Johnson Creek Launch Flavours Confirmed at

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2008
@margouillat: please get your facts straight before posting :confused:

We have announced JOYE'S EXCLUSIVE REPRODUCTION RIGHT for the JANTY KISS BOX (This is in fact the big news, because from now on any other brand will be able to have JOYE produce their very own branded KISSBOX).

We have announced a PARTNERSHIP with JCJ. We did not mention we would sell the JCJ in the EU!

I will not got into details of your conflict with the good people from Cigarette électronique but make sure you get your facts straight in the future and ask permission first to grab copyrighted material from other respected forums k? This way we can all stay friends and share correct information.

Hi everyone !

I'm Mcortex Owner of info-ecigarette

@Margouillat, hope you're doing well, please ask me a confirmation when you want to grab something from my website to build a conflict, I don't want to have some problems because of you, you have been ban from my website 2 month ago, don't try to do the same thing here or to reproduce it, It's not good for your image. My website is copyrighted don't forget it. Member can do some mistaking when they speak and if you don't take your information at the source, in this case Janty, you will be totally disapointed in your communication. Hope that your website is working fine. Have a nice day.

Highest regards,
@ Ludo

Il n'est pas question que je déforme vos propos
Je n'ai fais que reprendre vos écrits sur
En venant sur ce forum, je cherchais à avoir une réponse auprès de qui annonce etre le distributeur exclusif pour l'UE
Effectivement, vous ne mentionnez pas le territoire sur lequel Janty va distribuer le liquide Johnson Creek
En revanche, vous mentionnez qu'il va le distribuer
La confusion vient que cela a été écrit sur une forum français et pouvez laisser croire que vous alliez etre distributeur en France du e-liquide Johnson Creek
Pour le conflit, effectivement, Ludo, il vaut mieux que vous vous absteniez de le mentionner puisque vous n'en avez ni les tenants, ni les aboutissants.
Par contre, moi oui ! Si vous le souhaitez, je peux vous apporter moi aussi des informations sur ce conflit puisque apparemment des personnes bien intentionnées ou "bonnes personnes" d'un forum respectable s'en font l'écho.
Pour rester ami, Ludo, encore faudrait-il qu'on le soit !
C'est la première fois que vous vous adressez à moi
Sur le forum que j'ai créé, je ne suis ami de personne ayant un rapport de près ou de loin avec la cigarette électronique
C'est ce qui me permet de rester intègre dans mes propos vis à des vis des membres de celui-ci
En revanche, j'entends entretenir des liens cordiaux avec chacun
Vous etes invités si vous le désirer à venir poster une réponse librement et sans censure sur notre forum
Nous n'avons jamais censurer quiconque
Vous constaterez également que des liens renvois systématiquement vers la source de l'auteur.
Je ne suis qu'un messager de l'information !
Pour le reste de l'aventure, je vous souhaite de réussir autant que je le souhaite aux autres:thumb:
(in english with google translation)

Ludo @

There is no question that I distorted your words
I did make that return to your writings on
Coming on this forum, I wanted to have an answer to that announcement be the exclusive distributor for the EU
Indeed, you do not mention the territory in which Janty will distribute the liquid Johnson Creek
On the other hand, you mention that it will distribute
The confusion that has been written on a french forum and can give the impression that you were going to be distributor in France of e-liquid Johnson Creek
For the conflict, in fact, Ludo, it is better that you absteniez to mention it because you do neither tenants nor the outcome.
By against me yes! If you wish, I can also give me information on the conflict since apparently well-intentioned or "good people" of a respectable forum to echo.
To remain friend, Ludo, would it still being either!
This is the first time you contact me
On the forum that I created, I am no friend of person with a report from near or far with the electronic cigarette
This allows me to keep my remarks integrates a screw to screw members thereof
However, I maintain cordial ties with each
You are invited if you want to come post a reply freely and without censorship on our forum
We never censor anyone
You will notice that links systematically references to the source of the author.
I am only a messenger of information!
For the rest of the adventure, I wish you success as much as I want the other
@ Mcortex

Sachez que je respecte le copyright de chacun et je demande ou j'informe le propriétaire quand je me saisi d'un contenu
Dans le cas qui nous interesse, je n'ai fait que reprendre des informations publiées publiquement sur votre site internet sans en modifier le contenu
Janty est membre de ce forum et a donc pu donner une réponse ainsi que Macfan
Nous avons la réponse ! Où est le probleme ?
Pour la question du ban, merci de laisser les administrateurs de ce site juger par eux-memes s'il doivent me bannir ou pas
Peut-etre ont-ils un autre point de vue que le votre et peut-etre également que vos régles ne sont pas les leurs ?
Sur ce, je vous souhaite de réussir dans votre entreprise
Nous ne sommes pas pour ma part concurrents, mais complémentaires pour la diffusion de l'information

bonne journée

google translation

@ Mcortex

Good morning
Know that I respect the copyright of each and I ask or I inform the owner when I entered a content
In this case we are interested, I did take that information publicly released on your website without changing the content
Janty is a member of this forum and therefore could give an answer and Macfan
We have the answer! Where is the problem?
To the question of the ban, thank you for letting administrators of this site Judging by themselves whether to ban me or not
Perhaps they have another point of view that you and perhaps also that your rules are not theirs?
Of this, I wish you success in your business
We do not share my competitors, but complementary to the dissemination of information

good day



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2008
U.K. Halifax West Yorkshire
Absolutely, YES, LP :) The same trial sized packs soon to be offered on the US site.

But as you are no doubt aware we will be about a week or so behind the US release in terms of our launch lineup.


I went on your site and there are no sample packs:(I could not wait so ordered the tobacco will you be getting the trial pack in


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2008
London, UK
Hiya Smokester

Just got my order in, went for tobacco, hickory and cherry. Pacing up and down already...

Like the iceman, I'm hot for the sample packs (Chocolate sounds good, but if I hate it I don't wanna be stuck with 30ml minus a squirt)

I know you're about a week or so behind with the launch date but could you post it when you know for sure?

Otherwise your site's apt to crash under the hits of anxious UK e-ciggers...

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