Mg when started Vaping

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Jan 18, 2013
North Carolina
I started at 24 mg and quickly went to 18 as it was too much. I began trying new flavors and when I tend to find one I really like I buy a Lowe nic because I vape that flavor more often. Currently 9 is the highest I have and the rest are 6. I tend to only vape 6. Started a month ago, and before smoked a pad Marlboro lights. I really like peppermint and apple pie, which is weird because I didn't like flavored analogs or menthols at all.


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Feb 13, 2013
Long Beach, CA
I quit analogs August 2012 and didn't start vaping till december 2012 and I started at 0mg and I was perfectly find with it. I used to smoke a pack of camel menthol silvers every 2-3 days. For me I must say it is a psychological thing, because every time I smell cigarette smoke I still crave it, but then I hit the vape then BOOM craving gone.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2013
What mg did you guys start with when you finally decided to drop the analogs? How often within the day did you actually vape? What was your satisfying flavor? and what mg are you using now...? Thanks

Ive been at 18mg for two years and find I cant lower it just yet...

I started with 12mg because I wasn't sure and didn't want to go too high. Now I use 12-18mg (I started vaping in December), depending on the vendor, flavor, etc. At first all I really liked was a menthol I got with my cig-alike kit, or shortly after (I forgot when I tried it the first time). Then I tried vanilla from them and loved it, as well as a few other flavors, then I tried clearos and juices and now I hardly use plain menthol flavors. I still like them, but I'm loving other kinds of flavors now. I was a menthol smoker, for the most part, for almost 7 years. When I started vaping, I vaped pretty much all day, every few minutes I would take a few puffs. I still do, but I stay home with my child to homeschool her, so I'm home all day, and I love how I can vape any time, basically, when I used to have to run out on the porch for each smoke.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
I chain smoked 43 years, full strength. When I started vaping I went with 18mg., jumped to 24mg for about a month, but the stronger mg. did bad things to my BP and I had bad anxiety and headaches. After a trip to the ER and a night at the hospital...I dropped to 12mg when I got home. That was in November 2011. By October 2012 I'd gradually reduced my nicotine to 4mg. and am just now dropping again to 3.5mg. I figure eventually I'll get down to 0 mg. but have stopped trying to predict a timeline for that. I'll get there when my body says I can do it. I do know that I'm far less addicted to nicotine than I am to the habit of "smoking" itself. Dropping my nicotine levels down gradually over the past year and a half has been painless, really. Even when I get to 0 nicotine, I'll continue to vape. I know that for sure.
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