Is the e-cig "worth it"... Financially?

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Jun 27, 2010
South NJ
I spent close $100 a month of cigarettes. About a pack every 2-3 days. So it's costing me more now, but that's b/c I've bought 4 different kinds of e-cig kits. Plus about 3 juice orders and other accessories. Once I find the juice I like and stick with one kit. I'll start to break even and begin to save money.

I also see this as a hobby as well. Do I really need 5 drip tips or 20+ different juices. No, but it's fun and I enjoy it. Do I really need a mod? No, but an auto juice fed box mod or precise would be totally awesome.

I guess it depends on how quick you find out what works for you. Also, whether or not this becomes a hobby for you. You also have to consider how much you were spending on cigarettes. Compared to the pack a day smokers, I was only spending a third of what they were.


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Jun 4, 2008
I've managed to "embrace the new found freedom" without going "device crazy"
I know a woman who has a collection of probably 300 items I won't mention and I've asked her, well, which one is the best ... says, I don't know I haven't tried them all .. LoL over here

For myself and my sister and brother in law I think we'll just be happy with this Hello 016 and keep what we need to keep it going and be satisfied ... I THINK ... LOL .. NEVER KNOW .. I can see my brother in law going a little extreme :D


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Apr 8, 2010
Independence, Missouri
I broke the numbers down for just my smoking habit a bit before I "presented" my findings to my smoking hubby my accountant so to speak. We here in MO smoke the cheapest you can find. Exeter full flavor 100s. $2.75 a pack and even $2.45 at the special smoke shop when it's open. At the special smoke shop it's $18.00 a carton. I go through roughly a carton a week. That's $72 bucks a month from JUST me. Hubby not included lol. Now if I did include him, he smokes roughly the same amount. Which makes it $144 bucks a month in the cheapest analogs we could find. If we went with what we were buying them for which is $25.00 a carton 2 cartons a week: $50 bucks a week totaling $200 a month. That is a crap load of e-cig parts, accessories, and so much more. I could buy all the vendor's t-shirts I wanted! It's really amazing once you get past that initial start cost which was a little saving on my part since I am dirt poor half the time and being a free lance artist doesn't necessarily buy Bentleys or anything lol.


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Feb 12, 2010
Cincinnati OH
Like most people, the upfront cost can be a little high, but now,,,all I order is juice and some attys...Batteries are the big cost for me....So I try and take good care of them....
But, still a lot cheaper then the $45.00 plus I use to spend each week for analogs...
That is $180 a month....No way do I spend that now...Maybe, about $40-$60 a week with my PV....mostly for juice....Enjoy the adventure...
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