DSE801 tea bag cart mod?

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Jun 6, 2012
Interlochen, MI
So my first ecig was a volt that I love, then a few weeks later I decided to buy a DSE 801 because I liked the l;ook of the pen style, it works well with dripping, but sometimes its too much hassle to have to carry a bottle of juice with me when I already carry 1000 things in my pocket lol. So I tried the carts that came with it, and they don't last very long at all, so I tried the teabad mod. I dont know what I'm doing wrong but it's harsh, I cant taste the flavor of the liquid and it always vapes like the atty is dry.

I cut the tea bag in hgalf, stuffed it in the empty cart and trimmed it to fit as I've seen others say to do, it there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for any help :) I may just stick with my volt


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Mar 17, 2011
Hi Klstreet, The teabag in question . It would need to be the pyramad type bag. And you kind of roll/fold it up if i remember correctly. Now with that said it never worked wonderful for me either. (old crotchety man whining) Back when I was using carts with attys..... I found the fluval blue foam to be the better solution for wicking better than the white polyfill. I normally did the blue foam mod and the straw mod before I would even use a cart. I would find this to best when you have a thicker liquid that doesnt feed well with the standard carts. Google both and I'm sure you will see exactly what I'm talking about. And you are right those carts dont hold much at all... Good Luck. Happy Vaping.


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Jun 6, 2012
Interlochen, MI
So I'm not the only one lol, it was cool at first because the first few hjits tasted like the rasberry pomegranette tea that used to be in the bag lol.
I just might try the blue foam, i dunno, I guess I'm mainlyt trying to find a way to justify the extra money i spent on a new ecig lol, but so far my Volt beats it in every way, except when I drip, but like I said, sometimes its just too inconvenient


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Jun 6, 2012
Interlochen, MI
All I see is how much better atties are, but between the 801 and the super mini I had a while back, so far I dont see it, they seem to get too hotr and if you take more than a few hits within 10 minutes the taste deminishes till you let it sit

But maybe it's just the attys I've tryed and others are good, but I'm getting a lot better flavor and reliability from my cartos


Senior Member
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Jun 6, 2012
Interlochen, MI
All I see is how much better atties are, but between the 801 and the super mini I had a while back, so far I dont see it, they seem to get too hotr and if you take more than a few hits within 10 minutes the taste deminishes till you let it sit

But maybe it's just the attys I've tryed and others are good, but I'm getting a lot better flavor and reliability from my cartos
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