E-cig only? Or e-cig and cigarettes?

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Aug 4, 2012
VA, USA 'In A Holler'
I wanted to quit analogs SO bad! I ordered my first PV and got it on 8/7/12...charged up the battery and switched on 8/8/12. I haven't had an analog since, but notice in the last week, that I've craved for the smoke TH. I'm sure everyone can tell the difference between the analog hit and a vapor hit. I can physically feel the difference, which seems to be the part I miss the most. I've got KR808 batteries, and eGo-C, and an APV like the lavatube...I like them all, but none give me "that feeling". I use them in different situations (APV at home, eGo/KR8 at work or out at a bar...) I'm also working on picking out the right juices...I've tried several in the last few weeks and found some I hated and some that I know I'll keep ordering... So, no, I don't do both, and it's been a mission of mind over matter...I live a block from the gas station and could easily pick up a pack! I'm satisfied with the nic I'm getting, and LOVE that I don't wreak like smoke, but miss the actual analog sensation...and super odd to say, but in my lungs...AND ISN'T THAT THE REASON I QUIT ANYWAY!?!? LOL

That is the first post I've read that mentions that aspect of smoking (LH=feeling in the lungs), and couldn't agree more! I'll try to help with knowledge I've gleened from reading ECF for several weeks. It's an answer but not an answer!? :confused:
Almost every variable you can think of could make that difference, e.g. batt power, manual or auto, cart or cartos or tanks, ohms, top coil or bottom coil, ratio of PG/VG, nic level, this company or that company, phase of the moon, etc.):blink:
My feelings are, higher PG ratio, and\or higher nic, and\or maybe a smidge of menthol would probably be the big 3. Or there is the option of just 'pushing through' those feelings.
Well, that is my :2c: and YMMV.


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
I didn't even try to quit, but the first week I was down to a few a day. Fearing withdrawal, I continued to smoke 6 or 8 a day for almost two years while vaping. Toward the last, I started vaping alternately while smoking. Over time, my brain decided that the cigarette tasted nasty and the ecig tasted good. I made up my mind to quit one day and found it to be an easy affair. Most of that easy quit was due to the length of time that I only smoked with coffee in the mornings and one after a meal. I'd have one before bed, also. I was only marginally addicted at that point due to the low number I smoked.

I think that for people who find it rough to quit, let your ecig take them away slowly. Vape and allow yourself a cig here and there and once you decide to quit, do it! If you have to give in to the urge afterwards, don't worry about it. That's when you will discover that they stink and taste bad. At that point, you will be thoroughly convinced that you are better off without them and really don't want them anymore. As long as you crave them, quitting can be tough.

The worst part of the addiction is mental. The physical part goes away in a matter of days.
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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
lotsoffish - did upping the nic level help you out with not craving? I just posted about how I'm craving...but I think it's more for TH and how the vapor "feels". I've heard that more nic = better TH. I smoked ulta-light analogs, and researched the nic level as 6mg per stick...so when I ordered my juices, I ordered 6mg. I've since realized and researched that analog nic levels and vaping nic levels are likely not the same (since no one really knows the nic level consumed in the vapor). I'm wondering if the feeling is more like "smoke" for you when you upped the nic level, or if you really couldn't tell...I'm not really looking for more nic...at least I don't think, but I want that feeling...I want to call it that "lung feeling"...but THAT just really sounds terrible :blink: The production of vapor from all three PVs I'm rotating is really great...TONS actually...so it's not what's "going in"... Thanks!!
I am pretty sure I know what you're looking for, and how to get it...

What you need is a hotter vape, because then you will feel it more.
And the best way to do that is to increase the power behind your vape setup.

You can increase the power by either getting lower resistance, or more voltage.
Don't be afraid to increase your juice nic levels. 6mg of nicotine from an analog does not equal 6mg/ml juice. Not only that but even if it DID equal that, you are only actually uptaking 10-25% of the nicotine compared to the analog due to the delivery method (not conclusive due to the way studies have been done so far).
Here Here!

When I ordered the KGO for my Dad, I upped him all the way to 24 mg, PG. It made all the difference in the world. Previously, he was "vaping" those dreadful KR808's from I think it was called V2 e-cigs? at 12 mg? And he couldn't quit. He's a month off of analogs now. Serious plume, throat hit, satisfaction.

It just takes a while to withdraw from the 200 carcinegans and chemicals per analog. As far as habit, addiction? Absolutely nothing is going to do 100% FOR you. There's got to be some fight there yourself.

Go to the highest mg you can find; I've heard of 30, 34 mg. Switch flavors. tinker with PG/VG variations, different cartos/clearomizers. Eventually, you'll find the right combo that will make it easier for you.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2012
I vape only. I smoked for over 20 years, then quit for another 20, then started again during a difficult project at work. Then I discovered vaping & I'll never go back to analogs. I had an analog recently & it made my mouth taste horrible & made me dizzy. Vaping offers a variety of flavors, doesn't give me bad breath & doesn't stink up my house & office. I love it!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2012
I tried a Blu disposable when my husband was in the hospital for surgery and was surprised that I liked it and it took care of the cravings. I started with another company's mini cigs and hated the taste and discovered that all I was doing was charging batteries all the time. I found this place and a couple blogs thru an Internet search and discovered the volt from smokeless image and ordered their $20 starter kit and fell in love with this whole vaping thing. I was smoking analogs too but it didn't take long before I realized I didn't like them as much as vaping anymore. I had been smoking for years and have tried everything to quit even Chantrix (stopped me from smoking but weirded me out and when I stopped taking it I was so depressed I wanted to die). I had given up even trying to quit. I have been off cigarettes now totally since Aug 2. I am using 24 Mg and just ordered a bottle of watermelon 18 Mg for evenings. The 24 satisfies me during the day but in the evening its been upsetting my stomach a little but I'm glad I started on the 24. I don't crave cigarettes anymore because the strength I have is enough for now.....will see what happens. So I bought another kit (more batteries with pretty light colors and a charging case) and got the x2 and a clearomizer (that what the watermelon is for) as well to see how I like that. From my time spent reading posts I've gathered that you can't have too many batteries anyway. This has been fun. I never dreamed quitting could be fun and easy. :)
And after lurking here for a couple weeks I decided to just jump in and register.....now I'm working on my first 5 posts......I think this makes 3.


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Aug 1, 2012
Smoked for 20 years.

Picked up a disposable from 7-11 four months ago. Tried smoking an analogue the next day when the battery died... Smoked half if it, realized how nasty it tasted, flicked it off the porch and immediately went out and got ripped off by a brick and mortar starter kit for $60. Then I found this forum and learned how to be a vaper... Never looked back.

Vape only, no cravings... what's to crave?


Senior Member
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Aug 26, 2012
That's awesome, congrats on quitting... Just out of curiosity, what type of kit would you recommend for a noob? I've been told I should definitely get something 510 so that I can mix and match parts easier in the future if I stick with it. I'd like to find something in the $30-40 range that I can refill using liquids (so one with a tank I guess? I'm still not sure if you can refill the other types of cartridges, I keep finding different answers for that when I google it).

Smoked for 20 years.

Picked up a disposable from 7-11 four months ago. Tried smoking an analogue the next day when the battery died... Smoked half if it, realized how nasty it tasted, flicked it off the porch and immediately went out and got ripped off by a brick and mortar starter kit for $60. Then I found this forum and learned how to be a vaper... Never looked back.

Vape only, no cravings... what's to crave?


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Aug 19, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
After several decades of analogs, I had my last one on 19 March 2012 and have been vaping exclusively since. I love being able to vape indoors (I never smoked in my house), in restaurants, stores, and even in the airport! Now DH doesn't have to wait inside for me while I have that last analog before going through security at the airport. LOVE it!


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Aug 1, 2012
rob79:7060502 said:
That's awesome, congrats on quitting... Just out of curiosity, what type of kit would you recommend for a noob? I've been told I should definitely get something 510 so that I can mix and match parts easier in the future if I stick with it. I'd like to find something in the $30-40 range that I can refill using liquids (so one with a tank I guess? I'm still not sure if you can refill the other types of cartridges, I keep finding different answers for that when I google it).

I'd recommend the New Vaper kit over at GotVapes, it's $80 but you'll just toss that $40 kit and want something better. IMO that's the best sub $100 kit out there.

If money is an issue, litecigusa has a Joye 510 starter kit for $35. Get the manual battery type and some Boge 510 cartomizers from the same site. They can be refilled several times.

I prefer Vermillion River juices, they have an excellent deal on a sample pack of flavors.
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Bullette the Cowdog

Ultra Member
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Mar 5, 2012
Treasure Coast, FL
I vape only. I smoked for over 20 years, then quit for another 20, then started again during a difficult project at work. Then I discovered vaping & I'll never go back to analogs. I had an analog recently & it made my mouth taste horrible & made me dizzy. Vaping offers a variety of flavors, doesn't give me bad breath & doesn't stink up my house & office. I love it!
Thank you so very much for posting. I have been beating myself up for a very long time. I couldn't imagine anyone would return to smoking like I did after 25 years clean.
Yes, I smoked for 15 years, quit for 25 years, & picked it up again for 10 more years!!!
Tried everything short of chantix. Even tried hypnosis. Nothing worked for me to stop this time.
Vaping is a lifesaver.
I am down to about 1 cig every other day now.
Thank you again for your story. It gives me hope & now I know I am not alone with my crazy addiction.
Bullette wags tail happily at Geena.


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Aug 26, 2012
That's good to hear. I usually smoke a 1-1.5 packs/day, but to be totally realistic I think I'm more addicted to the actual act of smoking than the nicotine - maybe a 65/35 split. The only time I ever quit for an length of time was by using those nicotine inhalers, but they taste gross and they're expensive here. The patch did nothing for me, that's why I think it's more about the actual act rather than the nicotine... Can't wait to see how it goes, I'm psyching myself up for it.

I smoked Marlboro lights for years... Pack a day. 18Mg is more than enough for me.
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