Smok Nord 0.6Ohm Harsh Hit

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Callum McDonald

New Member
Jan 7, 2020

About a month ago I bought a smok Nord Device using the 0.6 Sub Ohm Mesh Coil. I initially started using Salt Nic’s (Ohm Brew Blue Slush 6mg) and was working fine.
A couple of days ago it started to be a bit harsh on my throat (mainly on exhale). I then found that I could use standard e-liquids with the 0.6 coil, so bought Element Fresh Squeeze 6mg.
It’s still harsh on my throat, it’s not really painful but I can’t take the large hits I could before so is dampening my vape experience. I have changed the coil a few times trying to fix it, primed it each time etc. (prior to and after changing liquids)

I can’t figure out why it’s harsh on my throat as it’s been harsh with both salt nics and e liquids, and have changed coils....

Any help would be great as feel like I’ve done everything I can...

Callum McDonald

New Member
Jan 7, 2020

About a month ago I bought a SMOK Nord Device using the 0.6 Sub Ohm Mesh Coil. I initially started using Salt Nic’s (Ohm Brew Blue Slush 6mg 50VG/50PG) and was working fine.
A couple of days ago it started to be a bit harsh on my throat (mainly on exhale). I then found that I could use standard E-Liquids with the 0.6 coil, so bought Element Fresh Squeeze 6mg 80VG/20PG
It’s still harsh on my throat, it’s not really painful but I can’t take the large hits I could before so is dampening my vape experience. I have changed the coil a few times trying to fix it, primed it each time etc. (prior to and after changing liquids)

I can’t figure out why it’s harsh on my throat as it’s been harsh with both salt nics and e liquids, and have changed coils....

Any help would be great as feel like I’ve done everything I can...[

Callum McDonald

New Member
Jan 7, 2020
I’ve used a SMOK Nord device with the 0.6 coil for about a month now and had no issues.

I started using (50VG/50PG) Nic Salts - 6mg Nicotine and had no issues.

I ran out so went to the shop and bought a standard E-Liquid (50VG/50PG) - 6mg.
Suddenly the hit was much harsher on my throat and I couldn’t take big drags anymore.

Since then I have used a
50VG/50PG 6mg Nic Salt
& 80VG/20PG 6mg E-Liquid
as well as changing the coil (and priming new one properly) a few times but the hit is still harsh.

I can’t work out why the hit is still harsh... any help?

Callum McDonald

New Member
Jan 7, 2020
Welcome to ECF, Callum.

I'm not familiar with either of the flavors you've mentioned, but I would assume they're menthol/mint types. If I'm correct, maybe they're irritating your throat? How long have you been vaping?
I have tried a variery
Welcome to ECF, Callum.

I'm not familiar with either of the flavors you've mentioned, but I would assume they're menthol/mint types. If I'm correct, maybe they're irritating your throat? How long have you been vaping?

Some were menthol, some weren’t. since I’ve used an eliquid rather than nic salts (see the liquids on my other post).


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
It’s still harsh on my throat, it’s not really painful but I can’t take the large hits I could before so is dampening my vape experience.
Welcome and glad you joined.
Your problem could result from many causes. Some remedies have been mentioned. My first recommendation of this type is to try to vape by eliminating all possible causes first. Could try vaping VG only and see if the harshness goes away. If is does, suspect PG intolerance and/or ohms/high heat problem. If it does not go a way, VG intolerance and/or ohms/high heat problem. If PG/VG ok then add nic and check. I left out a few steps but you get the idea. Test by process of elimination. Could read through these:
Why is My Ejuice Harsh? (Updated) – DIY OR DIE Vaping
Why Your E Juice Tastes Harsh (And How To Fix It...)
The Vaper`s Guide to PG and VG Allergies (and what to do about them)
PG Sensitivity
Harsh Juice? Some Troubleshooting Tips : DIY_eJuice
Wattage vs. Flavor | E-Cigarette Forum
How many watts do you vape at?
How to adjust your base to reduce that peppery harsh Nicotine taste | E-Cigarette Forum
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