone Wild?

Incomparable Islets?

LOL...all of those are great names for a forum. I was thinking " 'betics gone wild" but like yours way better.
I think that with diabetes running rampant in this country that finding enough folks to keep a sub-forum going wouldn't be too difficult. Sometimes it helps to vent with people who "get" what you have going on. People who are pancreatically perfect just don't know what it's like. Every bite, every activity has to be accounted for and it gets tiresome sometimes.

Alright...enough whining. I would spearhead a sub-forum, but what I have henpecked right here in this reply has been nearly a 10 minute endeavor. I somewhat lack in the keyboarding skills, not to mention the whole spelling and grammer thingy. If someone more computer literate (and obviously brighter) would want to take up the reigns, I would be willing to aid in any way I fetch coffee and take the trash out.


Super Member
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Dec 18, 2010
MA/NH Border
There are several of us right here in this thread, and bound to be more. It's such a popular disease! If you start a group, I'd like to hint for an invitation.

What will you call it?

Will it be The Official ECF Social Club For Genteel But Madcap Pancreatically Challenged Notsmokers? (TOESCFGBMPCN for short)

Finger-Punchers Gone Wild?

Incomparable Islets?

I think TOESCFGBMPCN has a nice ring to it...

I wonder if I can commission someone to make a mod that looks like my insulin pump...


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Dec 18, 2010
MA/NH Border
"THE PUMP" would go for that but can't imagine what would happen if you were to get them mixed up.

I dunno... But I've received much better customer service and shipping performance from my e-cig suppliers than I've ever received from my pump manufacturer...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2011
San Jose, CA
Hello..I'm a Newb here...and new to vaping. Also Type II. I've been smoke free for 10 days now. I've noticed my BG has dropped to "normal" levels from the 2XX-3XX levels. the best thing is some of the juices I got. Definitely cures any kind of sweet tooth I may have and just tastes well as no more stale smoke smell....

Looking forward to learning more here...



Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 8, 2011
I am on Indian land
Well, I poked around in that dark little closet where they keep all the social groups, and found this, but I don't think it counts as a full-fledged social group.

There's not a name, or a Welcome Message, or a list with the Official Group Bird, and Official Group Flower or even colors. It's got good information though and if there ever is a Social Group, I would nominate it for Official Group InfoSticky but I might want to append some bleatage about Complications and an exhortation for people to get their glucose checked, and even more frequently if they have biocestors from Africa, the Americas, or both...

I also saw something in the Site Help Department about how the latest version of the software wasn't playing nicely with the social groups or something, and I'm not sure what the procedure would be for Officially Declaring one


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ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Severe hypoglycemic here. I'll say this, my addiction to soda is epic which is unfortunate as it will put me to sleep for a week. Vaping as a treat substitute has worked wonders for me. Whenever I want a soda, I just have a clean refreshing vape. I think the nic pretty much does the same job as the caffeine. Speaking of soda, carbonation tastes rancid after a vape. Does any one else experience this? After I vape, if I dink a diet soda (or regular soda) I get this horrible gaggy taste in the back of my throat. Just another deterrent from soda I guess.

So far, vaping has had no impact on my glycemic index. <3
I didn't read all of the posts so sorry if I missed this or it has been repeated.
I am not diabetic but did go on a no sugar starch diet for awhile due to other complications.
It was essentially like living stage 1 diabetes , from a diet standpoint.

After a discussion with my Holistic Doctor about the ingredients in e-cigs, his conclusion is PG and VG are considered very slow sugars (low glycemic like veggies), and of little importance, especially in the ""small quantities"" consumed. Some flavors have sugars, but the reality is most flavors are running artificial sweeteners as a rule (which I don't really like).

And again, 2ml a day (or 2 cartomizers full) is nothing in even a full blown cane sugar form, "which these are not".
It's like (without measuring) a tablespoon of liquid, spread over an entire day.

Hope that puts things in a light perspective.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
Omaha, Nebraska
It hasn't been a huge problem tapering down. One huge advantage over tapering down analogs is that you can go down as drastic or as gradual as you like. One method many people use is to get a bottle of 0mg or 6mg in the flavor you currently vape and slowly add a small amount into your existing stock:
This week I'll add 1 drop of the 0mg into my carto. Next week I'll mix a bottle with two drops. Week after that I'll try 3 drops and see how it goes.
If you find yourself taking a couple extra puffs here and there, so what! It's best not to even think about it. Some days I vape a bunch, others I barely pick it up.

I think I'll probably go this route after I feel comfortable tapering. Right now Just need to get the levels under control so I don't have those damn cravings.

There are several of us right here in this thread, and bound to be more. It's such a popular disease! If you start a group, I'd like to hint for an invitation.

What will you call it?

Will it be The Official ECF Social Club For Genteel But Madcap Pancreatically Challenged Notsmokers? (TOESCFGBMPCN for short)

Finger-Punchers Gone Wild?

Incomparable Islets?

Hahah, lolady I love your posts, they are great!

LOL...all of those are great names for a forum. I was thinking " 'betics gone wild" but like yours way better.
I think that with diabetes running rampant in this country that finding enough folks to keep a sub-forum going wouldn't be too difficult. Sometimes it helps to vent with people who "get" what you have going on. People who are pancreatically perfect just don't know what it's like. Every bite, every activity has to be accounted for and it gets tiresome sometimes.

Alright...enough whining. I would spearhead a sub-forum, but what I have henpecked right here in this reply has been nearly a 10 minute endeavor. I somewhat lack in the keyboarding skills, not to mention the whole spelling and grammer thingy. If someone more computer literate (and obviously brighter) would want to take up the reigns, I would be willing to aid in any way I fetch coffee and take the trash out.

I think we should really get something going since this thread has grown way more than I ever expected. I myself am not the best with spelling and grammar though. I'm a programmer "That's what the computer is for!" haha.

Well, I poked around in that dark little closet where they keep all the social groups, and found this, but I don't think it counts as a full-fledged social group.

There's not a name, or a Welcome Message, or a list with the Official Group Bird, and Official Group Flower or even colors. It's got good information though and if there ever is a Social Group, I would nominate it for Official Group InfoSticky but I might want to append some bleatage about Complications and an exhortation for people to get their glucose checked, and even more frequently if they have biocestors from Africa, the Americas, or both...

I also saw something in the Site Help Department about how the latest version of the software wasn't playing nicely with the social groups or something, and I'm not sure what the procedure would be for Officially Declaring one

Not really a sub-forum, looks more like just some general information on the topic with some relation to nic. I'm surprised I didn't find this when I was searching before I created this thread.

I didn't read all of the posts so sorry if I missed this or it has been repeated.
I am not diabetic but did go on a no sugar starch diet for awhile due to other complications.
It was essentially like living stage 1 diabetes , from a diet standpoint.

After a discussion with my Holistic Doctor about the ingredients in e-cigs, his conclusion is PG and VG are considered very slow sugars (low glycemic like veggies), and of little importance, especially in the ""small quantities"" consumed. Some flavors have sugars, but the reality is most flavors are running artificial sweeteners as a rule (which I don't really like).

And again, 2ml a day (or 2 cartomizers full) is nothing in even a full blown cane sugar form, "which these are not".
It's like (without measuring) a tablespoon of liquid, spread over an entire day.

Hope that puts things in a light perspective.

Thank you for this information. This is kind of what I assumed would be the case, although I didn't know pg/vg where considered slow sugars (maybe vg since it is made from vegetables). Than and even a table spoon of sugar spread out over the day wouldn't have a giant effect.

I think I'll take a look around and see what is required to get a sub-forum started. It seems like we have quite a few people that would be interested (not to mention this is only the new members forum!), and as someone mentioned above it would be nice for people to talk to other that "understand".

I've worked with php forum software before, it's not hard to create a sub-forum, it's just getting the moderators to approve and/or create it.


EDIT: I was looking at the social group thing but I am unable to create one. :/
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
Omaha, Nebraska
Alright, it looks like after you get so many members on your Social Group you can create a sub-forum under Social Group Forums. I'm not sure what the best way to go about this would be now as I can't create a Social Group. If someone else would like to create one that would be great, or I can just send a mail to a mod and see what the best course of action would be.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
Alright, it looks like after you get so many members on your Social Group you can create a sub-forum under Social Group Forums. I'm not sure what the best way to go about this would be now as I can't create a Social Group. If someone else would like to create one that would be great, or I can just send a mail to a mod and see what the best course of action would be.


Anything I can do to help just let me know.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2010
I, for one, would really like to see this forum happen...for a couple of reasons.

#1. My life on a daily basis consists of this: vaping, diabetes,vaping,work,vaping and diabetes...and work,more vaping(tired of work),diabetes,vaping,diabetes,diabetes,vaping, vaping,bed. Rinse and repeat as needed.

#2. My wife and family hate my job almost as much as I do....they ain't crazy about the "betes ( affects them also) and believe it or not...they ain't down with the vaping thing either.
But like I have told my wife...I didn't quit smoking for her...did it for to have a place to go..with other people who kinda "get it" would be cool.

#3. Since I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on this forum, it might as well be with like-minded people.
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