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Full Member
Sep 21, 2011
NE Phila Suburbs
Same here. It's not that I wanted to quit smoking ..... its that I wanted to quit smoking cigerettes.

I think this post illustrates how I feel about it best. I enjoy the actual act of smoking, and when I was on analogs, I just felt guilty. They are expensive, the ways to reduce cost are being either eliminated or cost-equalized, and laws and popular opinion get more negative towards smokers every year. I watch old movies and TV shows sometimes, and think, "man, it must have been cool to just whip out a smoke and not have anyone think I was a freak, or jump me with facts, figures, studies and all that." It's nice to not have to go outside, not have to worry that the baby is going to sneak up behind me and bump into a lit cherry, or that I'm going to set something on fire.
Now it's just the people who ask, "when are you going to actually QUIT?" The answer to that of course, is "I found a way to enjoy it without any of the things you used to ..... about, so .... and get off my back."

So, I may eventually get down to 0mg, but I'll probably keep vaping, and I'm OK with that.


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ECF Veteran
May 21, 2011
Over here it's a question of when am I going to be smoking real cigarettes like everyone else because ecigs just haven't landed like they have in the US. I honestly don't know a single "anti" because everyone smokes, smoked, lives with a smoker or is in constant contact with someone who smokes. You just don't nag people for smoking because everyone does or did.

I physically can't smoke a real cigarette anymore. I tried, and it proved I am no longer a smoker and never wish to be one again.

I never wanted to quit smoking, I had to and I'm not "old" at 24. I see no reason to quit vaping; the nicotine is about as bad for me as a coffee is at a whopping 8mg.

For me to stop vaping I'd have to start smoking again because I like to "smoke" but I can't smoke again and don't want to so I wont stop vaping.


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ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 3, 2011
I also have panic disorder and generalized anxiety with depression. I've gone from 18mg down to about 3-6mg in 6 months. For me, I think it's all about the hand to mouth habit that relaxes me, not necessarily the nic. Eventually I'll be 0 nic, but I don't plan on stopping vaping. I seems to fill some kind of void.

Wow. I have Panic Disorder as well. I'm sorry to hear there's two other ECFers struggling with it as well. It's horrible and something you can't truly understand unless you've experienced it. Fear of increased panic attacks kept me from even attempting to quit smoking for a very long time. I plan on working down to 0 nic as well if I can, but having something to hold and draw on really does help me to relax (as much as I ever can LOL). I think it's more about the act of drawing in and exhaling that helps me since it can assist with slowing down your breathing and preventing hyperventilation.
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