Any of you have asthma? Has your e-smoking affected it?

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Senior Member
Jan 14, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
I have moderate asthma. Funny thing is- when I smoke regular cigs, it goes away almost completely. Like to the point where I only use an inhaler 1-2 times a year. When I quit regular cigs, it jumps right back up to having to use the inhaler quite a few times a week. My doctor says it doesn't make any sense to him, but that he's heard similar stories from quite a few patients.

So... do any of you have experience with E-cigs and asthma? Do they affect your asthma? Have you found that different e-cig and liquid choices make a difference?

Right now I am really enjoying the taste I get from my eGo Twist and dual coil cartos, but the drag is really hard and I notice I get out of breath if I use it too much. The other set up I have is just a regular eGo battery and Resurrector Jr. Cartos. Taste isn't as good, but it's a lot easier pull.

I like to think I'm doing something better for my lungs by switching to e-cigs.... since I find them so enjoyable, I'm hoping I won't have to quit vaping, too.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
I have asthma and been told I have COPD, use to have to do breathing treatments whenever I got sick and had more than one style of inhaler I was to use.

I have found for me personally high pg juices and tighter draws are very hard on me. And as you are saying you don't have the same issue from the reg ego just the twist I would be guessing the twist may be blocking the air holes more, so you are not getting as airy of a draw. I would suggest getting a 510/510 shorty adapter and seeing if that helps. If it does may be look into different set up, but that would be a cheap way to find out.


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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
we have to get used to something that coats the lungs and doesnt absorb right away, when i first started vaping or when i really really chain vape i kinda get the way you feel. it goes away as we get used to it, give it time and maybe switch to a device thats easier to take a puff off of or try changing up juices.

remember just cause we started vaping our lungs dont suddenly heal themselves overnight. as the pg/vg works its way in expect to get some nasty flem and rattling if you smoke alot. until the lungs clear themselves out a bit.


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Mar 16, 2011
Western NY
My story is almost identical to yours! I have moderate asthma and was smoking without much problem... I would like to do some more experimenting but I feel like some times vaping makes my chest very tight and I would need an inhaler where most of the times I had no reaction to it. There could be many factors that would flair up asthma how ever I'd say the majority of the time it has almost no affect on my
breathing. I'm sure it depends on individuals reactions to pg, vg, nicotine, different flavor bases, etc


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Mar 28, 2012
Mobile, AL
I have mild asthma; no problems when I first started vaping, but at about the 6 month mark I went through 2 to 4 weeks with a little distress. I only used my inhaler once or twice, but I made sure I always had it with me. Over the next couple of weeks things got much better, and have been great since.

I smoked a PAD for 30 years, and my asthma is fairly mild, I only used my inhaler 2 to 4 times per year when smoking, and it's about the same now.
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Aug 2, 2012
If I inhale too much when vape I get breathing problems at night or the next morning. I used to inhale deep when I vape, then exhale mostly through my nose. Now when I vape, I let the vapor in my mouth for a brief sec then inhale slightly/gently before I exhale
That works for me, haven't had a breathing problem in months. Also if my chest feels tight or heavy, I know it's time to cut down my vaping a little bit.


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Sep 25, 2012
United States
Watch your draw. The way you vape vs the long drags on the cigs will have a definite impact. Many times with asthma rapid breathing (or short vapes) can induce an attack.

Depending on how long and how often you smoked, part of it could be your lungs clear it out. I would ask your doctor if you could tough it out. Grab an extra inhaler and see what happens. I'm not suggest you try to start an attack, but you might want to play with what sets it off. Cigarettes in themselves will not reduce asthma by any means.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2012
I have asthma that was bad when i smoked. I went through 2 inhalers a month and woke up every morning having an asthma attack. People used to call me wheezy because i did wheeze a lot. But since i started vaping my asthma is not bad anymore. If i vape mainly PG based juices. If i have juice with 10% VG in the mix i have problems breathing.That is one of the reasons I started making my own juice.

My Doctor is happy with me vaping and so am I :) People are different so ymmv


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Jan 6, 2013
United States
Years ago I developed adult asthma. Never had it as a child. I was hospitalized several times. Finally got it under control but I continued smoking analogs (of course doh). I could never slept on my left side for years because my right lung is exceptionally weak, and I couldn't breathe if I put pressure on my left lung. Within a few months of solely vaping (no analogs), I can sleep on my left side, right side, tummy, back or upside down lol without having breathing troubles.

To be fair, I noticed if I do accidently take a dry hit, that can kick in an asthma attack so I just have to be careful to make sure I keep away from 1) too perfumy type e-juices and 2) my attys don't dry out.
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