Best cig a like... Size and shape

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 4, 2013
Westfield, IN, USA
If you are determined to stick to the it must look like a cigarette...the best cig-a-like battery that I have tried so far would be the greensmoke battery....blu is ok, njoy I do like from time to time and it to me taste close to a marb red, sorry I'm not into menthol so can't help there. But battery wise I would def go for greensmoke and the good news is ;) you can get a starter kit for the price of shipping and buy an adaptor so you can then use any and all cartomizers with it!

Free Greensmoke Starter Kit, while supplies last for new users only

and then the cheapest e9 to 510 adapter I've found (and use)
E9 to 510 adapter

their menthol to me tastes more like a minty menthol but for like $5 you can't beat a complete kit ;) one battery, one usb charger and some cartomizers and then the adaptor to be able to use any 510 cartomizers or 510 tanks ;)

When you are ready to move away from the it must look like a cig then please feel free to read through my blog...I try to find the best and cheapest kits (or piece together kits) around to help new vapors get started along with just some general advice from everything that I have learned in my time here at the forums.
New Vapor Starter Kits
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2013
Boston MA
So I got my eRoll today...

Been using it for an hour and I am amazed how well this little pint sized cig-a-like works. So far I'm loving this thing and can see this being my discreet little portable.

In the past I've tried Volts, Bloogs, Titan tanks, blus etc... The volt I'll admit was pretty good, but I really do prefer the eRoll so far. To me it has the most dense vapor, strong flavor and a good solid TH for a king sized cig-a-like...

I would definitely reccomend this to anyone who wants to start with, or find a discreet little cig style PV for when they're out and about...

Just wished they offered red or orange lEDs on the white model but that's about the only gripe I have with it so far...
OK, one of those Smoktech ARO Pyrex Glass, they look cool

I wanna try one of these soon - DV BCC Clearomizer cheap & kanger coils

so how did ya get hooked up with NANOs ? ever try these
- iClear10S 1.8ohm Replaceable Coil Clearomizer - Clear 1PC [gv-iClear10SClearo1.8ohm-Clear] - $5.95 :, E-cigarette Supplies - Atomizers Cartomizers Mods Juice and more
- Innokin iClear10S Dual Coil Clearomizer
cheap rebuildable cute

there is a big big world of juice hunting out there or juice making

just for the heck of it, ever look at these ...?

- Innokin iTaste VV 3.0 Simple (Mini) Kit, Variable Voltage/Wattage. Full Featured Slim Sized APV.

- New! Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 2600mAh Box APV Kit, Variable Voltage and Wattage

good luck as your transition starts today from evil to Good . . . :toast:

So far so good. REALLY glad I bought the second battery though.... Ok so I found the nano's after snowdog posted his set-up. I poked through the forum and there is actually a thread on the Vision Nano. They aren't rebuildable, but I have had mine three week, and none dead yet, and swear to the gods truth... one was run over while attached to the blue battery, and it still works. Not too bad for a 4 dollar piece!
The totally clear one looks sweet! Nice and sleek... I have tried to stick with clearos and tanks that use the same coil for ease. My Aro is fabulous, although a wee bit heavy, the taste is amazing out of that bad boy. I think, since I am getting junk vapes it may be time for my first change, eeeeeeeeeeek! I get the idea... but ya know, still a little concerned I'll booger something up.
I looked at the itaste when I went back for my second vision! I'm tactile, and the square sensation was odd... BUT... I said that about something bigger than a cig too so... ya never know!!
The TS3 is perfect sized. The MTS3, honestly... meh. It's like a fashion wrap for my vape. It's bigger shape looks funny to me on the batt, but I do like the plastic tip versus the metal on the Aro.
Wish me luck. I want some Cinna-roll, so I guess I better change that bottom coil.... Is 5 days average on a coil? Could it be because I vaped like someone was going to take it away from me?!?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 23, 2013
you can poke around the forum, many people just change the wick on their coils. i had a page open, but my pc restarted after an update when i wasn't looking. had this saved. don't do like him, but if you take the post off of your coil, you can take the wick out (gently, as you don't want to take the coil out) and take a piece of q-tip or cotton ball (100% cotton) and roll it up in your fingers and replace the old wick.

careful with cinnamon, bakery cinnamon is usually OK, but other cinnamons are tank crackers, use your ARO.

if you want cinnamon that will "punch you in da face", MBV has red hots and hot tamale. only for the brave:

Cinnamon Red Hot E Juice Baker Vapor - Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes

Cinnamon Hot Tamale E Juice Baker Vapor - Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes

their cinnamon roll is pretty good, with extra shots

Cinnamon Roll E Juice Baker Vapor - Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes

if you spend more than $15, you get a freebie 15mil. you can request in the comment section what you want, you usually get it.

somewhere, they have a build your own juice where you can mix up special flavors. right here:

Build Your Own E Juice - Mt Baker Vapor - Electronic Cigarettes

i've seen that you can ask for your freebie to be BYO, but that might be chancy. but if you want to create your own cinnamon monster, you can chat with them when they are open for help.

have fun! :vapor:
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