Mg when started Vaping

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Dec 22, 2012
PAD lights, started @ 16 went down to 12 and been @ 12 since. When I first started I was only taking 2-3 hits every hour cuz my cigs only had 8mg nic but when I went down to 12 I started just smoking whenever I felt like it...nowadays I puff all day w/o concern, too hard to try and control it especially w/ all the great flavors out there. I go through about 3ml of hypnotic mist a day + about 1ml of random other flavors whenever I feel like it. No plans to quit anytime soon cuz it's just too good but I'll probably go down to 6mg at some point soon :D


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Nov 15, 2010
Cary, NC
I was a 1-1.5 PAD smoker for 8 years.

I started at 18mg. After a few months I dropped down to 12.. Played around with 6 (that was a harder jump).

I picked back up on 12 in April 2012... I've slowly worked my way down to 1mg. I still have some 2mg in rotation, but I can't really tell the difference anyway.

I'm a chain-vaper. Always have been. Probably will be for a long time to come.

And I vape many, many different flavors. I can't have just one!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2013
I was smoking a pack a day of Marlboro Lights for about 17 years. I started out at 12mg and am still at 12mg, but I've only been vaping for just over a month. It was a struggle to go from a pack a day to 12mg, and if I had to do it over I may have started at 18mg, but I've come a long way in just a short period of time so I do not plan on uping the nic level. Yesterday was the first day since I started that I went for about 5 hrs without vaping and today I went about 3 and a half hours. I want to see how the next week to 2 weeks go before trying to step my nic level down, but if I'm able to comfortably go between 3-5 hours a day without vaping and not blinking an eye at it, I'm going to give it a shot.


Senior Member
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Feb 5, 2013
Which time? :) The first go round I started at 12 got down to a stable 4, but lost it at 2. This time I started at 10, cut it down to 5 within a week which was tough and led to a big increase in blood pressure, a big no no for me. I'm stable at 5 now, some flavors are coming in at 4.5. Menthol was is and always will be my main vape.

I found that cutting it 10% or so at a time was doable. That's one reason I started mixing my own. Sometime in the next month I'll lower my menthol to 4.5% and the others at around 4% (maybe)

I was a 3/4 pad of menthol lights, but I never smoked around my wife, so really around 1 pad.


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Jan 10, 2013
I started at 8mg but was vaping almost 15ml a day. So I upped it to 12mg and was vaping 4-8ml a day. Now I'm down to 6mg and vaping the same 4-8ml a day. I only started vaping about 3 months ago. I was a PAD smoker. I started with the low mg because I knew I would vape more than I smoked, but 8mg was way to low to start with.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Pad smoker for 37 years, camel straights for 25, then Marlboro reds for 12.

24 mg, 3 ml/day, on standard 808 & Riva gear for 8 months.

Went vv, doubled the power and went to 6 ml/day. After a couple months I dropped some mg, then a few months later started dropping some more.

For the last year I've been 10 mg, still 6 ml/day. Might drop a few mg this year, but no real burning urge to do so.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
I was a .75pad smoker, or more if it was social, but I also used to smoke cigars, and inhaled those suckers also. I had to start on 36mg just to make sure that cigar wrapper never got opened the next hour, I still use the 36mg, but vape less throughout the day. I started on a basic tobacco-cherry flavor like my cigars were. The cigars tasted better than my juice sadly haha but I got through and now I only smoke socially when my buddies find some new flavor of cigar or cigarette they happened to have come across.


Senior Member
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Feb 5, 2013
I think I may have to bump up my mg for a while and see how that goes. Does up-ing the mg make your BP go up?

Good question, bad answer, who knows exactly. I *think* my BP increase was due to withdrawal symptoms. I started a thread asking if menthol affected BP (menthol cough drops are known to cause problems with BP medication) The general opinion was it didn't make a difference. In general, I would expect that if you increase the mg, you will lower the amount of vaping. Thus the nicotine level will not jump as much as you think. We are all basically trying to get a stable level of nicotine in our blood stream to stop withdrawal. For me, too little nicotine was the problem. So I'm cutting the nic in smaller increments.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2013
As someone with prehypertension, it does for a short time, just like smoking a full cigarette, not the lights. If you ARE concerned it will effect your health I'd talk to a doctor to make sure, but if it's just a trivial thing, I wouldn't be too concerned with it, 18 and 24 are usually safe levels. I live on the edge so 36 just always seemed good to me :2cool: I would recommend if you go to 36, to use it like you would a cigarette, now and then, not constantly. Used to get WICKED headaches.
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