Atomizers for Provari

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Full Member
May 28, 2013
Katy, TX
Hello everyone! I was wondering what atomizers some of you Provari vapers prefer to use? Where do you purchase them from and at what ohms? Also how do you find the sweet spot while adjusting your Provari? Is there a chart that tells you where to start and what voltage not to exceed depending on the atomizer ohm your using?

I'm looking to purchase some this week since my stash is running low. I keep burning out these 1.5 and 1.8 ohm cisco spec atomizers from Avid Vaper using the Provari at 3.7 volts. Vapes great but the atomizers keep eventually burning out. I get E1 codes and sometimes E8 codes. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Idk? So far I've gone through 8 atomizers within the last 3 months. Is this normal?

Please let me know what you guys think.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory

1.5Ω and 1.8Ω are low for a ProVari, regardless of how low the volts are. The ProVari really shines with attys around the 3.0Ω range (I think that's what ProVape recommends on their site). If you want a warmer vape, you can get it with higher res attys and adjusting the voltage. 3.7v with a 1.5Ω atty gives you ≈ 9 watts, but so does 4.8v with a 2.5Ω atty and you aren't running the device so low.

I'll have to look for the voltage chart, but it is basically just a range to start with, then you adjust to taste, which may not be what the chart says is the optimum setting.

I don't drip with my ProVari, so I don't get plain attys for it. I use carto tanks with the cartos around 2.5Ω to 3.0Ω+. I usually start at 4.0 volts and dial up to where it tastes good.

ETA: This is a very conservative chart. Remember, you vape by taste, not numbers.

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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Safe Vaping Power | Voltage | Resistance | Ohm Chart

I don't actually know too much about dripping; I am into carto tanks. However, my cartos are 1.7Ω and my voltage is around 3.2. According to the chart, you are still in the safe range, but it still may be a bit high, IDK.

I think the recommendation for higher resistance is to give people more flexibility if they don't like all of their juices at a warmer temperature. At 2.5Ω you can go up or down in more of a range, whereas with 1.7Ω you can't go up very far without the vape getting pretty hot.
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Vaping Master
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Jan 18, 2013
Antioch IL
I think the recommendation for higher resistance is to give one more flexibility if they don't like all of their juices at a warmer temperature. At 2.5Ω you can go up or down in more of a range, whereas with 1.7Ω you can't go up very far without the vape getting pretty weak.

Normally, I use the 1.7Ω on my mechs, and 3.0 on my regulated devices. But this is all dependent on Ikenvape availability. :p

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Normally, I use the 1.7Ω on my mechs, and 3.0 on my regulated devices. But this is all dependent on Ikenvape availability. :p

That's about where I'm at. I use 1.5Ω on my bottom-feeders. It's strange, but with the same juice I like a much warmer vape with the bottom-feeders than with regulated devices.


Vaping Master
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Jan 18, 2013
Antioch IL
That's about where I'm at. I use 1.5Ω on my bottom-feeders. It's strange, but with the same juice I like a much warmer vape with the bottom-feeders than with regulated devices.

I don't quite understand that either, but I just follow the guidelines and get good results.


Full Member
May 28, 2013
Katy, TX
Thanks for the responses! I think that might be the problem I'm having with burning out my attys so fast. I read a post on here and noticed most who drip with the Provari use high resistance 2.0 and higher. Somebody said 3.0 was perfect for the Provari and the Silver Bullet with The Kick. Right now I'm on my last atomizer which is a Cisco Spec 1.5 ohm 306 and using it with the Silver Bullet (3.7 volts) alone without the Kick. This combination usually works great for a while before I have to replace the atomizer and it vapes well. I haven't purchased any 2.0 ohm and higher atomizers yet but have a pretty good idea where to start now. So thanks everyone!

Now I just need to decide on sticking with 306 or using the 510 atty's. There's also 901 attys I haven't tried yet as well. Probably going to stick with the Cisco Spec attys and maybe try a Custom HH .357 atty all from Avid Vaper. Unless you guys have any other suggestions that are better priced. These attys are expensive but seem to have a good reputation. I don't want to knock other ways of vaping but I gave up on using cartomizers and tanks. It's just not for me. I have to many problems with them and don't like the vaper they produce compared to attys.

Also do you guys think I need to contact Provape about the E8 codes I occasionally get? It means the converter has detected a fault. It says contact if this persists. I'm hoping this is just a temporary problem with the Provari from using low ohm attys and it will be fine after I throw on a higher ohm. It really does seem like the Provari doesn't like my 1.5 or 1.8 ohm attys! It kills them pretty quickly. If the Provari doesn't pop up a E2 code telling me to lower the voltage it's dectecting a E1 code which is a shorted atomizer or the E8 converter code. Hopefully all is well and I don't need to send it in for repair.


E-Cig Afficionado
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Mar 19, 2013
New York
I don't know if I got lucky or what, my black Provari has no problem getting down into .9 ohms of course the voltage is really low somewhere in the 3.2v range, but it does fire. I've tried to replicate this on my wife's mini my brother in laws' 2 Varis as well, they won't fire at all. Anyway I don't really use it much anymore other than for work with carto tanks, if you like rebuildable drippers there is one specifically made for the Provari.

eBaron Dripper Pro

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi Anurak, can you tell me what the cisco spec thing is all about? I'm newish to dripping and am enjoying it immensely, haven't used a tank since starting dripping, but still have some learning to do.

I have a blog about dripping you might find useful: Drip, Drip, Drip…

I've heard very good things about the Cisco, but it's out of my price range. I use plain 510 or 306 attys.
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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 26, 2013
Ocelot your blog is what finally pushed me over to the drip side! I had been wanting to try dripping but didn't know a thing about it, I mentioned my interest here on ECF, someone pointed me toward your blog and the rest is history lol! So thank you! I ordered my current atty not realizing it was bridgeless but have had great luck with it and just ordered some more in different resistances. I had never heard of Cisco so was wondering.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Thanks for the responses! I think that might be the problem I'm having with burning out my attys so fast. I read a post on here and noticed most who drip with the Provari use high resistance 2.0 and higher. Somebody said 3.0 was perfect for the Provari and the Silver Bullet with The Kick. Right now I'm on my last atomizer which is a Cisco Spec 1.5 ohm 306 and using it with the Silver Bullet (3.7 volts) alone without the Kick. This combination usually works great for a while before I have to replace the atomizer and it vapes well. I haven't purchased any 2.0 ohm and higher atomizers yet but have a pretty good idea where to start now. So thanks everyone!

Now I just need to decide on sticking with 306 or using the 510 atty's. There's also 901 attys I haven't tried yet as well. Probably going to stick with the Cisco Spec attys and maybe try a Custom HH .357 atty all from Avid Vaper. Unless you guys have any other suggestions that are better priced. These attys are expensive but seem to have a good reputation. I don't want to knock other ways of vaping but I gave up on using cartomizers and tanks. It's just not for me. I have to many problems with them and don't like the vaper they produce compared to attys.

I use low res dripping attys on my bottom-feeders. I sometimes still direct drip, but I don't use the ProVari. I like 1.5Ω 306 attys, so I use an inexpensive little unregulated box mod like this one: 3.7 Volt Box Mod W/ Horn Switch - Mr Vape Inc. (I won one of these from Mr. Vape and it works quite well).

Cisco is out of my price range.

I buy my 306s in bulk from Vapor Kings: Genuine Joye 306 low resistance 10-pack of atomizers

The direct drippers I know (there is a long thread under the Assorted PV Topics section) who use a higher res (I don't think it's listed on the page, but they are around 2.3Ω) buy from Digitalciggz. Their regular bulk price is good, but they frequently have sales: Joyetech 510 Atomizer 25-Pack ($43.75) |

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Ocelot your blog is what finally pushed me over to the drip side! I had been wanting to try dripping but didn't know a thing about it, I mentioned my interest here on ECF, someone pointed me toward your blog and the rest is history lol! So thank you! I ordered my current atty not realizing it was bridgeless but have had great luck with it and just ordered some more in different resistances. I had never heard of Cisco so was wondering.

My philosophy with most of the mass-produced products from China is to buy cheap. by in bulk and expect a high rate of failure. If they fail, it was expected and should they last longer, I'm filled with glee. I have had very good luck with Joyetech attys, just cleaning them by soaking in hot water and air drying. I found a used one in a box that was over 8 months old and it vaped just fine. I usually get about 3 to 6 weeks out of them, depending on how often they are used, but my juice is mostly 70-80% pg.


Ultra Member
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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA
Ocelot your blog is what finally pushed me over to the drip side! I had been wanting to try dripping but didn't know a thing about it, I mentioned my interest here on ECF, someone pointed me toward your blog and the rest is history lol! So thank you! I ordered my current atty not realizing it was bridgeless but have had great luck with it and just ordered some more in different resistances. I had never heard of Cisco so was wondering.

+1 on thanks to Ocelot! If my juice of choice isn't in a tank, it gets dripped. Darn that eBaron Dripper Pro looks nice & shiny, but it's way out of my budget. sigh.
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Full Member
May 28, 2013
Katy, TX
The Cisco Spec attys sold on are just a brand of attys I believe. The Custom HH .357 are the real expensive one sold there that are handmade I believe? Not sure what's so special about them since I haven't tried them yet but they are over $20 a piece. The Cisco spec ones I've been using are about $9 dollars a piece for the 306 1.5 ohm and 306 1.8 ohm. I ordered about 3 each and they work well when they do work. My provari has been burning them out so I'm going to try the 2.0 ohm and higher attys to see if they last longer. Even though the Provari burned out the low ohm attys, they were vaping really good up until then. I might just order a couple this time and check out some of the cheaper attys for sale somewhere else. The prices on Avidvaper for some of these attys are pretty ridiculous! Trial and error I suppose. Maybe try a couple of each type to see what you like the best. I'm in the same boat and not sure yet but I really like the 306 style for dripping so far.
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