Plans change

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Full Member
Dec 28, 2014
Hamilton, ON, Canada
So my plans were all set:
  1. buy vaping starter kit [check]
  2. Smoke last cigarette [check]
  3. Start vaping [check]
    [Here's where we are in the plan]
  4. Slowly start reducing nicotine
  5. Reduce nicotine down to 0mg
  6. Quit vaping

But I've been thinking, why stop vaping?

I like vaping.

My initial thoughts were; vape as a smoking cessation strategy and then like most of the other smoking cessation products quit them once I'm well beyond the smoking habit.

But it doesn't have to be that way. I'm enjoying vaping.

I'm interested in hearing the thoughts of other vapers who took up vaping to quit smoking. Was your original plan to eventually quit vaping as well, how many do? How important is it to reduce to 0mg nicotine? Do a lot of vapers vape on 0mg.



Ultra Member
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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
yeah I kind of like it meets the hand to mouth thing, nicotine supplied, it's fun, tasty, a fun hobby...I know in that thread would you quit vaping, I'd said yes.

same here I wanted to quit smoking and have 7 months ago, and I quit with a goal of getting off the nicotine in a year, we're fastly approaching that and I'm at 12mg that jump to 6mg is a biggie. But do I want to quit vaping? not really..taper off nicotine absolutely. Reality of that probably really low, reality of staying OFF ciggarettes, really high.


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I traded in my smokes for my vape gear. Didn't have any plans to quit and even after over 3 years still no plans to quit. I don't plan on going to zero nic either. I see absolutely no reason to give it up. I started out at 24mg but that was to strong for me. Dropped it to 18 and stayed there for a while. It got to where it was to strong. I am down to 10 to 12 mg or somewhere close to that. I make my own juice so I just ball park the strength. If that starts to feel like it is to strong I may drop it lower. If you get a chance, read up on nicotine. You may find that isn't the big bad wolf we have been lead to believe it to be. Smoking, maybe but nicotine, nope.


Supporting Member
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Dec 14, 2013
Plans? I don't need no stinking plans! I didn't even plan to quit smoking, it just happened (in less than a week!) when I found vaping (and ECF!) a bit over a year ago.

Now there were darn good reasons to quit smoking, but I don't see any compelling reason reduce my nic level any further or to quit vaping.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 9, 2013
Columbia, SC
But I've been thinking, why stop vaping?

I like vaping.

Yeah, and I like smoking. I thoroughly enjoy smoking. For me if I don't vape I'm looking for a cigarette, so the answer to the burning question why stop vaping is, for me at least, no reason....vape on. As for zero nic, I'll be there one day I believe. Down to 3mg now with the original intention of using only in my high wattage toppers but soon found myself using in Nautilus tanks as well. I'll soon start making 1mg liquid then zero nic. Then the question becomes why continue vaping to which I will answer myself at that time...shut up and mind your own bees wax. :)

Good luck in your own quest. And when you're totally off everything please let me know how that cigarette craving thing works for ya.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2014
My story is the same as others'. Quit smoking kind of by accident within a week of getting my first e-cig setup, six months ago. Before that I smoked for 41 years. Thought I'd vape for a few months and then quit. Finding that I like vaping, have no desire for cigarettes, and am seeing pretty big benefits from not smoking. I'm not going to continue to vape out of fear that otherwise I might start smoking again, I'm going to continue because it fills that same space in a better, more fun way. I went from 18 nic to 12 to 6 in the first two months, and so far I'm staying at six, occasionally 12. I think I may have made the jump to 6 a little prematurely, as I find I am vaping a lot more than I did when I was using 12, but that also coincides with being laid off, so I have more opportunity to vape. I've toyed around with diy juices, but I"m still using only premade coils, in nautilii and kanger subtank. just bought a ipv3 to be able to fire the subtank. I went a little nuts with the juice sales that have been going on, so i have about 300 ml of juices steeping or ready to vape.
I recently tried to quantified how strong my urge to vape is, and to compare it when I smoked. I'd say the urge to vape is a lot mellower, I don't feel that massive, immediate desire like I did for a cigarette. Still, it's a pretty strong urge at times. I want to start resisting that urge a little bit, otherwise I fear I'll find myself with a drip tip in my mouth all the time. So, while I do plan to begin to moderate my e-cig intake somewhat, I have no plans to either quit or to lower the nic any further. In fact, I don't really notice any diffference between vaping 12 and 6, unless I chain vape a bunch in a short time.

recap: me too


Ultra Member
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Apr 26, 2014
Eastern, PA, USA
If it works out, I'd like to get to 0 nic. I never imagined getting there faster than 10% the time I used tobacco. That gives me two and a half years. I'll step down when I feel like it. During my first 4 months of vaping I step down my nic concentration while increasing my nic intake. I went from 2ml-5ml of 12mg/ml (plus) to 8ml-12ml of 6mg/ml on a device with higher efficiency of getting nic in my blood (judged by feel).


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
So my plans were all set:
  1. Buy vaping starter kit [check]
  2. Smoke last cigarette [check]
  3. Start vaping [check]
    [Here's where we are in the plan]
  4. Slowly start reducing nicotine
  5. Reduce nicotine down to 0mg
  6. Quit vaping

But I've been thinking, why stop vaping?

I like vaping.

My initial thoughts were; vape as a smoking cessation strategy and then like most of the other smoking cessation products quit them once I'm well beyond the smoking habit.

But it doesn't have to be that way. I'm enjoying vaping.

I'm interested in hearing the thoughts of other vapers who took up vaping to quit smoking. Was your original plan to eventually quit vaping as well, how many do? How important is it to reduce to 0mg nicotine? Do a lot of vapers vape on 0mg.


I never planned on quitting smoking -- I didn't think it was possible. Then I found out it was! So now I'm like.. Quit vaping?


Stop using nicotine?

Again... why?

I can't find any good reasons for either.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 25, 2013
Levittown, NY
Great topic. Just yesterday I was at an early afternoon New Years Eve party in my CEO's office and there were a few of us vaping. My boss is quite friendly to us vapers, due to his son quitting smoking and turning to vaping about a year ago (I was glad to help). Our VP, an ex-smoker started with the whole "you should just quit like I did routine". I calmly explained that in the past year I had dropped from 18mg to 6mg without anyone's prodding and that if I decided to quit I would so on my terms. But right now I just love my flavors, my family and friends are quite proud of me, and it ain't a cigarette so I was ecstatic doing what I'm doing.

She than looked at me and responded "I sure wish I had something like that when I quit" Lol


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2014

I made plans 20 years ago to quit.....cold turkey. Complete failure.
I made plans 19 1/2 years ago to quit......with patches. Was good until I got to lowest nic and when I hit the stop point, major no go.
I made plans 18 years ago, again with patches. Same results and realization that the cost of patches versus poor success rate made it absurd.
I made plans 16 years ago......with meds. Sounded good until I read the side effects and cost. If I am going to kill myself by what I put in my body, it will be smoking, something I greatly enjoyed!
I made plans 15 years and 10 months ago to stop making plans. My wife, family, and doctors all accepted "my plan" and I stuck to this one faithfully until.....

About 9 months ago, my niece gave me a toke on her pen. I can't say it was anything that great, but decided to do some research on what was available and at what cost. It seemed really inexpensive compared to smoking and cessation products, so picked up some gear and juice and gave it a try. No "plans", no schedules, and no specific expectations. For what I would spend on analogs for two weeks, I got vape gear, so thought I would see where it took me.

Results? Last analog 3 days after buying that gear. No intent on lower my nic level, but after upgrading gear, it has dropped from 18 to under 10. Plans from here? There are none. I'm just going to cruise along analog free and let it take it's won course. No plans. No schedules. No pressure. At my age, let tomorrow bring what it brings. If lucky, I may even be able to stop and smell some roses.


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May 25, 2009
Vermont, USA
I have no plans to stop vaping. It's a safer way than smoking cigarettes to get my drug of choice...nicotine. I like nicotine. A lot. It keeps my energy level up, improves my concentration, helps me multitask and it helps my disposition in the face of stress and demanding schedules. I'm also some sort of mutant, it seems, because while I use 12-18 mg juice, I can chain vape 24mg with no symptoms of discomfort whatsoever. I often wonder if I'm the only one here like that!

Oh, and I also love the whole vaping experience. I'll have plenty of time to quit vaping once I'm dead.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
I don't think I really made any plans.

Well, I guess I did way back in the beginning. I had planned to finish up a carton of cigs and not buy anymore. The vaping took over though and after months of just sitting in my fridge, I ended up throwing them out before moving out of state. They were NOT going to make the trip with me. I didn't need my security blanket any longer.

After those plans went out the window...I realized I really can't make plans :blush:
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