Can coming together to fight the FDA work?

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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Those of us who have been working to retain the right to vape know full well where the FDA stands.
And we know why they are doing what they are doing.

But we are not alone.

There are many groups out there that feel the same way we do about the FDA, and for the same reasons.

My niece, for instance, is a vegan and absolutely hates the FDA.
She matches my rants with those of her own, and the themes are strikingly similar.

And I'm sure there are lots of herbal supplement folks who feel the same way.
And even vitamin supplement people are starting to join the fray.

What other groups are feeling the sting of FDA corruption?
And is it possible that we could all come together as a unified voice?

Just looking for thoughts and input at this point...


Reviewer / Blogger
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Sep 11, 2011
More for members who are not aware, I know you are DC2. If you really care, be a CASAA member, respond to their "CALL TO ACTION" notices. If possible, it never hurts to shoots some e-mails, or write some actual letters to your own representatives, and if you so desire, random ones across the country.

We need more people to be active CASAA members. Every new vaper should take a trip to the news and media sub forums.

I remember when we got all of us to petition to the government to relax and electronic cigarettes, and very soon afterwards, they upped the mandatory signatures to 25,000. About a year ago it was shaky if the community was going to get 5,000.

I would almost like to see that route done again, while in the petition calling the government out about their "FDA" stand by, and how insulting it is to use children as an excuse to stop the rights of adults(that would prob be "unprofessional" their excuses to be against electronic cigarettes tick me off). I would like to see the government/FDA actually have the kahunas to look at studies from around the world, and conduct their own non-biasly. Not without it's possible unforeseen negatives to the community, BT is starting to get their hand in the cookie jar. They may just be the platform to keep vaping legal, fund those studies we need(problem is hard to claim non-bias). Right now BT getting involved seems great, I just worry about the decisions they may make against small mom and pop's who are awesome, wonderful people who don't deserve undue harm.

-- Bear with me, just popped in my head. 500, 1,000 people at once all decide to write a few letters to a particular 1-5 politicians. After rounding up the goal number, a date would be released to mail the letters. The letters could pertain to whatever legislative issues of the time may be an issue then and there. Essentially, blasting politicians who would appear sympathetic to the cause. Or even, trying to teach the facts to those zombied out to false electronic cigarette claims.
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Ultra Member
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Nov 29, 2012
New Jersey
I truely believe, The FDA has its mind made up about moving forward with e-cigs. If we are lucky enough to keep on vapeing, things are going to change dramatically. Cigalikes made from Big Tobacco will probably prevail. I cant help but have more and more negative thoughts about the topic lately. Unfortunately, all of the wonderful juice companies we support are going to be a thing of the past. Dont get ...... at me for me having an opinion. I promise to petition and fight the good fight. I cant help but notice that our freedoms are getting taken away.
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