FDA removes warning from Chantix

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ECF Veteran
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Oct 10, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
Chantix’s sales dropping from $846 million in 2008, to $671 million last year.

FDA removes warning from controversial anti-smoking drug



ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
Yeah, well, thanks a heap. Was trying to go to bed and now I'll probably either have insomnia or nightmares all night.

I saw a news article about it recently that set me off. WTF? It wasn't just a warning, it was a black box warning.

I've read a couple of people on ECF saying they had no problem with Chantix, but I've read a whole lot more from those having moderate to severe problems. Why is it okay for people to die simply because they want to quit smoking? Oh that's right, follow the money.

I cling to the hope that the backlash against greedy pharmaceuticals keeps gaining momentum. There are a lot of people in more dire situations than us that are being given a life-threatening shaft due to greed and political payoffs.

Really hoping I'll now have satisfying dreams of throttling a pharma executive. I'd call that a good night's sleep. Throw in some politicians for an extraordinary night's sleep. :D


ECF Guru
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2013
In the Mountains
From the above: "I saw a news article about it recently that set me off. ...?" I'm on a weird computer that won't let me delete the ellipses or question mark. I didn't type it but when I try to edit it, it doesn't show up. Please ignore. Now I'll have nightmares about the too. :cry:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
There seems to be good evidence that tobacco is medicinal for some people with certain psychiatric conditions so may be withdrawing that benefit is complicating for those people. Even if this drug helps people "quit" it doesn't account for what happened to me, a relapse after 10 years of not smoking. I've met others with a similar experience. It's hard to imagine I would start smoking again if I couldn't vape but I'm not trying to stop vaping and have no intention of trying to stop without a compelling health reason. I've read enough of the crap spewed out by so-called public health institutions. I just want them gone. The best way for that to happen is reduced funding as tobacco tax collections decline.
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