D&D Vapor Sale and Flavor Contest Results!

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
Mechanicsburg, PA
We only had five prizes, but ended up with a 1st place and five 2nd place entries. We have decided to award the 1st place entry as normal, and all of the 2nd place entries will receive the second place prize to be fair. I will contact the winners through PM for email addresses to send the gift cards to.

Congratulations to our six winners!

1. with 5 votes - Buttery Nipple (woody55) ($19.00)
2. with 3 votes - Mango Whiskey (reddhot54) ($11.00)
2. with 3 votes - Coconut Rum (mekakeisei) ($11.00)
2. with 3 votes - Caramel Creme (kritter) ($11.00)
2. with 3 votes - Strawberry Banana Smoothie (Loveridden) ($11.00)
2. with 3 votes - Orange Pineapple "Cactus Cooler" (MattC44) ($11.00)

Thank you all for participating in our contest!

We are also running the coupon code "ECF20" all day today until 11:59 PM EDT for 20% off your entire order in observance of vaping Day.

Enjoy and thanks again! :vapor:
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