couple brief want2vape juice reviews

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Full Member
Feb 4, 2011
Central Jersey
I recently got an order of several different 3ml samples from want2vape. I'm still new to vaping and I've only ordered from a few places but so far no other vendor has made me as happy, product and service, as w2v. I've already posted one review on their blondie flavor, which was absolutely amazing and I've already ordered more! Here's a few reviews of the other flavors I've had from them. All were 24mg nic. The PV I'm using is an xpower 900mAh 3.7v batt with a 510 adapter connected to a 510 carto changed between flavors. some dripping on a LR 510 atty went down as well.


Light and mild tobacco flavor with a touch of honey. Absolutely delicious, very relaxing, and hard to put down. Very good for a primary juice, as I could sit and chain vape it for hours.


mild tobacco flavor with a rich, sweet, and creamy caramel taste, reminiscent of pipe tobacco. Perfect after breakfast vape. Although the overly rich flavor starts to get to me after a while, kinda like eating too much candy.

cowboy lite

Strong smokey tobacco flavor, almost tastes like mesquite. This is the only flavor I really didn’t like, kinda makes me nauseous after a while.

Red Pirate

Tastes the way sweet chewing tobacco smells, really mild enjoyable flavor, and none of the grossness, spitting, and brown teeth of chew. I don’t chew, although I have, but I seriously enjoy this stuff.

Campfire Coffee

Nice smokey coffee flavor, not overpowering like you’d expect from a coffee flavor. Another good morning vape.


Ive never had an Alcazar cigar, so I can’t comment on how close to the real thing it is, but its definitely an awesome cigar vape. strong slightly peppery maduro flavor with a mildly chocolatey hint. Great evening/after dinner vape. Not as enjoyable as Blondie as far as a cigar flavor goes but still very nice.

If I were to rank the all the w2v flavors I’ve tried from most to least enjoyable, they would go as follows:

Red Pirate
Campfire coffee
Cowboy lite

Until I discovered these flavors I was under the impression that a satisfying tobacco flavor didn’t exist. the camel and marlboro mimics I’ve tried have been an absolute joke and I was about ready to just focus on fruit, desert, and herbal flavors, but it’s ridiculously refreshing to know that at least some cigar and pipe tobacco flavors can be captured with reasonable accuracy and satisfying results. Any juice makers out there reading this, please get to work on some good cigar flavors. I would love to have a nice variety of different stogy flavors to experiment with. In the mean time, Blondie is my vape of choice.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
Might need to try a test bottle, nothing I like more than a solid 555 or RY4.

Get the Rock Star. The RY4 and 555 are modeled after the original Chinese flavors, and won't be most people's cup of tea. Rock Star is like a honey-infused RY4, and it is right up there with BWB RY4 and Vaperite VR4 for me.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2010
Delaware USA
im slightly allergic to pg myself and have been vaping these flavors, blondie, alcazar, crim bull, and a few others from w2v with no reactions.

just sayin

i take this back, im SOOO sorry dude, just started noticing today that im starting to get a reaction to, cause they are really good.

***post number 500***
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