How do you carry your "supplies"?

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Full Member
Aug 8, 2010
I have a PCC for my 510 so that gives me an extra battery, atty, and cart but what do you do with the one that you're currently using and your juice? The instructions that came with the 510 stated not to use it vertically but what about carrying it around?

I know, full of questions but how else am I going to learn without you guys? I did do a search through the forums but found traveling with ecigs but nothing for general daily transporting.



Full Member
Aug 15, 2010
I bought a small make-up case from Wal-Mart for $2.00. I put my filled PCC, my current e-cig and extra juice and carts in the case. I attach a cart to the juice with a small rubber band so I don't have to try to figure out what cart goes with what juice. I fill everything in the morning before I leave for work and just toss it in my purse.


Trippy Tip Hoarder
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Jul 23, 2009
I just recently bought the new tornado / ego case and it holds a lot . I can fit two 10 ml bottles, a little sister mod and 3-4 cartomizers and atomizers in it with room to spare for back up batteries . It has nice little organizers on the top and bottom so all your stuff doesn't just bounce around in the case . If you havnt seen it it looks like a sunglasses case , I would highly recommend it .I think clouds of vapor .com has it for 9.99 and janty has it for 15 I think but I know if you look aRound you can get it for less than the 25 dollars I paid from totally wicked . Hope that helps
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Jul 21, 2010
I purchased a 4"W x 6"L x 2"D camera case for mine, fits the wetbox, provape and 4/10ml liquids + carts and other little items I need. It has a flap in the middle that separates the PV's from the juices. I can throw it in my purse or just clip it on my belt loop.
There are a lot of great suggestions here on the forums...:)
Depends how long I am going to be out.

If I am going to be out for a while, then I have a leather holster that holds the GLV and a 15ml bottle of juice. Extra batteries are kept in a battery holder that stores in the ammo pouch on my holster.



If its going to be a quick run out, then usually I take a freshly filled carto, and I use the ammo pouch on the front of my holster to hold the GLV, also with fresh batteries.



Vaping Master
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Jul 24, 2010
Depends how long I am going to be out.

If I am going to be out for a while, then I have a leather holster that holds the GLV and a 15ml bottle of juice. Extra batteries are kept in a battery holder that stores in the ammo pouch on my holster.


I've gotta get me one of those 9mm PV's with a pistol grip! Anyway, I just stick the PCC in my pants pocket and the one I'm using in my shirt pocket. If the stuff in the PCC rattles too much for you, just stick a piece of cloth in there. I use it to wipe up spills and clean contacts.
Some great ideas but what do us boys use? I just got mine and i'm guessing i'm gonna hafta carry around my gigantic messenger bag everywhere i go now.

Oh, wait. What... what are these things?? Awwwwww yeah! I got pockets!
dont know about what boys use, but menfolk use their gun holster:D


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Jun 25, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
dont know about what boys use, but menfolk use their gun holster:D

My worry is the cop thinks I'm going for the gun instead of my PV. If theyll tase an 80+ year old woman confined to her bed ( twice ) I doubt they'll even blink gunning me down.

So while Mutts solution is cool, I think I need a less "please gun me down officer" solution :D
I use a Samsonite Camera case my wife found at the Goodwill for like three bucks, and didn't like for the Camera anymore (zipper issue). It measures 2 1/2in wide by 4in long. Works very well as my EDC e-cig kit. I carry four attys, two extra drip tips, extra SD battery,one Tornado battery with the cone attached, 15ml bottle, tweezers, and either one 5ml or two 3ml bottles. The case zips with no problem or rattle, but doesn't "crunch" too much when squeezed due to the semi-rigid material it's made out of. The attys, Tornado battery, SD battery, and the extra drip tips fit into the inner web pocket at the rear. Bottles into the main body. I imagine that any camera case of the same size with a inner pocket would work, and if you get one that's semi-rigid all the better:D
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