Harsh vape until tank warms up?

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Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
United Kingdom
Hey guys,

When I first pick up the mod after leaving it for about 15 mins or more, the first 5-10 hits are harsh and somewhat cold, then after the tank and coil warm up it goes nice n smooth again, I can't figure out why for the life of me.

It's not a wicking or priming issue as I've pretty much done all that needs to be done, I use 80%vg, when I use 50/50 it tends to lessen the amount of harsh hits but it still is there somewhat.

I'm using both the steamcrave rta and the isub apex. It only doesn't occur on my glacier v2 rda for some reason.

Any ideas? I've come across several other people going through this on forums. It's not the nicotine and it is not a throat hit as there is a clear distinction between the two, rather a harsh and somewhat burny dry sensation on the throat (flavour still present).



Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
United Kingdom
The thick ga of the wire is probably your issue. Try using 28ga. 24ga would need a ramp up time hence explains why you say that after a few drags it goes away.

How about a 26ga, would that work?

And do I need to build up the wattage gradually when first firing after the mod is left, or is it okay to start at the "sweet spot" right away? Because I always thought firing at that ideal wattage right away may burn the wick too fast.


A Geek with a Cool slice
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2016
How about a 26ga, would that work?

And do I need to build up the wattage gradually when first firing after the mod is left, or is it okay to start at the "sweet spot" right away? Because I always thought firing at that ideal wattage right away may burn the wick too fast.
26ga will work, and no need to gradually bring the watts up. Post back on your results if you would; so I'm sure your a Happy Vaper.
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