list of acronyms and slang for complete newbies.

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Full Member
Jul 28, 2014
Hey everyone!
Brand new member here, (first post, whoot! whoot!) been a smoker for about 10 years and recently made the switch to the wonderful world of vaping. Gotta say I love it so far, but by far the hardest part of making the switch so far was learning all the lingo and slang... always eye'd the vape section at my local smoke shop but never tried anything more then the normal BLU or njoy ecigs. After several hours of research I felt knowledgeable enough to go into the shop and actually ask for what I wanted and "talk like I knew what I was shopping for" .
I used the "search" feature but couldn't find a post or library of slang/ acronyms for brand new users like myself.. so forgive me if I overlooked a post that already exists but I figured I'd try to give back to the community. found a good starting point from cloud9vaping but it wouldn't let me post a link being a newbbb
feel free to add to this if it doesn't already exist some else


A two-part electronic cigarette consisting of a battery and a cartomizer.3-piece
A three-part electronic cigarette consisting of a battery, atomiser and cartridge.
A regular tobacco cigarette.
Anodising / anodizing
A method used to seal and "finish" aluminum -
The part of the electronic cigarette that heats up to vaporize the e-liquid .
Abbreviation for atomizer.
Abbreviation for Advanced Personal Vaporizer or modified e-cig (MOD).
Automatic e-cig
An electronic cigarette which activates through suction on the mouthpiece.
Abbreviation of the word battery.
Big pharmaceutical companies.
The metal "mesh" part within a standard atomizer that makes contact with the e-liquid in the cartridge.
Big tobacco companies.
Abbreviation of the word cartridge.
Cartomiser / cartomizer
An atomiser built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable - Also see clearomizer.
A plastic mouthpiece usually containing diluted nicotine solution (e-juice) suspended within some type of wadding or filler.
Abbreviation for cartomiser.
A clear walled cartomizer in which the juice level can be seen.
Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down temporarily as a safety measure to protect the atomizer.
DCA / 306DCA
Abbreviation for the 306 Drip Cup Adapter, designed and made by GoodSense Vapor in the USA.
See inhale
Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge. We advise against using this method with unsealed automatic batteries as it may cause your battery to ""stick"" in the activated mode or to die completely.
Drip Tip
A hollow mouthpiece which is used instead of a normal cartridge to enable dripping directly to the atomizer without removal of the tip.
Abbreviation for electronic cigarette.
See e-liquid.
The liquid used in electronic cigarettes that contains propylene glycol and/or glycerin, flavorings, and nicotine.
Electronic Nicotine Inhaler - another name for the electronic cigarette.
The wadding or filler found inside the cartridge / mouthpiece that holds the e-liquid.
A type of foam filter used in aquariums - some people use this substance to replace the old fiber type filling found in most electronic cigarette cartridges.
Genesis / Gen
A type of rebuildable tank atomizer for advanced vapers. It uses oxidized stainless steel as a wick instead of the more common glass-fiber wick seen in mass produced atomizers. Also see Rebuildable atomizer.
The act of breathing the vapor into your lungs.
High resistance (HV)

See e-liquid.
1. The name used to describe the feeling at the back of the throat when an inhalation of vapor reaches that spot.
2. The name of a clever add-on device produced by Evolv Vapor which is used to regulate the heat produced by certain mechanical mods.
Low resistance / low voltage (LR/LV)

Abbreviation for milliampere-hour, which is used to describe the capacity or energy charge that a battery will hold before it needs recharging.
Manual e-cig
An electronic cigarette which activates through the user pressing a small button (like most modern e-cigs).
mg strength
Milligram strength per milliliter (ml) - relates to the percentage of nicotine contained within the e-liquid. For example, 18mg is 18mg of nicotine per ml which is approximately 1.8% nicotine.
Abbreviation for modified e-cig - often used to describe individually designed e-smoking devices that are specially built to use standard li-ion batteries (or different combinations of batteries).
See e-liquid
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patch, gum, etc).
Ohm (Ω)
The standard unit of electrical resistance.
An electronic cigarette "battery" that is attached directly to a USB port or hub, or USB plug. It's always available to use and it means there is no need to drain regular batteries while sitting near a computer.
Personal (or portable) charging case - allows an electronic cigarette battery to be stored and charged whilst on the move. The advent of larger e-cig models have made most PCCs obsolete.
Polyethylene Glycol - a less common ingredient found in e-liquid.
Propylene Glycol (PG) is a colorless, nearly odorless, viscous liquid with a faintly sweet taste. PG is commonly mixed in solution with nicotine and flavorings to make e-liquid. PG is used is to dilute the nicotine, give the solution a thinner viscosity and provide a good throat hit. PG is NOT ethylene glycol, the very toxic chemical in anti-freeze (although PG is sometimes used in lower toxicity anti-freeze applications). Only Food-safe propylene glycol should be used for vaping.
Protected (batteries)
A battery which has a computer chip at the base, which protects the battery and breaks the circuit in the battery from completing if the voltage goes too high or too low, the current goes too high or the cell temperature rises too high. Also see unprotected (batteries)
see passthrough
Pyramid Tea Bags - some users find that this substance works better than the polyester fibre type filling found in most electronic cigarette cartridges.
The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth.
Personal Vaporiser - another name for the electronic cigarette.
Rebuildable / Repairable Atomizer
A form of advanced atomizer featuring a user-replaceable coil which can be rebuilt many times
TH / Throat Hit
The tingling sensation felt in the back of the throat when inhaling.
Topping off
Adding drops of e-liquid to the current cartridge.
Unprotected (batteries)
The battery does not have separate protection against extreme battery events. Also see protected (batteries).
USB passthrough
See passthrough.
Vape, vaping
The use of an electronic cigarette - similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog cigarette.
The name given to the user of the electronic cigarette - similar to the term "smoker" when referring to an analog cigarette user
Vapour / vapor
The smoke-like mist that is emitted from an electronic cigarette.
Vent holes
Special holes made in the casing of high-end PVs or mods, to vent battery gases away from the face in case of battery explosion
Vegetable Glycerin - a common ingredient found in e-liquid. Sweet tasting and of low toxicity, it is thicker than Propylene Glycol and is usually used where thicker liquid or vapor is desired or where a PG sensitivity is present.
Very high resistance / very high voltage (VHR/VHV)

Abbreviation for Variable Voltage. Describes a mod or APV which features the ability for the user to alter the voltage produced by the device in order to change the vaping experience.
Used to measure/describe the power output or heat produced.
An atomizer's heating element is wrapped around a wick which will continually supply e-liquid to the coil. In mass-produced atomizers/cartomizer, this is normally glass-fiber. Oxidized stainless steel wicks are commonly used in rebuildable atomizer and Genesis tanks.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf POSaudi . So glad you are here. Right from the get go you started wanting to help people out. That is what makes ecf so special. Now I know what a Fluval is. :D Good luck to you and happy vaping.
Thank you so much for posting this "dictionary." I have been doing research on the web and reading posts on different forums and it is such a pain to have to stop what I am reading and "google" the word/acronym/slang to see what it means. About 98% of the time, I find something of interest in the results of my search and forget to go back to what I was originally reading.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 24, 2014
Bedfordshire, England
Welcome to the forum, and what a great idea to introduce yourself with a useful post. Fluval is a very big name in the home aquarium business, appearing on pumps, filters, and all kinds of accessories. The filter media you refer to is produced by many companies and if you ask for filter wool you'll get the right stuff. What doesn't poison fish is likely to be safe for us.
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