I didn't like (?), but now I do; I did like (?), but now I don't (evolution of your tastes)

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ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
I like to hear about vapers palate's evolving and expanding (or shrinking.) I, for one, used to love coffee type vapes, but now, that not only doesn't do it for me, it's antithetical to the type of flavors I want to vape. I also went through a period of loving sweet vapes to abhorring sweet vapes; now, after trying NLVs Gold, it has become one of my favorite juices, though I still don't consider myself a fan of sweet vapes.

What do you like that you didn't before, and/or what don't you like that you used to?


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Aug 14, 2012
It's funny you should mention that because I was all about RY4 too, now it is rather unappealing to me. The really funny part is that the first RY4 I tried, SI's RY4, is probably the only one that I would vape again.

My first RY4 was from cignot mostly VG and very smooth and caramel flavored yet smokey. Now they remind me of burnt popcorn. Although I would actually love it if I could find one that I enjoyed as much as I did that first batch.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
I have been veering away slowly from non tobacco vapes....I don't know why but the rest get disappointing after awhile

Sometimes I look at this Orange de Sangre and think, "okay, it tastes like orange...next!" I guess, for the most part, if I want to taste orange, I will eat one; if I want to taste coffee, I'll drink some; if I want to taste tobacco, I'll vape some. It seems as if I want to taste tobacco a lot. LOL


Vaping Master
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Jun 2, 2011
Sometimes I look at this Orange de Sangre and think, "okay, it tastes like orange...next!" I guess, for the most part, if I want to taste orange, I will eat one; if I want to taste coffee, I'll drink some; if I want to taste tobacco, I'll vape some. It seems as if I want to taste tobacco a lot. LOL

I guess that sums up how I feel too

I still enjoy trying them, but they never make their way into my juice rotation on a daily basis. Flavored tobaccos do though.

I still like cinnamon


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Feb 8, 2012
Levittown, PA
Its funny cuz when i started vaping i was all about FreedomSmokesUSA's Sour Watermelon and Sour Peach. They were so good. Now i cant stand them anymore. Have 2 30ml bottles sitting around gathering dust. Now its all tobacco stuff. Cant stand RY4 though, i used to like Vaporgods RY4 but grew tired of it by the end of a 50ml bottle. Mostly vaping on Dekang DK Tab and USA Red. Just got some HHV Tobacco's in today and loving the Gandalf so far. Need more atty's for dripping imo, only have 1 working one atm. But i think this will be going in my Smoktech Rebuildable Tank when it empties.


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Feb 8, 2012
Levittown, PA
I'd also like to add about how i heard many times before that most people look for tobacco type vapes when they first start out and are sorely disappointed that none of them really taste like a real cigarette. I was at the total opposite of the spectrum so to say. I really dont think they taste like real cigs still but who cares it tastes so much more better than a real one!


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
I'd also like to add about how i heard many times before that most people look for tobacco type vapes when they first start out and are sorely disappointed that none of them really taste like a real cigarette. I was at the total opposite of the spectrum so to say. I really dont think they taste like real cigs still but who cares it tastes so much more better than a real one!

Good point. I was never looking for a cigarette equivalency, but some tobacco taste, luckily I have found more than what I ever imagined was possible. It was strange though, when I found out that tobacco tastes like nuts, caramel and vanilla. :blink::confused: J/K, but I do agree with your way of looking at it 100%.
Sometimes I look at this Orange de Sangre and think, "okay, it tastes like orange...next!" I guess, for the most part, if I want to taste orange, I will eat one; if I want to taste coffee, I'll drink some; if I want to taste tobacco, I'll vape some. It seems as if I want to taste tobacco a lot. LOL

Wow, you nailed the way I feel. Fruit vapes just get too *light* for me and I start craving that tobacco *harshness*. I do like to mix the two together at times. If I do fruit, I like tangy fruit. The kind that gets you in the back of the tongue (to the right and a little to the back....riiiiiight THERE!) and makes your mouth water. Highbrow's Strawberry-Lemonade comes to mind. But I always reach for the tobacco flavors first.


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Jul 24, 2012
Arlington, VA
I really did not like 2 of my favorite vapes when I first got them - AVE 555 and the HHV line - now I vape them everyday.
In the beginning I wanted to try the sweet, dessert vapes, that was a short disappointing phase. Tobacco flavors with a bit of sweetness satisfy me all day now and I'm almost exclusively a tobacco guy - AVE, HHV, Halo, VR, Vapor Room.
I'm still pretty new, so who knows what will happen in a few months, but I think I found my preference.
In the beginning I wanted to try the sweet, dessert vapes, that was a short disappointing phase. Tobacco flavors with a bit of sweetness satisfy me all day now and I'm almost exclusively a tobacco guy - AVE, HHV, Halo, VR, Vapor Room.
I'm still pretty new, so who knows what will happen in a few months, but I think I found my preference.

That describes me pretty well. Oh and congrats on your big quit! You are actually saving money already?!?!?!?
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