E-Cigarettes in Canada

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Jan 8, 2010
Milton, Ontario

First post here :p

I've ordered the starter pack from GreenSmoke.com but it has already taken 3 weeks and it's still not here. Does anyone else have problems shipping e-cigarettes into Canada? Is there a Canadian supplier?

Also, are there any other e-cigs like GreenSmoke? I like the 2 part design, I don't really want to mess around with e-liquids and stuff (unless the cartridges are poor from GreenSmoke and I have no other options).

Let me know, thanks guys.


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Oct 7, 2009
Strathmore, AB
Welcome! I started with the Green Smoke, it took about 2 weeks before I got the kit in the mail box. That being said, I never had any problems getting carts / accessories from them: Make sure you place your order with them 2 - 3 weeks before you need carts. In my opinion way to expensive especially if you vape alot. Now I use the 510.

Lots of suppliers based in Canada: None of them (please somebody correct me if I am wrong) sell the cartomizers. If you want to order from a Canadian supplier you will need to change your product.

Cartomizers are great however refilling / topping up carts is no big deal, you get used to it.

Considering the cost of the Green Smoke stick with it for awhile or return it for a refund and get a different type of e-cig.

Partial list of Canuck suppliers:
vapables.com (juice only)


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Jan 8, 2010
Milton, Ontario
Welcome! I started with the Green Smoke, it took about 2 weeks before I got the kit in the mail box. That being said, I never had any problems getting carts / accessories from them: Make sure you place your order with them 2 - 3 weeks before you need carts. In my opinion way to expensive especially if you vape alot. Now I use the 510.

Lots of suppliers based in Canada: None of them (please somebody correct me if I am wrong) sell the cartomizers. If you want to order from a Canadian supplier you will need to change your product.

Cartomizers are great however refilling / topping up carts is no big deal, you get used to it.

Considering the cost of the Green Smoke stick with it for awhile or return it for a refund and get a different type of e-cig.

Partial list of Canuck suppliers:
vapables.com (juice only)

Cool, thank you very much for this list. I just purchased a 510 set from HappyVaper, he instantly refunded some of my money because I bought the most expensive shipping and the basic shipping would take the same amount of time (cos I'm so close), that's some good service right there :p

I have another question while I'm here though. My pack of cigarettes says it contains 1-2.4mg of nicotine, while the smallest amount I can find for e-cigarettes is 4mg, are they rated the same way? Do American cigarettes really contain that much more nicotine?

I purchased a 16mg disposable (by accident) hauled on it for about 10 minutes and I had my heart rate going crazy, if it is rated the same, I smoked about 8 times what I normally would in nicotine :S

Ranting aside, I've just going with the 0mg for now, just to make sure I have no side effects to just the PG or whatever is in it, then maybe step it up :p


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Oct 7, 2009
Strathmore, AB
4 mg nic = 4 mg of nicotine per ml -
This has nothing to do with the amount of nic American analogs have.

If you vaped madly on 16 mg of nic for 10 minutes, yip you would be sick! I know I was. Go slow, try 10 - 12 puffs per session ----> this compares to smoking one analog. So if you smoked 2 analogs per hour then 2 vape sessions per hour. Regardless of what I tell you ... In the beginning you are going to over do it! If you feel sick, stop it, give it a break, eat your supper and drink lots of water.

There is quite a bit of info in this forum explaining nic absorption etc ... I have my own take on all the nic stuff related to e-cigs.

Best if you review the other threads to get a better idea of what you need for daily nic intake using e-cigs
Start with http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/nicotine/44958-so-we-getting-we-not-nicotine-2.html

Also read the posts by DVap - good info.

Since you will be using a 510 make sure you review the article by Kristin in the Joye 510 forum http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/fo...ng-you-ever-wanted-know-about-your-510-a.html

Have fun and vape on!

BTW, Jack is a great guy! And so are the other Canadian Suppliers, I have not had an issue with any that I have used to date.


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Jan 8, 2010
Milton, Ontario
I had no idea about the nicotine per ml lol, thanks for that. Also thanks for that link for everything I want to know, I'll be sure to go over that once it arrives, looks pretty in depth :p

Getting the 0mg for now, I've read on here a bunch of people have had different reactions to e-cigs, and I'm just gonna see what happens without any nicotine, to be sure I'm not feeling a certain way due to too much nicotine.

Again, thanks for the info, and I look forward to lots of posts once I get everything set up :D


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Oct 7, 2009
Strathmore, AB
Overlord: Have you ever ordered from cigdealer.com? Ar they based in Canada?
They have really cheap juice ($15 for 50 ml).

No information about who they are, where they are located posted on the web site.
Might be a scam.

Edit: I did a search and came across a post by Leaford about cigdealer

'Lastly, there’s direct from China, from Cigdealer. In stock, and ultra cheap at $25. But maybe too cheap; there’ve been several complaints on E-Cigarette-Forum about poor service, slow shipping, and bad products.'

Here is the direct link
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2009
Stony Plain, AB
Overlord: Have you ever ordered from cigdealer.com? Ar they based in Canada?
They have really cheap juice ($15 for 50 ml).

No information about who they are, where they are located posted on the web site.
Might be a scam.

Edit: I did a search and came across a post by Leaford about cigdealer

'Lastly, there’s direct from China, from Cigdealer. In stock, and ultra cheap at $25. But maybe too cheap; there’ve been several complaints on E-Cigarette-Forum about poor service, slow shipping, and bad products.'

Here is the direct link
Leaford – An E-Smoker Forever! -|- Leaford’s reviews, E-Cigs, E-cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, e-pipes Blog Archive So everyone wants a Vapor King…

Oh ...my bad. Sorry, thought they were canadian :)
Guys please don't be posting suppliers names here. It's not like hc can't find them any ways but with all the pressure on the suppliers no need to be making it easier for hc

The problem will now to be able to know who sell nic juice.....

I switch to e-cig to not smoke any more analog and now with the no-nic situation in Canada, it's will be a pain to be able to stay at the e-cig. I need my nicotine dose, I'm a real druggies, lol....

And the worst it's that 3 or 4 of my friends are looking to switch but what can I say, "Wait and continue to smoke analog, HC is ... (not to say bad words)".

Anyway, time will tell us....
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