GoodEjuice Apple Cured and BlackJack

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2011
Bellingham, MA
**I received these samples in exchange for a review of this product**
*My opinion and review of this product has not been skewed by this*
PV Used: 1300 mAh iGo
Apple Cured 12mg 50/50:
Smell: Very strong apple smell
Color: Very light
Consistency: Thin
Flavor: Pipe tobacco with a hint of apple
Throat Hit: None
Vapor: Low

Right off the bat you can tell this is going to be a strong apple flavor. The smell is almost over the top, yet when vaped, the apple seems to hide in the background perfectly. The tobacco taste was very much like what I'd expect from pipe tobacco. The apple dances on your tongue in perfect lockstep with the tobacco flavoring.
The throat hit and vapor production were a real dissapointment especially given the PG/VG ratio and nicotine levels. It is so smooth that I could not feel it at all, and I would have to heat up the cartomizers with 3 or 4 quick puffs just to get any vapor. I tried this on 2 different cartos and got the same results each time.
Overall a very solid taste meant for a specific crowd. This is, in my opinion, a great juice to use on occassion when you are looking for a different sort of tobacco.
BlackJack 12mg 50/50:
Smell: Nutty
Color: Dark, yet almost translucent
Consistency: Thin
Flavor: Nutty tobacco with a hint of honey
Throat Hit: Great
Vapor: High

The first taste of this juice I thought I was vaping honey nut cheerios with a strong tobacco taste, it was great. I vaped this one for almost two straight hours and didn't put my PV down for more than a minute. I thought I had found the perfect tobacco vape. I tried the juice again this morning and the flavor changed on me (probably my taste buds). The flavor is still solid, but I almost feel like I am puffing a cigar with a touch of honey.
The TH and vapor levels were exactly what I'd expect as I was getting a nice TH and clouds of vapor, very solid on both fronts.
Overall I like this juice, I LOVED it until the flavor changed. I am going to let this one sit for a few days and see what happens.

Thank you for reading my first review. Please be kind ;)
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