Has Big Tobacco infiltrated some of these brands?

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ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
just so its clear this is a post from 10/26/13
It just seems to be an epidemic lately. If I was any sort of nuts, I'd suggest that big tobacco has somehow infiltrated each and every vaping manufacturer and has paid them to make each and every device as faulty as possible yet only to the point we're all able to say "it just tastes burnt!" and yet we can't tell what the mechanical problem is.
at this point the best we can do is say we tried, back away, and quit trying to help where help is obviously not wanted or appreciated.

i will keep reading these posts for amusement but I see not reason to keep feeding the bears.

it has become clear reading back on several others, this is someone who does not want any help and does not care what our opinions are, i guess because we dont all have youtube channels that parrot his feelings on a specific device. from the beginning we have offered tips, tricks, suggestions and even gear, only to be insulted and rejected at every turn, and this is really someone who does not want our help, just a place to spout about their superior intellect and experiences and most likely wont stop until we do.

have fun GN hope that dripper works out for you (it wont)


Ultra Member
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Dec 10, 2012
Northern Indiana
Okay everyone we have to do an intervention. One of our fellow Vendor Employees has admitted to being a Vendor Employee. If we're to keep up this ruse as like minded vapor users we can't be admitting we're actually a group of 174,xxx+ members of which 20,xxx+ are active that Big Tobacco has placed here just to sell GN faulty vape gear. We can't afford to loose him as a customer!!

Should I change my avatar and signature?

They do mention Sigelei and ProVari, an unlikely marriage, but in some peoples minds stranger things have happened.


Signature Guru
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
My big announcement: I've done serious tests with these devices, and my suggestion is to NOT buy from Kanger, Innokin, Smoktech, Aspire, or ANY store-bought "kit" right now. The products simply don't work. Big Tobacco is just a speculation as to why, but the truth is, devices are PLAIN OUT starting not to work. If you have heads that work, chances are, they're very old.

Congratulations! You've just discovered that popular, reliable, and well known brands have started being counterfeited. The B&M's you buy from have probably discovered they can save 50% by buying these clones. Let me be the first to welcome you to the real world...take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

(This is not sarcasm. This is 100% truth.)


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
just so its clear this is a post from 10/26/13

at this point the best we can do is say we tried, back away, and quit trying to help where help is obviously not wanted or appreciated.

i will keep reading these posts for amusement but I see not reason to keep feeding the bears.

it has become clear reading back on several others, this is someone who does not want any help and does not care what our opinions are, i guess because we dont all have youtube channels that parrot his feelings on a specific device. from the beginning we have offered tips, tricks, suggestions and even gear, only to be insulted and rejected at every turn, and this is really someone who does not want our help, just a place to spout about their superior intellect and experiences and most likely wont stop until we do.

have fun GN hope that dripper works out for you (it wont)

Yeah, after being nailed for his first banner, and then his cute rant about guys like PBusardo being in on a scam, I put him firmly in the "probably a troll, or delusional" drawer, and now just enjoy the bizarre alternate reality of his posts. I mean, c'mon, he's now accusing the posters here of being part of some conspiracy, that's hilarious!

Must be all that hookah juice.


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Oct 1, 2013
FL 510 (Over The Top Baby)
Oh for f sake. I started vaping less then two months ago. I have yet to come across a dud coil head. Any burnt taste I got has been attributed to a juice that must be vaped at a lower temperature. How do I know? Because it only happens when I've got this one juice in the clearo. Doesn't matter anymore. I use carto tAnks now. Try them.

And which manufacturer do you work for, Kanger, Joyetech, Smoktech?? Come on, which one is it, GoodNews has already done all the testing and has determined with irrefutable evidence that 9 out of 10 heads are faulty period, no more discussion needed, Oh Mighty King of all things Vape has spoken.

And he did actually try a carto type device not long ago, a Cicsco atty. (Okay admittedly not a cartomizer but designed along the same lines as a carto) He has some success with it for 30 minutes but then it gunked up and muted the dry skin flavor he so desires. Of course it gunking up would have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the fact he was running it at 3.5 to 4 watts, mixing juice without a dry burn etc. He's been told dozens of times he could dry burn it to clean the coils but he nearly had a complete breakdown wondering if he could do it while writing a novel about whether or not he could do it. The end result, he didn't do it.

Honestly, a cartomizer would only get him off on another "vendor employee" rant because they're all conspiring against him by selling him carto's that don't fill properly. More than likely he'll put the juice down the air passage like he did with every clearo tank he tried then claim it was leaking.


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
And which manufacturer do you work for, Kanger, Joyetech, Smoktech?? Come on, which one is it, GoodNews has already done all the testing and has determined with irrefutable evidence that 9 out of 10 heads are faulty period, no more discussion needed, Oh Mighty King of all things Vape has spoken.

And he did actually try a carto type device not long ago, a Cicsco atty. (Okay admittedly not a cartomizer but designed along the same lines as a carto) He has some success with it for 30 minutes but then it gunked up and muted the dry skin flavor he so desires. Of course it gunking up would have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the fact he was running it at 3.5 to 4 watts, mixing juice without a dry burn etc. He's been told dozens of times he could dry burn it to clean the coils but he nearly had a complete breakdown wondering if he could do it while writing a novel about whether or not he could do it. The end result, he didn't do it.

Honestly, a cartomizer would only get him off on another "vendor employee" rant because they're all conspiring against him by selling him carto's that don't fill properly. More than likely he'll put the juice down the air passage like he did with every clearo tank he tried then claim it was leaking.

I wonder if he thinks we'll all be microchipped next? Seriously, how can there be so many success stories over on the new members forum if every single popular product out there is faulty? Is the entire forum a Big Tobacco scam? If I work for a vendor, I wonder where my pay check is....
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