Anyone else drinking less coffee?

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optimistic cynic
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Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
For me, drinking coffee is part of the entire morning ritual (coffee, ecf, vaping etc).

I drink about the same number of cups and like strong flavored coffee- but i had to start making my morning coffee with half regular and half decaf (and decrease my nicotine concentrations) because using the caffeine and nicotine that used to be necessary had started to result in anxiety and a racing heart. go figure. so much for increased tolerance :) (it may not help with being coherent in the morning though- LOL)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2009
For me its Energy Drinks and alcohol. Since vaping for almost a year I don't enjoy these beverages as much. Water, juice and coffee is tastier to me.

Since I started this thread back in February I've cut coffee consumption further, down to 1 cup a day, first thing in the morning. Pretty much lost interest in it at other times of the day. Water & (especially) juice consumption way up though.

Edit: It just occurred to me - don't most energy drinks have a lot of caffeine? - maybe still a connection here.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2009
New Jersey
Nothing has changed in the coffee dept. for me. I still consume 6-8 cups (which is 3-4 mugs for me)per day. I have noticed that I crave a lot more Gatorade and drink at least twp 16oz bottles per day. Probably due to the humectant effect of vaping too much! I've also noticed that my resting pulse has been increasing, since I started vaping. Despite being VERY active, I'm pretty sure it's due to the high quantities of caffine/nicotine:( BTW, I did have extensive physical workups, just to be sure it wasn't something more sinister and everything checked out fine:) All my docs have advised me to cut my caffine intake...DUH:/


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 26, 2010
I've cut my coffee consumption in half since I started vaping, not intentionally for sure. I think it's because I now force myself to drink 8 bottles of water a day to stay hydrated. One can only be in the bathroom so many times in a day without converting it into an office haha.
But now that I'm thinking about it, I've also cut out all pop/soda (pepsi and mtdew), again, not intentionally. All booze, 'tho I didn't drink much (or less).
And sweets / sugar, I just don't want it anymore. OMG I need help!
But don't worry, I will not start exercising, ain't gonna happen.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2010
I used to be the guys that turns on the coffee pot every morning, first thing, no exceptions. Now it might be 10 or 11 am before I get around to my first cup. It was a gradual shift, and I didn't notice or pay much attention. I think my overall consumption has dropped, from perhaps 4 large cups to 2 or 3. I am also enjoying black tea a lot more frequently, substituting for a cuppa joe, I think theres something to the MAOI (or whatever they are :) ) theory, because a tea + vape leaves me calmer, happier than either alone, or than coffee + vape.


ECF Guru
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Nov 22, 2010
I just came across this thread and realized I reduced my coffee and soft drink intake quite a bit since I began vaping. I used to drink 2 pots of coffee and 2-3 diet sodas each day. I'm down to 2-3 cups of coffee per day and maybe 3 sodas a week. I've also cut my sweetener in half. OTOH, water tastes good to me, and I now drink lots of it when I rarely drank it before.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
Illinois, United States
I am definitely drinking less coffee. Vaping about 4 months now. I noticed that a while ago. Before, I'd leave the house in the morning with a full travel mug of my tasty brew (black and strong like i like my women) and I still do I just noticed that I'm drinking it slower and not finishing it all some days and not as frequently grabbing another one.


Senior Member
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Nov 10, 2010
Occoquan, NoVa
Glad I came across this thread! I drink the equivalent of 2 12-cup (144 fl-oz) pots of coffee daily, no milk/sugar. Also drink 108 fl-oz of water, sometimes 144 fl-oz. Vape 2mL @ 18mg nic, 1mL @ 0mg nic, and periodic 3 drips @ 24mg nic when feeling overwhelmed. Haven't been vaping for long and haven't noticed a significant change in coffee/water consumption.

Wonder if nicotine & caffeine work as adaptogens & sympathetically and the brain self-regulates at an optimum level. Can honestly say, even 45+-yrs drinking coffee & 30+-years smoking, I've never had a caf or nic overdose. But, hooboy, withdrawal is awful.
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