iclear 30 gurgling/leaking. help

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Full Member
Mar 23, 2013
Hey guys first post here and a vaping newb of 9 weeks. So i bought an iclear 30 several days ago, at first it gurgled and caused me problems, i then changed the juice and it worked fine for about 3 days. Now it's back to the old routine of gurgling and leaking through centre tube and had liquid build on top of the atty rubber cap. Yet all i hear is how these iclears are supposed to be leak free. If anybody could solve this problem for me it'd be greatly appreciated. I'm on edge and after a good vaping experience :)


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Feb 13, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I've found that, even though the markings go as high as they do, you can't really fill them that high. Only to the bottom of the replacement head at most. I try to keep them there since they don't really seem to wick that well with less fluid. But filling past the 2.5 ml mark or so always results in the gurgling and poor hits in my experience. Try to stay around 2.1. Also make sure the atty head is screwed down good and tight; not too tight, but good and tight.
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Ultra Member
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Feb 25, 2013
haven't had any leaking issues until today.. a little juice is leaking out the bottom of it.. but i think thats due to my friend tipping it upside down for a second like a newb lol

other than that.. its been great.

i'm curious to know about cleaning methods.. someone told me to clean it out after the 3rd-4th refill.. and replacement head after a month of use but i don't know if thats even right info


Full Member
Mar 23, 2013
haven't had any leaking issues until today.. a little juice is leaking out the bottom of it.. but i think thats due to my friend tipping it upside down for a second like a newb lol

other than that.. its been great.

i'm curious to know about cleaning methods.. someone told me to clean it out after the 3rd-4th refill.. and replacement head after a month of use but i don't know if thats even right info

Don't get me wrong, when it worked for them 3 days it was a beast. But obv it needs to work constantly. I ordered 2 new heads yesterday to see if it was the heads that was the issue but it's snowing here in the uk and the royal mail seem to think they are allowed a day off because of it :-(

I'd recommend cleaning it out when your juice begins getting darker and the taste starts to go funky which you'll find will be around your 3rd/4th refill :)
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Full Member
Mar 23, 2013
I have had the iclear 30 for a few days now and havent had a problem.....when u screw the top back on make sure the rubber piece on top of the head does not move off center....that could be ur problem

I'll look into it thanks. Why would it move off from center though? Are the heads prone to slight movement even when screwed in? Using my mini nova currently but it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as iclear when it decides to work.


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Feb 13, 2013
Raleigh, NC
Thanks for the input guys. I'll try and refill shortly. Maybe I've screwed the head on too tight also. I was under the assumption that the tighter, the better (insert joke here) so the juice wouldn't leak into the centre tubing?

Don't crank it down or anything. Just make sure it's snug. They can get a little loose from unscrewing the top cap to refill them.

haven't had any leaking issues until today.. a little juice is leaking out the bottom of it.. but i think thats due to my friend tipping it upside down for a second like a newb lol

other than that.. its been great.

i'm curious to know about cleaning methods.. someone told me to clean it out after the 3rd-4th refill.. and replacement head after a month of use but i don't know if thats even right info

I've been using the same head, same tank, and everything, without any cleaning, almost daily for probably over 3 weeks now. Performance is still absolutely fine. Every now and then, it gets a little burnt from not wicking enough to keep up with my chain vaping, but I fill it to about the 2.1 mark, tip it upside down for a few seconds to resoak the wick, and the problem clears up. These things are really quite reliable. Tipping it upside down for a short time shouldn't cause any problems. Just don't hold it that way for too terribly long. In fact, it's recommended with all clearomizer tanks to tilt them periodically.

One trick I learned to help it wick a little better is to trim just a millimeter or two off the bottom of the silicone gasket on the top of the head.

And I never bother cleaning them myself. They're not expensive to replace. I don't understand why some people rebuild them. Seems like more trouble than it's worth.

But to clean the tank tube, top, and bottom, just rinse it with warm water. If you want to clean the atty head, use a mixture of water and clear liquor (vodka or rum). Ultrasonic cleaners work well too with this mixture in the bottom and are not really all that expensive. Run it for a couple minutes in there, dry it, dry burn it in bursts for a few seconds, and reinstall it. But that, like I said, is more trouble than spending the little bit of money it takes to just replace it.


Ultra Member
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Feb 25, 2013
I've been cleaning it with just warm water..
take it apart and just run water over the wicks themselves.. clean out the tube etc and its been working like a champ for almost a week now.. a little bubbling here and there but really monster TH's which is the part I love.

i've been using the same juice in this one since I got it so if I switch juices may need to clean it a little more thoroughly

won't be getting any other clearo at this point and the price for them can't be beat!


Full Member
Mar 23, 2013
I've just managed to fit everything back together and so far no gurgling or major leaks. I think i was tightening the head on too tight so i took the advice of just making sure it's snug.

Fingers crossed it keeps on working. This things a beast when it gets going.

Thanks to all who gave advice, i was etching ever closer to a real ciggy it was driving me nuts.

Vape on ladies and gents :)


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Jul 28, 2009
Tempe, Az
I think I've got my iClear 30s figured out. When I first got them over a month ago. They gurgled terribly. I pulled out a new head & tried it out again this past Sunday. I screwed the head into the body of the iClear as tightly as I dared, but very firmly. Much more firmly than the ones I did last month. This one is not leaking or gurgling at all. It is however, a VERY low ohm atty. So low that it will not work on any regulated device, like a Provari. It shows about 0.9 to 1.0. So I am using it on a mechanical. Works nice. No leaking. But not near the flavor I was getting out of the ones that were a higher ohm.


Senior Member
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Aug 26, 2012
Kelowna British Columbia
I've found that, even though the markings go as high as they do, you can't really fill them that high. Only to the bottom of the replacement head at most. I try to keep them there since they don't really seem to wick that well with less fluid. But filling past the 2.5 ml mark or so always results in the gurgling and poor hits in my experience. Try to stay around 2.1. Also make sure the atty head is screwed down good and tight; not too tight, but good and tight.

this exactly. I just got my SVD kit today and it was leaking crazy at 3.0, on the second fill I let it leak to 2.5 an it stopped. The only good news is you don't really gotta tilt them so it doesn't matter that much, still kinda lame though.


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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome , and several things can be at fault , as far as leaking is concerned . Juice too thin , You , drawing too hard . not running the voltage high enough to vaporize the juice your drawing in to the coil , or bad gaskets/o-ring , or loose atty head . Lots of things to check . I have been using a few in rotation , for the last few weeks , and have had no issues with leaking or gurgling . If the juice doesn't get vaporized , it' s going to gurgle , and leak .


Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2011
So you don't have to tip them up like the Vivi Novas? I got two iClears today, and I'm ready to toss them.

Juice "pops" and leaks into my mouth. It gurgles. I only filled it up to the top line. I looked at the rubber top, and it definitely was off center. I centered it with a pin, it didn't stop the juice from leaking into my mouth.

My experience so far is yuk. Glad I have a bunch of Vivi Novas.
So you don't have to tip them up like the Vivi Novas? I got two iClears today, and I'm ready to toss them.

Juice "pops" and leaks into my mouth. It gurgles. I only filled it up to the top line. I looked at the rubber top, and it definitely was off center. I centered it with a pin, it didn't stop the juice from leaking into my mouth.

My experience so far is yuk. Glad I have a bunch of Vivi Novas.
Boy,my experience is the exact opposite.Zero leaks, easy to clean, no problems whatsoever.Go figure.I love this thing. Maybe try a complete disassembly rinse with hot water dry with paper towel and reassemble with firm tightening.Could be you got a lemon though,cause when it works right they are awesome.


Ultra Member
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Nov 8, 2011
Boy,my experience is the exact opposite.Zero leaks, easy to clean, no problems whatsoever.Go figure.I love this thing. Maybe try a complete disassembly rinse with hot water dry with paper towel and reassemble with firm tightening.Could be you got a lemon though,cause when it works right they are awesome.

That's a good idea. I'll try that. I laid it on the couch and when I picked it up there was juice all over. I'll fill the other one I got and see how it is.

I think I'm spoiled by Vivi Novas, I really love them.
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