FSUSA needs a slogan

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
Everything suggested so far is very good... well, most of it anyways. :lol:

I know I may be getting a little deep here and apologize now for doing so. But, let's look at this from a marketing aspect as if we were NOT already vaping. Sure, there are vapers out there we want to try and convert to FSUSA, but the real market is all the other people who are still smoking and that's who we really want to help. For example, we need something we can put on a t-shirt and while wearing it it would make a smoker stop us and ask about it. We need something that can be put on a billboard so when smokers see it they will call, google, or otherwise visit. We need something with the "right words" so if a smoker does want to look for an alternative they can find us easily using the keywords in the slogan. Remember, we want to look at this from a smoker's point of view. So let's try a few things already mentioned but needs a little more punch...

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Smoking alternative but full of flavor!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Put electronics in your cigarette for true freedom!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Do you really want to smoke around your children?

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Freedom to breath, taste, and enjoy smoking again... indoors!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - From our family to yours... smoking freedom.

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Stop smelling like a cigarette with us!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Not smoking is sexy!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - No weight gain with our alternative and lots of flavors!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Our flavors don't make you smell like a cigarette!

FreedomSmokeUSA.com - Future alternative to smoking available now!

Well okay I went a little overboard and we may have to reword a few things to keep them out of the spotlight of the FDA. But you get the picuture. Now let those creative minds loose!
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