Little bit of rubber on Kanger Protanks and EVOD BC Clearomisers?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 20, 2013
Birmingham, UK
So I got a Kanger Protank a while ago and as I was building it up I saw a bit of rubber on top of the atomizer. I thought to myself "rubber and heat... probably not a good idea". So I removed it.

Now fast forward to today, like I'm describing some sort of futuristic movie... and I'm washing out my girlfriends EVOD she's been using for a while (with no problems) and it also has a bit of rubber on top.

I guess it's to sort of push the string down a little and cover any remaining hole, but I don't get trouble with my Protank much except a little light gargling every now and again.

So does anyone know for sure why the little bit of rubber is there?

If I put the rubber back on is the Protank less likely to gargle?

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory

Do you mean this?


Senior Member
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May 16, 2013
I've had my Protank for about a month now, it will gargle every now and again but a long draw clears it.

I'ma pop it back on anyway. Thanks for the info gang :)

My experience is that when I cleaned my coil a few days ago I had forgotten to put this back on. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't vaping at all until I took it off and seen how much liquid was in the battery contact area. I use Halo liquid which is kind of thin, could be the difference.
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